Our community has the knowledge & skills that our patients need but we lack simple & robust frameworks
My talk on #pedsPC at @worldcongressic #WCIC19

¾ kids who die in PICU do after WLST
= palliative care in the PICU is inextricably linked with care in the PICU, & we are the best ppl to manage it
#pedsPC #WCIC19 @worldcongressic
1. See clearly (use benefits vs burdens)
2. Build professional consensus
3. Create shared understanding w family
4. Offer active palliative care
#pedsPC #WCIC19 @worldcongressic
Benefits vs burdens for THIS patient, THIS treatment, THIS time
'Futile' treatments can keep patients alive (not futile). 'Best interests' can seem paternalistic or antagonistic
#pedsPC #pedsICU #WCIC19 @worldcongressic
1. Consult broadly
2. Help colleagues move beyond a contract of cure
3. Encourage clear vision with benefits vs burdens
#pedsPC #WCIC19 @worldcongressic
1. Always let the family talk first, they will tell you where they're at - if you let them
2. Clarify facts w words & pictures
3. Then create shared understanding
#pedsPC #WCIC19 @worldcongressic
Parents want every care, attention & consideration, not 'everything'
Plan your palliative care like you plan your other therapies
Establish family's wishes & redirect hope
#pedsPC #WCIC19 @worldcongressic