How me and 25 000 of my friends helped to save our country from #COVID19
And how you can too (a thread)👇
Obvious to all Europe, US & many others facing enormous 2nd waves of #COVID19
We know what works. 1. Lockdowns buy time 2. Limit transmission 3. Contact tracing 4. Protect HCWs
It works - Victoria absolutely crushed big 2nd wave & has had 2 weeks of ZERO community transmission
You health care workers know this. You are screaming it. But how do you get the decision makers to listen?
1 voice is not a story, it's too easy to dismiss
1000 HCW voices is a story
10 000 voices can shape THE story
People listen b/c HCWs don't often speak
Free technology makes it easy to do
1. Find a gang (diverse & open) 2. Write open letter SUPPORTING gov taking strong action on #COVID19 3. Use Google forms to collect signatures of HCWs or Drs (not general public) 4. Use this support to apply private & public (media) pressure
We did this in Australia to build a small but diverse, adaptable & active group of core HCWs & then collect 25 000 signatures of our colleagues around the country
People & media listened. Gov listened. We changed a LOT of things
No funding. Some got permission to speak to media
Defs not perfect. We got pushback & we / Australia made mistakes++
But - we are looking to 2021 w optimism & hope. <1000 deaths of 25 million pop. Zero community transmission. Businesses open.
Part of our success is b/c our healthcare workers found their voices & spoke TOGETHER
So if you are a HCW screaming into abyss & just desperately want someone to listen - try it
Happy to share strategy & resources in more detail, just comment below. Can make more detailed how-to
PS. We're aware that we could yet stuff it up & we require constant vigilance!
3 page document on what we actually did with the Google forms that you can copy and use
Early on, we bypassed our professional societies who were downplaying threats & even telling us to shut up
It took socs months to catch up. Too slow if your house is on fire
It is hard to act w uncertainty, but our group of 20 +thousands of HCW signatories was wind at our backs
We did 3 open letters over 4 months, each time using emails from first to grow signatories
Once gov took threat srsly we pivoted to HCW protections, gathering 1000s of real life stories of inadequate PPE to feed to media to contradict official narrative that 'all was fine'
Some members eventually made a website to host stories & resources & to speak directly to media and public. It will be really useful for the coming phases but YOU can start without it!