11 November 2020 #MAGAanalysis

Be Of Good Cheer

Many of you know that I've now enjoyed 24 hours of Twitter's Penalty Box. On Monday it was purely accidental. Yesterday, I commenced my analysis of their trigger and found it, precisely. I was a link to an article.
2) I'm pretty sure I won't get penalized for posting the title of the article, which I will do in my next comment below. By the way, I've had friends post the article who received no penalty for doing so. That is an important part of the analysis. Hopefully we'll get there.
3) The link to this article was the instantaneous trigger, placed upon my account and not others.

Here goes nothing:

"Undeniable Mathematical Evidence the Election is Being Stolen"
4) Ha! I passed the test. Their algorithm bots are NOT reading my the content I write, but they are programmed to deny me certain stories to post by link. Oh, and I did test that name at Google a moment ago and it comes right up. The article is still there.
5) Some of you may have seen that I tested retweeting the incredible @JohnBasham's phenomenal data analysis earlier this morning. If you have the time, you want to study it carefully, for sure.

6) Sadly, I do not have the time to slowly and carefully and delightfully read through and follow all the wonderful data work above, or this thread either. I hope you do! Thanks go to @KateScopelliti for sending me both threads.

7) If you're following along, and have the same hope I have, which is to learn what is allowed and what disallowed by the Twitter Bots, it's good news that when you find a Tweet not blocked, you may likely Retweet it without consequence. That is well tested, now.
8) Perhaps the most interesting part of the censorship testing I've now completed, is that fact that others may post something and not be blocked, whereas when I post the exact same link, I am instantly blocked for 12 hours. I tested this not only here, but at Facebook too.
9) At Facebook, I was not sent to Facebook jail, but my attempts to post the exact same article there was instantly blocked, when I attempted. I have friends who, when they attempted, had no problem posting the exact same link. It should be obvious what this proves.
10) Both outfits not only employ clear censorship, they do it with algorithms targeted all the way down to individual accounts, with individual profiles indicating various levels of restriction. I consider that to be an incredible finding. I have proven it completely.
11) With not a little personal pride, I now have direct and conclusively proven data that I've gotten under their skin over there at Twitter HQ. On that note, I now wish to offer a speculation as to their indicated internal protocols. Imagine with me, if you will...
12) Imagine that there is an entire structure of censorship protocols all of which had to be programmed in their Control Bots System. I'm tempted to call it CBS, but someone else has already coopted that acronym. To be sure programmers had to execute this system and maintain it.
13) But blame programmers for the rule set anymore than you can blame bots for their actions. The rule set itself had to come from somewhere. Now a brilliant programmer, following the mission of the firm, might have dreamed this up and sent it up the chain of command (COC).
14) Equally likely, though, it was Command Level, at the very top of the firm, that sent orders down the COC with clear instructions as to what was required. I think the latter more likely than the former, but either gets the job done. Let's look at 1st scenario for a moment.
15) The two most salient points, in case of 1st scenario:

1) A Programmer Knows The Mission of the Firm
2) An Executive COC likes, approves, and sends instruction back down the COC

No matter the genius of the programmer, it is the Executive COC that bears all responsibility.
16) Now imagine further the kinds of meetings that had to take place in order create such a powerful censorship system. Interruption, let's see if my Facebook post on topic is allowed to be linked here. I'll try that below...
17) Test of Facebook discussion link:

18) Awesome! It worked no problem. I'm impressed, seriously. Again, if you have time, you'll find a robust, respectful, diverse and absolutely inclusive conversation there. Many of my best friends are brilliantly shining blue in political color. Yet we all get along.
19) You can believe me when I tell you there's a story there. In the discussion we go after deep root causes of today's censorship, with many of my most blue friends arguing that it isn't censorship and other such truly interesting points and perspectives. That's one story.
20) The deeper story, of course, is the 5-year journey of coming out in public at Facebook for Donald Trump, and how we made it through to this point. We have culled our own heard of commentators and friends so that we may disagree so very agreeably. Again, not a little proud.
21) Okay, getting back to our Corporate Censorship Overlords and their many meetings. I do assure you of this. There is a corporate philosophy, a crystal clear mission, and attending values, assets, and capabilities. These are known and understood by everyone participating.
22) All ideas are vetted through those structures. The most fundamental, the most pivotal structure are the corporation's values. Rarely discussed as such, they are the unseen loamy topsoil where the nutrients of the firm's actions, assets, and direction grow into great trees.
23) Perhaps even more aptly, values are the aquifer level water of life that the firm's roots search out and, once attained, suffer the firm to build its great power. The water is more than just liquid, it is the stream where all the earth's nutrients are collected.
24) In all those countless meetings the nutrients in the sap rising from deeps below to its destination in the leaves of the tree. Leaves extract the nutrients and put them to there great work of production. Completing our analogy, the bots that sent me to penalty are leaves.
25) Their function demonstrates the core values of the firm itself. I hope that is abundantly clear now.

The last stage of this imaginary analysis follows from the term maintenance. Such a censorship system cannot operate all on its technical own. Humans are required.
26) I can readily assure you that every single bot action in this censorship system is robustly logged in an vast database. The database generates reports, very likely in real time. These reports are monitored by flawlessly trained individuals. Again, in real time I'm sure.
27) I'm sure the bot system is programmed with its own alert system, defined by certain actions or observations programmed to generate instant alerts. More importantly, there has to be a hierarchy of action triggers that the human monitors are instructed to generate by hand.
28) Why? Why all this structure and hierarchy? Because the values of the firm, and its clearly identified mission requires all that to be there. No matter how unimaginably vast the technical system may be, the real decisions are always made by humans.
29) The values and mission decisions are made by humans in advance of authorization of assets for deployment. But the most interesting human decisions are those in response the data procured. Action decisions are the key that understanding of the firm requires we discover.
30) Look again at the title of the infractionary link:

Undeniable Mathematical Evidence the Election is Being Stolen

How in the world was THAT link flagged for instant punitive action, the moment I posted it? How did that decision get made? That is an interesting question.
31) As fascinating to a systems analyst's mind as it may be, discovery of the firm's inner workings is not needed. Imagination serves more than adequately. All we really need understand are the outworkings of their actions. I don't know about you, but I'm satisfied with that now.
32) Finally, for our last focus today, let's tackle the substantive subject underneath all these exciting adventures and discoveries. Here's a current point of conflict:

An Office of the President-Elect


A deeply corrupted and massively contested election
33) I hear that FOX's ratings are plummeting. The simple reason may be indicated by language, and language generated in the precise same way as depicted in our imaginary excursion above.

Form "Former Vice President" to "President Elect."
34) At one point yesterday, I came out of my office in a break between coaching sessions, only to see, Kate and Anthony watching a Press Conference with..."President Elect Joe Biden." I had a literal retching response. I was literally nauseous to my stomach.
35) Usually it's one of the highlights of our evening, Kate, Anthony, and me, to watch the entire hour of Tucker's show. Last night I couldn't do it. And Kate and Anthony were not upset when I requested a change of channel. We're still loyal fans of Tucker's, but that was a blow.
36) We don't actually trust Bret Baier but still like him. But during his show last night with his constant repetition of the corporately mandated term about President Elect Biden (PEB), I couldn't watch anything but his interview with Sec State Pompeo.
37) Can you see it? Twitter's censor bots and FOX's language mandate enjoy the precise same values system and generate strategically tied outputs. One silences Pasquale. The other bows the knee for Biden on national TV. The underlying values are the same. Exactly the same. Equal.
38) When Twitter and FOX are living upon an equal values foundation, their roots are tapping the same aquifer, then you know that there is a larger force causing all this. I propose that for FOX, while heading this way for a long time, it is Voter Fraud that completes the turn.
39) The more I analyze these things, the more I think my own policy statement on language turns toward the term Cabal, to include all things Deep State, the Swamp, evil Media Bias, a coopted Democratic Party Leadership, China's ownership of American political assets, etc.
40) Looking to the sweep of history, where FDR was the great leader of the Cabal, it didn't own Truman. Truman thereby was a one-term president. The Cabal did not own Reagan, but he knew how to negotiate with them adequately. And, they owned his VP George HW Bush.
41) Having Bush in position to become Bush 41 was an adequate good to them, until Bush 41 became unpopular and had to be replaced by one of the most corrupt and subservient minions, what celebrating must have taken place when their boy was elected.
42) To feel all this, you only need visualize any time you've ever seen the Bush's, Clinton, and Obama together. You need only remember that Bush family policy is to support Joe Biden. How do glance over that sweep and argue otherwise? I can't.
43) There is a Cabal that deems the Office of the POTUS to be one of its greatest and most important assets, and will not blithely allow the theft of its greatest weapon readily. We can glean so much from that fact.
44) The aquifer level values running this nation, and its long drift away from our Constitution. The raping, pillaging, and burning of our great economy. The transplanting of our factories, jobs, and our trade policies. These are the fruit of Cabal's tree, grown from its waters.
45) There's more. Who remembers how the Obama Administration did more than embrace Islamic Terrorism, demanding by language that all the attacks were to be deemed "work place violence?" Who remembers the gutting of our military and our arsenal?
46) There can be no question that Eisenhower's Military-Industrial Complex warning was that of a retiring minion, admitting that he himself had been under the Cabal's thumb. We may have liked Ike, but who remembers him, who loves him? Not many.
47) If all my speculation is correct, there's just this much more to glean from it today. I can't speak to the present, but I perceive the leaders of the Cabal to have enjoyed, in the past, a grand historical vision underlying their phenomenal vision forward.
48) The date I always give is 1848, the year the Communist Manifesto was published. Most don't follow the other author, not Marx, Engels. While scion of a rich German family, has was sent to Manchester England at age 22, and remained connected to England the rest of his life.
49) Not only did Marx live in London for many, many years, his work was received at the highest levels of both British and American government, and was published here as it was released. The English language world was one of vast importance. As were our 1st amendment rights.
50) Both Britain and America have always led the way in the support of free speech, and the Communist Party always knew that, treasuring it as one of its greatest safe havens. Would you find the roots of the Cabal, that's a fantastic place to start.
51) I've discussed it many times, one of the great prophets of the Cabal's path through centuries was Saul Alinsky. We can say with ease that the Clinton 2 loss in 2016 sent the Alinsky trained members of today's Cabal into analytical overdrive. A return to the core was demanded.
52) I genuinely believe that the Cabal was shocked and stunned when Trump won. I can only imagine the instant meeting that took place, likely via Zoom or some such video conference connection. Generating instant instructions for poor Hillary.
53) I don't imagine Obama to be a mere minion, although he surely could be. If he is, then my bet's on Valerie Jarrett as the true Cabal boss in the outfit. I do imagine both of them present on the conference that night. I assure you, @GenFlynn was most certainly discussed.
54) Remember, on November 10th, a day and a half later, warning against General Flynn was one of the key messages Obama gave Trump in the Oval Office. I suspect that that was actually an olive leaf offered Trump by the Cabal. Testing to see if they could negotiate well.
55) I imagine that if Trump had been willing to heed that warning, it would have placed Flynn as a pawn on the board, a token of willingness to build detente.

I must mention that pardoning Flynn by a pardon of innocence remains the single best option, as it has always been.
56) Where does all that leave us, today? The aquifer values beneath both Twitter and FOX are the exact values underneath The Cabal's plans so steal the 2020 election. How can anyone doubt the coordination of these events? I can't. Can you?
57) I've said it before, but far less times than I felt it. I love Trump. I've even offered weak arguments to friends who accused my analysis of being built solely out of Trump love. I am a better analyst than that, but I was wrong to suppress the emotion.

58) If there is a single reason - there are scores of them - but if there was a single reason #ILoveTrump it would be that I believe with all my heart that he fights The Cabal on our behalf with all that he has.
59) What I saw in all the polling data this season was that The Cabal understood it must employ strict controls with fierce force over the pollsters who knew they were self-immolating. The concept of a Color Revolution and its CIA methods became clear at the same time.
60) I stated early and was a guest on both @annvandersteel's and @tamaraleighllc's show on topic. I was far from alone in making the easy call that this story ended with a vote fraud strategy to complete the theft of the election. Everything easily indicated it.
61) The values aquifer feeding FOX right now has, as I said above, shown itself in its instant, happy, deep acceptance of PEB and his Officious Office. I assure you, my own absolutely NOT unique bodily response to this is a true point of data. We'll see where FOX's ratings go.
62) Everything I hear from the campaign, and the wonderful data analysis I presented above, all indications are the Trump is using every power at his disposal to fight this battle with The Cabal on our behalf. So I say - and I'm stealing this from @KateScopelliti - Hold The Line.
63) #HoldTheLine Mr. POTUS, as you are the great line of last defence our people have facing the enemy within. Without you, Sir, what is our hope to defeat The Cabal?
64) #HoldTheLine, please, so that we may regain our faith in what we see to be rigged systems, eating our Constitutional Republic's vitality and integrity from within.
65) #HoldTheLine, Sir, so that the dream of MAGA may not die and that we, your followers, continue forward for #FourMoreYears of the fight, together, to win back our nation, and our children's future.
Thread ends at #65.
P.S. 1) Here is the first thread ending at the blocked article link, and landing me in the penalty box for 12 hours:

P.S. 2) Here is the second interrupted and penalty inducing thread:

• • •

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13 Nov
13 November 2020 #MAGAanalysis

“It looks like they’re going to have to put that plywood back up.” ~ Kate Scopelliti

@KateScopelliti sends me the best articles. Fearing another Penalty Box Lockout, I obviously had to test the link she sent me, and check it out! No problem. Wow!
2) I should share that I tested both Jim Hoft's article, which we'll follow in a bit more detail below, by employing The Gateway Pundit's own Twitter share button. Guess what, I tested this from YouTube the same way!

3) Oh man, how much do I love that amazing music video by Miles Guo? We'll see where today's explorations lead, I hope to come back to its meaning. But now, here's the key part of Jim's title again:

Read 24 tweets
13 Nov
1. I just got a message that says the president is requesting that every registered voter send him a snail mail letter to demand a full audit of all 50 states.
2. Send this to
President Donald J Trump: White House: 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington DC 20500. He will use this at the Supreme Court.
3. He is asking all of us to send him hardcopy letters as evidence that we the people are demanding an audit. Please do this tomorrow.
Read 8 tweets
12 Nov
12 November 2020 #MAGAanalysis

Could It Be, The Greatest Fraud In Human History?

My friend @TPCLJ forgives me for liking Karl Rove. And, I confess that I do. For all that, a Twitter-Style warning should be placed on this article of his!

2) We've talked about it before. There truly is something called THE BIG LIE. I have a favorite song on this topic. It's awesome. I urge you to follow the logic underlying the song. It's actually very important.

3) Let's go back to Rove. In his so smooth there-was-no-systemic-fraud argument, can't you just hear Shaggy's smooth voice: it wasn't them, wasn't any fraud, it wasn't them...?

That video indicates two imaginings for me, two TV shows of many seasons.
Read 46 tweets
10 Nov
10 November 2020 #MAGAanalysis

The Law of Welcome

I was interrupted yesterday, by a suspension of access to my account for breaching Twitter's standards. Even if I were able to suppress my anger and bile, I still cannot finish it.

I discovered I am unwelcome.
2) Please don't comfort me. I know that you, my friends, welcome me. Your welcome has, until now, been a thing a profound joy and deep honor. I have never failed to note it, or failed to respect its fragile nature. I know I must always be a worthy guest of yours.
3) Those that of you that know me, will understand that my first flash of instinctive rage was just to close down the account and have done. But as I know myself, I note such emotions, allow them to pass, and think cooler thoughts soon enough.
Read 25 tweets
9 Nov
9 November 2020 #MAGAanalysis

"There is a lot of ruin in a nation." Adam Smith

I'll explain Smith's comment below. Here, I'm introducing the work of a Twitter anonymous patriot. This is a thread we'll follow, comment by comment. Feel free to skip ahead and read his thread now.
2) One more point of process, we have a second topic we'll tackle today as well, called Hammer and Scorecard.

One of Adam Smith's friends was severely worried that our rebellion would cause the ruin of England. Smith's droll response was to that question.
3) I don't know if, by 1776, the concept of a flywheel had been discovered yet. A flywheel receives and stores kinetic energy. The more it spins, the more energy it holds. It will keep on spinning for some period of time after new energy stops coming in and being added.
Read 20 tweets
8 Nov
8 November 2020 #MAGAanalysis

The Entire Election In A Single Tweet

In coming comments, I'll share a couple of screenshots about this tweet. It tells the entire story. I have not yet begun to become angry. Well, that's not true, but it's nothing compared to what may yet come.
2) Unless POTUS' legal team can pull this one out, then a simple, single conclusion we grow obvious. Yawning, back in 2016, we awakened. We stumbled through 2018 not realizing who our enemy was, nor what their methods might be.
NOTE - I'm interrupting this thread to watch an 8 minute video a friend of mine just sent. I'll be back after, shortly after...
Read 47 tweets

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