He who practices Sufism without gaining knowledge in jurisprudence will become a heretic; he who gains knowledge in jurisprudence without practicing Sufism will become corrupt; and he who gathers between the two has actualized.
Ḥāshiya of al-'Adawī upon Imām al-Zurqānī's commentary on the 'Izziyya in Mālikī jurisprudence: 3/195, and the commentary on 'Ayn al-'Ilm wa Zayn al-Ḥilm by Imām Mullā 'Alī al-Qārī: 1/33.
Imām Shāfi'ī رضي الله عنه said
“I kept the company of the Sufis and I benefited nothing but two statements from them [and in one narration: 'three statements']:
“Time is a sword; if you do not cut it, it will cut you', their words: 'If you do not busy yourself with the truth,
it will busy you with falsehood', and their words: 'Non-existence is protection"
Ta'yīd al-Ḥaqīqa al-'Aliyya: Imām al-Suyūṭī: p. 15
He also said:
“Three things were made beloved to me from your world: abandoning affectation, interacting with the creation with gentleness, and conforming to the way of the Sufis."
Kashf al-Khafā': al-'Ajlūnī: 1/341
Imām Aḥmad رضي الله عنه
Before Imām Aḥmad kept the company of the Sufis, he used to advise his son, 'Abdullāh :
"Dear son! See to it that you study Hadīth and beware of sitting with those who call themselves Sufis, for perhaps one of them will be ignorant of the rulings of
his religion." After he [Aḥmad] kept the company of Abū Ḥamza al Baghdādī, the Sufi, he came to know the spiritual states of the folk, and thereafter told his son:
"Dear son! See to it that you keep the company of these folk, for they have excelled over us in knowledge,
vigilance, fear, renunciation, and lofty aspirations."
Tanwīr al-Qulūb: Shaykh Amīn al-Kurdī: p.405
The 'Allāma Muḥammad al-Safārīnī al-Ḥanbalī رحمه الله quoted from Ibrāhīm al-Qalānisī that Imām Aḥmad said regarding the Sufis:
"I know of no people more wortious than them."
Someone retorted: "But they engage in audition and display ecstasy."
He replied:
"Leave them to take delight in Allāh for an hour."
Ghidha al-Albāb: 1/120.
حقائق عن التصوف
Realties of Sufism
Authored by
عارف بالله شيخ عبد القادر عيسى رضي الله عنه
Shaykh Abd al-Qadīr 'Isā
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Imām Badr al-Dīn al-Ḥasanī on the light of the Prophet ﷺ
Small introduction.
The following are quoted from {Al Durar Al Lu'lu'iyyah} by Shaikh Mahmood al Rankoosi (pp. 9, 13, 28) who was his special student for the last twelve years of his life:
- He knew Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim and Bukhārī by heart, including individual chains of narrators
and their biographies. It is not improbable that he also knew by heart their commentaries from "Fatḥ Al Bāri", al `Ayni and al Nawawī.
He was described as the Qutb of our time. رضي الله عنه
Said al-Rabi':
I spent many nights in the house of al-Shāfi'ī رضي الله عنه and he never slept more than a very short part of the night.'
Abūl Juwayriya said: 'I kept company with Abū Ḥanīfa رضي الله عنه, for six months and there was not one night in all that
time when he laid his side on the ground. Abū Hanīfa used to stay awake half the night, but as he was passing some people he heard them say:
'This man stays awake the whole night,'
so he retorted: I am ashamed to be credited with something I do not do.'
From then on he took to staying awake all night long.
It is related too that he had no bedding for the night.
Have a read of this beautiful story of Ḥabīb 'Umar
When Ḥabīb 'Umar was younger and living in Bayda, a group of youth approached him and said,
'Is playing football haram?'
He smiled and said, 'Who told you it was haram?
Do you guys enjoy it? Where do you play? I'll come down!' They all gleamed with happiness and told him the location. He'd go every day, sit down and just show them support and how much he cared. One day, they wanted to organise a tournament but they didn't have enough money to
buy a trophy so what does Ḥabīb who was living on basic means do? He told them not to worry and puts together money that he needs - and buys them a trophy as a surprise. After a while, he got close to these young lads so one day after they finished their game, he called them
There were a group of companions who were known as
اصحاب الصفة
(Companions of the Veranda)
These Companions stayed within the Masjid as they did not have a home or much wealth, The Prophet ﷺ would provide food for them or take them along when he
Was invited to people's homes. They were knowledgeable as they spent most of their time in the masjid.
Some notable companions from the
اصحاب الصفة
Sayyidunā Abū Hurayrah
Sayyidunā Salmān al-Fārisī
Sayyidunā 'Ammār Ibn Yāsir
Sayyidunā Ṣuhayb al-Rūmī
Sayyidunā Bilāl ibn Rabāḥ
i.e. general interpretation, which is the same as tafwid. It is rejecting the literal meaning of an attribute, affirming that the word in that specific context denoting the Attribute has a metaphorical meaning, and
stating that the metaphorical meaning is unknown; therefore, one should refrain from specifying or assigning it. Moreover, stating that it has a metaphorical meaning, means on the one hand that it is not merely a meaningless word, while on the other hand it rejects the literal
meaning. For, if the literal meaning is rejected, and it is not meaningless (i.e. random letters put together), then it should be a metaphorical
meaning because there is no other viable option left.