Sobering—“Within a few weeks, COVID-19 will be the single leading cause of death on a daily basis in the United States” once we hit 2000 deaths a day. #COVID19
2) US epidemic. Not going so well:
➡️ 8 US states had more new cases/capita than any country
➡️ If US States were countries: 15 of the top 20 worst hit would be US States.
3) And I agree that #COVID19 could be likely the largest mass casualty event on US soil. Though one could argue the European invasion of North America that killed 9/10 Native Americans might be close.
2) and it’s very well possible very soon we hit 2000 deaths a day. We are already over 1500 deaths today alone and record high 77k hospitalized. #COVID19
⚠️JUST IN—Analysis shows #COVID19 surge is worst now in places where leaders neglected to keep up forceful virus containment efforts or failed to implement basic measures like mask mandates, according to NYT analysis of Oxford data.
Worst state leadership? S & N Dakota, IA, FL.
2) Using an index that tracks policy responses to the pandemic, these charts show the number of new virus cases and hospitalizations in each state relative to the state’s recent containment measures.
3) The worse overall in state level containment leadership consistently is South Dakota’s leadership under @govkristinoem, along with by Iowa and North Dakota, according to the data.
Folks—something big is afoot... the CDC is soon holding its first press conference since the start of the pandemic. #COVID19
➡️ Hope this means CDC doesn’t give a damn what Trump does or says anymore. Hope CDC is waking up from its long 10 month censorship oppression.
LFG ✊🏼.
2) For example: Trump officials and CDC scientists waged a nasty battle over reopening guidelines for churches. Pence went ballistic after it was published and forced CDC to delete it. All proven and documented science censorship malfeasance by Trump/Pence WH. #COVID19
BREAKING—New York City’s entire public school system of 300,000 kids will shutter on Thursday because of surging #COVID19–at just 3% positivity. Schools have been open for in-person instruction for just 8 weeks.…
2) “the spike in cases does not appear to be caused by the reopening of school buildings.
Still, the city is choosing to end in-person learning while allowing indoor dining and gyms to remain open at reduced capacity.”
3) “Case numbers are rising so quickly in New York that more restrictions appear likely. Mr. de Blasio has said that indoor dining should be reassessed; only Mr. Cuomo has the authority to close indoor dining rooms.”
2) It’s closer to 3.6 million. The estimate does not include an approximately equal number of latent infections among people who caught the virus in recent days and can’t pass it on yet because it is still incubating (waiting to become contagious).
3) This is much bigger than the officially diagnosed number of cases— which is an average of 477/mil/day in US.
If we assume each case is infectious for ~10 days, the 3.6 million is roughly 2.3x the average number of new cases recorded in the past week *10 days.
4) above is not exact, because severe hospitalized cases can be infectious for up to 20 days. But average infectious period is 10 days. As a minimum, it implies we are missing ~56% of all infectious cases (1-(1/(2.28))). Better than 10-20x before. But still many cases undetected.
BREAKING—Currently **3 million+** active cases of #COVID19 circulating in the US right now. To put in perspective: ~1% of US, or all public school teachers in the entire country, or the number of truck drivers, or 1000 Michigan football stadiums 🏟. A lot.…
2) It’s closer to 3.6 million. The estimate does not include an approximately equal number of latent infections among people who caught the virus in recent days and can’t pass it on yet because it is still incubating (waiting to become contagious).