Conquering for Jesus: The Politics of Spiritual Warfare (Part 1) via @YouTube@profagagne has produced a 3-part video based on his university lectures (with a transcript) that provides the clearest understanding of how the Christian Right's, actually the
2/ New Apostolic Reformation, a Venn diagram of fundamentalists, evangelicals, pentecosals, & charismatics use the tools of "spiritual warfare" to engage in real-world political warfare. This political warfare is a form of Fourth Generation Warfare for it holds that anyone who
3/ opposes their Christian nationalist view of America is opposed to God and therefore an illegitimate ruler in service to Satan. In Part 3, he shows a video of a march against the largest abortion clinic in NC. In 2 years, 23,000 people showed up. You can imagine these prayer
4/ warriors going back to their churches & communities and then engaging in real-world political warfare to mobilize Christians in NC & all over the US to vote for Trump & the GOP. In Part 3, he also shows Paula White Kane opening a Trump pre-impeachment rally with a 4-minute
5/ prayer explicitly linking spiritual warfare and political warfare. Think about all these networks of NAR pastors and churches. Think about all that data @VickerySec uncovered regarding voters and religion data that probably went to another Cambridge Analytica-like entity.
6/ Think about Pascale's "death star" comment. Had Biden not turned out more voters for him, he loses. If Biden had not expanded Clinton's vote totals substantially, Trump has a second term. We know that in 2016, the strongest predictor of voting for Trump was Christian
7/ Nationalism, followed by racial resentment, anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, and anti-women views, plus, in my view, a healthy dose of rage against elites (not economic anxiety, but rage). @profagagne gives a great lecture, w/ transcript, to understand the underlying theological/
8/ ideological spiritual/political warfare dimensions to this surge. A really great job simplifying a complex theology/ideology and tying it to politics. I'll say again, if you don't understand the religious dimension of American politics, don't understand the epistemological
9/ basis of Christianity: authoritarianism, conspiracies, cosmic warfare, emotions over reason, and Bible above all sciences/philosophies, then you don't understand American politics. Gagne's many lectures is a place to start. See also books by @julieingersoll@FredClarkson
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Joe Biden spent much of the general election in his basement. Now, he and his aides ponder a very public inauguration.… No one doubted the legitimacy of LBJ's taking the oath of office on the airplane from Dallas. Biden does not need an inauguration with a
2/ with a crowd. Why not be sworn in inside the Oval Office, give his speech, and then sit down with a mountain of executive orders and start dismantling the Trump regime's assault on everything we hold dear? Why risk having Americans travel to DC by plane, train, etc? If you are
3/ going to ask Americans to make sacrifices to beat this pandemic into oblivion, start on the very first day. Stop being a prisoner to media expectations and normative expectations. Show the American people that their safety and welfare comes first and you and VP Harris are
The problem with this is Russia did ZERO to divide--the GOP & Christian Right did that, plus Limbaugh, conservative talk radio, Fox News, CBN, & blogosphere. The Russian contribution to this division is essentially nil. The Trump campaign in 2016 spent $70 MILLION PER MONTH on
2/ suppressing the Black vote, getting Sanders' voters to vote third party, and get their base out. The Russian IRA spent a pittance. What the Russians did do, is use the hack of DNC/Podesta emails to get the mainstream media to make a shitstorm of articles about nothing. Those
3/ emails and the blizzard of mainstream articles (I see you, NYT) forced Clinton on to the defensive, reinforced Trump's "crooked Hillary" narrative, and diverted attention away from Trump's own problems. FFS, immediately after the "Access Hollywood" tape dropped, there was a
Survey uncovers widespread belief in 'dangerous' Covid conspiracy theories… The leap of logic here is breathtaking. Anti-vaccine is based on this excerpt. Now, almost everything the public knows about these vaccines is based on press releases from the drug
2/ companies, not peer-reviewed scientific papers or from government scientists and regulatory boards responsible for safeguarding public health. The assumption that drug companies' statements can be taken at face value is a value judgement publics around the world do not share
3/ educated elites. Take the opioid crisis. The Washington Post series showed drug companies intimidating and sidelining the DEA through the manipulation of Congress with $$$$ and doctors & pharmacies dispensing mountains of pills for profits. And then people see Trump & other
Kleptopia review: power, theft and Trump as leader in Putin’s own image… In the early 2000s, Western intelligence agencies saw transnational organized crime and corruption as a major threat to Western institutions and democracy. What was obvious then and
2/ now is that this criminal threat was tied tightly to the Big Capitalist System of International Finance. You look at the staggering amounts of money laundering and you realize that is not possible to do without the collaboration or cooperation of major Western banks, coupled
3/ with legal tax havens. Big Capitalism is amoral, if not immoral. Big Capitalism hides the money of legitimate corporations and billionaires. It uses lawyers, accountants, & financial wizards. It is a massive legal con game--to hide money and punish commoners. The same legal
The end of democracy? To many Americans, the future looks dark if the other side wins.… This article is a prime reason why academicians, primarily historians, are a poor guide to understanding what is happening. The fault is their methodology. There are
2/ mysterious forces that move Americans. They are "seeking to fill a void." Not even Michael Barkun, who wrote 2 books on right-wing conspiracy theories rooted in Christian Identity, sees a deliberate strategy of polarization. And that is the key. If you don't look for a
3/ strategy, then you don't see a strategy; you see mysterious forces. @NormOrnstein in their book It Is Worse Than It Looks saw a deliberate strategy of destruction. John Dean and Thomas Frank see deliberate destruction. Hofstadter & Lipset saw the destructive orientation of
Levels of trust in America—in our institutions, in our politics, and in one another—are in precipitous decline. And when social trust collapses, nations fail. Can we get it back before it’s too late? @nytdavidbrooks on America’s moral convulsion:… // This
2/ is a very serious essay by David Brooks--much longer than what he can write in the NY Times. He does a very good job of looking at the macro indicators of social mistrust and the larger social-economic forces that drive social mistrust. But, like many conservative and liberal
3/ public intellectuals, the main driver of social distrust and destruction of institutions is completely omitted: the Christian Right. As I ended my interview with @PaulHRosenberg in Salon,… public intellectuals completely ignore Hofstadter's