#IHC in a constitutional petition filed by a #Journalist@ArshadSulahri held that the Director General of the #FIA is expected to formulate guidelines for the investigating officers, having regard to the principles highlighted in the judgment of the august Supreme Court.
It is further expected that the Agency will consider prescribing special guidelines regarding proceedings against persons engaged in the profession of journalism on account of the profound effect on the freedom of press and independence of a journalist when the coercive powers
are abused, giving rise to a perception of retaliation to professional functions performed. In this regard the Agency may
consult the key stake holders.
The Federal Government i.e. the Prime Minister
and members of the Federal Cabinet are elected representatives of the people and
this Court has no reason to doubt their will and commitment to jealously guard against any attempt to undermine the #freedom of the #press and the constitutionally guaranteed rights of the people of Pakistan whom they represent. It is their constitutional duty to dispel any
perception of inhibiting, limiting or restricting freedom of the press through abuse of coercive powers by the state functionaries. This Court is confident that, as democratically elected representatives of the people, they would take prompt and effective action to prevent the
abuse of coercive powers under the #PECA 2016 in general and against independent and responsible journalists in particular.
A Bill titled 'Protection of Journalist Act 2014' was tabled before the lower House of the Majlis-e-Shoora (#Parliament). The Federal Government may
consider proposing similar legislation, inter alia, having the object of providing an effective forum for redressing complaints of journalists, which relate to
freedom of the press
The Federal Government may also consider
meaningful consultation with all the key stakeholders i.e.
#APNA, #PFUJ, #CPNE etc regarding dispelling the perception of apprehensions and intimidation of independent journalists and abuse of coercive powers by public functionaries, particularly in relation to exercising powers under the #PECA 2016.