"I have never intentionally set out to upset anyone"
Sentence removed.
"I work with thousands of brilliant civil servants every single day"
"I only bullied a few of you. Come on it was only a small percentage (see Toby Young for help on % 's)"
"And we work together day in day out to deliver on the agenda of this government "
"I needed to bully some of them but overall we work together day in day out delivering on the peoples priorities of our blessed herd leader and this peoples government"
"And I am absolutely sorry for anyone that I have upset "
"I am sorry to the people I bullied"
Now can we all get back to bullying the damn Irish
"The theme for Anti-Bullying Week 2020 is: United Against Bullying. Anti-Bullying Week will happen from Monday 16th - Friday 20th November and will start with Odd Socks Day to mark the first day of Anti-Bullying Week. "
"Last year 75% of schools in the country took part, reaching well over 7 million young people. "
"Bullying has a long lasting effect on those who experience and witness it. But by channelling our collective power, through shared efforts and shared ambitions, we can reduce bullying together. "
The take up and promotion of the messaging around the "green industrial revolution" has been more successful than "boutique PR" or the craven cult cowering before Cummings
SNP Accused Of 'Misleading' Public Over School Cuts
In an extraordinary move, the statistics watchdog says "exaggerated" claims "do not give the full picture".
Special needs pupils being failed by system 'on verge of crisis'
Rising demand puts councils in Scotland at risk of bankruptcy