Why is it celebrated?
Why is it allowed?
How does it advance white supremacy?
The answer to both the first and second is the third, so let's mostly talk about that one.
But first...
If you're not sure what I mean when I talk about "white violence", please plug the phrase into your Google box and that will render you better results than hopping into my mentions with questions.
If you need evidence this exists, there are centuries of examples.
From hockey fights being celebrated to quarterbacks being protected. From the rights of slave owners to the first gun control laws. From the Boston Tea Party to Nat Turner's Revolt. From Donald Trump to Emmit Till. From Wells Fargo to Black Wall Street. From ANTIFA to ProudBoys.
White violence - to me - is not so much an action, it's more a special off-the-books privilege that protects people who perform violent actions that serve white supremacy.
This weapon is typically employed by white people for white people, but is increasingly deployed by non-white people, both wittingly and unwittingly, as white violence becomes a more recognizable component in the so-called American Dream.
Thus white violence is most easily recognized by whom it benefits; not by whom it hurts, nor even by whom performs the violence.
The crime is in the coverup and the willful denial of justice.
White violence is all about denial of justice. White violence is a constant.
In fact, white violence is so constant and necessary that the City of Portland spends over $220,000,000.00 every year to maintain a force that understands this value is its first priority and then enforces the rule of law as a secondary mission.
We as a civilian population often mistake reforming the rule of law as a viable route to freedom, but when you understand that police are indoctrinated and emboldened in white violence as a primary function...
...the law is not your enemy, just another Eurocentric magic trick.
White supremacy culture loves to setup proxy wars as a defensive tactic.
Cops beat our ass and they tell us to go to court. It's now a legal fight. Cops still out there doing white violence while we're trying to pass laws they are going to ignore w/o repercussion. Tail chasing.
White violence is the LRAD telling you that police are taking lawful action as they club press, legal observers, women and the elderly w/ reckless abandon because someone busted a window 25 minutes ago at a Chipotle... as chuds freely point and shoot guns out of vehicle windows.
White violence is designed to force political-cultural concessions, compromises and surrenders that advance white supremacy.
Leveraged with the same constitutional rules that make it almost impossible to undo race-related damage, white violence is thus a political hammer.
It's not that we don't work hard enough. It's that they are cheating.
White violence is the champ stabbing the challenger before the boxing match and then wishing them a fair fight.
All men are created equal and all that.
White violence ignores equity.
White violence is not just slavery, it's also abolishing slavery without administering justice and then creating a police force to ensure we don't come looking for it.
White violence is not just genociding the indiginous, it's celebrating it with an Autumn harvest holiday.
White violence is othering the abused and then blaming them for their abuse while ambushing their recovery as you convince them to sell their labor for pennies on the dollar and then laughing at them for making you rich.
White violence is stalking a 21 year old on SnapChat, asking him to sell you a small number of legal pills, shooting him dead when he fears for his life and then slandering him and disrespecting his family while ushering them to the capitalist court system for "justice".
Meanwhile, endless loops of police violence play on TVs and computers around the world as the masses argue over whether the violence is justified.
"Justified"... Is violence ordered by the state to protect the state against the people it is meant to serve ever "justified"?
"Justified" in regards to "violence" implies that the violence was required for justice.
At the core of the ethos of white violence is the unsustainable concept of justice without context.
Thus, the chud rarely respects or understands history.
The chud understands only winning and losing, and sees societal progress as an attack on their masculinity; an attack worthy of justified defense.
It's pirate logic at best, the idea that defending what you stole by force by using force is somehow OK.
Endless violence has been normalized, mostly because for so long it's worked for greedy white men while satisfying angry white men and giving white women of all backgrounds a semblance of security.
The masses who want peace are at the mercy of the violent. The violent are often employed by the greedy. The greedy man's profits come from the masses who want peace.
It's like roshambo, but we keep throwing our papers at the scissors.
In closing, it's important to remember that white violence - in all of its cornball complexity - is just a tactic to advance greed.
At some point we gotta stop fighting chuds (and each other) and just go eat the rich.
I recommend them roasted with a side of Sriracha. ✌🏾
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I'm supposed to write something this morning so I don't wanna waste my morning burst...
... but lemme get these lil' tweets off real quick. Just a warm up.
Staying safe and not transmitting COVID - i.e., flattening the curve - does not mean that protest activity needs to end.
It does mean that tactics need to change and networks need to be hardened. Indeed, habits need to be formed and actions need to be focused.
Gotta smarten up.
The instinct to focus on mutual aid during the winter, I think, is both natural and logical. The climate is harsh, and chances to do not just good but better by the people most vulnerable to the environment are plentiful.
The potential to collect blessings is overwhelming.
I want to talk about "Black Lives Matter" and the evolution of its meaning within various subgroups, but I have not had my coffee yet.
I have come to hold the opinion that the term "Black Lives Matter" has become as dangerous as it is useful, mainly because it has been coopted by the very folks - Black & white - who ostracized the organization for both valid and invalid reasons.
Perpetrating frauds.
On its face, BLM makes perfect sense, it's a more passive way to say "Black Power". Its genius in protest terms is the statement's uncanny ability to draw racists into open debate, where bigotry always loses (because we matter).
Well dressed white lady at the BLM Ribs stand was talking to folks about the raid on the homeless camps earlier, so I got in and asked a few questions, specifically why she felt she had the authority to remove the encampment.
She repeated multiple times that "it's about peace", and claimed that the houseless were doing drugs and leaving needles around. She also claimed that they had thrown molotovs the prior night, a point which was contested by people in the crowd.
I asked if the rib spot was a charity. She said it's not, but says they feed the houseless (?).
Someone suggested that the issue between the camps was personal; she said that it might be, but repeated that it's about peace.
One thing I love doing at work is making people admit that they don't know how to do something, and then forcing them (thru awkward silence and faux aloofness) to ask for help...
... only to tell them that I don't know either and to ask someone else.
And I'm the only Black male at my job so you know which "men" I'm talking about.
For maximum effect, first I like to cut the request of "I need somebody to do X" down with "You don't know how to do X?"
This catches the coworker off-guard and creates unnecessary defensiveness.
Once the coworker is properly perked, verify that they have all the tools required to do the work themself, then force them to self identify their lack of training as the issue.
I call this "stewing" because this is where you really get the flavor. Best if others are watching.
Took my dog in to treat an ear infection and she ended up getting surgery and a biopsy.
$1,000+ later... I'll be at the crib doing post-op care for a few days.
I think it's important to keep in mind that many of the people we see out doing the work in this revolution of sorts (protesting, fund raising, housing, organizing) are not "full time activists" and we are out here IN ADDITION to our already busy, difficult and stressful lives.
Not complaining cuz I love my life (couldn't always say that) but I have 4 kids (1 in college), a marriage, an ill dog, parents moving back, a bro being harassed by Vancouver PD, a full time job, and I'm dealing with MULTIPLE income streams being cut off due to COVID.