Jews have #NoConfidence in the @UKLabour #NEC disciplinary on Corbyn.
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Man leads lifelong antisemitic existence. Gets elected Leader of major political party. Brings in his crappy mates, infests it w antisemitism. Loses two General Elections largely cos of this. On the way out creates myths with fake report to exculpate self.
Then once he’s out he leaks report, sets up legal fund to try to grieve policy, when eventually report comes out blaming his pathetic antisemitic leadership for the failures, interference, etc, tries to deny it.
Then he gets friends to get him off because they’re also
Antisemites. The far left.
They are the undead @Keir_Starmer , abd unless you’re prepared to remove each vestige they’ll infest Labour and resurrect it in their undead image.
I was approached by someone writing an article about tweets re Christmas.
The article ended up not using my tweets or my information, but instead was used to imply that the government was focussed on “saving Christmas” but not caring about Hindus or Sikhs celebrating a Diwali.
We live in a majority Christian country. That’s the national religion. Other religions are a minority.
Using our religion to berate a government trying to allow families their most important festive time is nasty and divisive.
I don’t grudge my Christian friends their festival
In fact I enjoy Christmas time because of the fine sentiments and ideals of the festival.
I do not celebrate it. It is not mine. The joy abd warmth it brings to so many lives is valuable, abd the religious ideas it spreads are valuable in a secular world.
There is a lot of denial fluttering around on Twitter about the @EHRC report into #LabourAntisemitism.
The antisemite @JeremyCorbyn tried to exculpate himself after five years as leader of a increasingly antisemitic party.
Let me explain what our problem is.
Jeremy has a lifelong record of racism against Jews. He is unaware of this, because he only accepts what people in his own circle say. They don’t tend to criticize him, and he does not accept most criticism, even from friends.
The racism is clothed in Palestinian solidarity.
This goes back to the 1970s, so forgive me a little historical information.
Part of the Cold War waged by the Soviet Union involved violent terrorists like Lila Khaled and Bader-Meinhoff being busy hijacking planes and blowing up synagogues, killing Jewish athletes etc.
@HenMazzig@SarahKSilverman I’m a British rabbi with former members of the UK Labour Party in my congregation.
Corbyn was a disaster. A Shanda. Union cash set up a front group to support him with Jews from the fringe left. Jewish MPs wrre bullied out of the party. Interference in party disciplinaries on AS
@HenMazzig@SarahKSilverman Serious destruction at the polls - and the uk is way more left wing than the USA. Simply coujd not stomach his AS.
My leftie members are still recovering from Corbyn’s regime.
It’s great to support Palestine, but you don’t do it by supporting antisemitic murals or sneering