this industry does not need ring-fenced millions from our taxes & mine, incl €2.5m next yearto bring its annual subsidy to + €20m. @HollyCairnsTD & @SocDems are right to challenge this; it's a righteous cause.
but i wonder if @HollyCairnsTD & @SocDems can please respond to the extraordinary measures taken by @AmnestyIreland & @NWCI to effectively lobby the gov, & them as representatives, to deny political representation to a large swath of their constituents?
are Women's & Children's Rights also a noble cause worthy of discussion & respect? are they worthy of a response in the face of the most extraordinary call for direct disenfranchisement of Irish citizens?
i voted for Holly. it's why i've asked her. twice. she's bravely & rightly spoken out abt sexism in the country & Dáil. is it right to disenfranchise a group, mainly composed of women, for wanting a debate abt the implications of Self-ID on their rights?
i'm now in a new constituency. @BGriffinTD@NormaFoleyTD1, do you believe in the fair & equal representation all of your constituents? do you believe in selective representation?
i think it's a reasonable request to ask for a statement.
do you believe that the removal of political representation from Irish citizens & advocating the silencing of women's voices on what are, at their very core, Women's Rights issues is justifiable?
"no political representation" is a denial of citizenship; that participatory membership in the nation is forfeit, having not met these organisations subjective requirements to have the rights & privileges of the State. & to be clear, we're talking about mostly women.
that this is from a Human Rights Org & the National Women's Council of Ireland is boggling. the silence from Representatives, infuriating.
@MaryLouMcDonald could you please provide a statement on this extraordinary request to disenfranchise those who believe in sex-based rights?
@MaryLouMcDonald "All women speak two languages:
the language of men
and the language of silent suffering.
Some women speak a third,
the language of queens." -Mohja Kahf
Women should never have to suffer in silence again or in acquiescence demanded as kindness.
Today is the international day for the elimination of violence against women. The violence, harassment & inequity perpetrated & fostered by men against women must stop & it‘s up to men to stop it.
An est 6% of males are rapists, that's approx. 234mil worldwide. This stat comes from two different studies cited below on the veracity of the Enliven Project re: the legal issues around rape, prosecutions & concerns about false accusations.
In the UK, the number of prosecutions & convictions for rape is down to the lowest level since annual recording began. In Ireland, 50% of women experience some form of sexual violence in their lifetime, compared to a fifth of men.
the facts of biological reality & sexual dimorphism aren't unkind. just as the support of women's equality on the basis of their sex-class isn't bigotry. who is acting the bigot here? those calling for reflection & discussion or those calling for the removal of democratic rights?
you slandered every person who's spoken up for all the women who feel like they are being erased & for children to be able to lead the healthiest lives possible, both physically & mentally. you've lied about your intentions & cowardly turned off replies. it's unconscionable.
critical thinking is needed for a functioning society. this is an extremely complex issue with so many variations & side roads. but to lay baseless accusations & defame anyone asking for deliberation shows how flimsy your stance is.
i'm not an expert, obvs, but IMO referring to the possibility of male violence as "fantasy" multiple x in an argument seems a bit blind & demeaning. an est 6% of males are rapists, that's approx. 234mil worldwide. that's a lot of fantasies, & that's not including DV or common
assault or indeed the persistent occurrences of violent, degrading & sometimes life-threatening messages that women who don't conform to an ideology/dogma receive daily. & since rapists, abusers & misogynists usually don't have a note on their forehead claiming as such, it's
one of the female burdens to be wary of all male bodied people. if Judith Butler wants to term this fantasy, then surely it's a fantasy borne from reality & one that does its best to keep women alive & safe. to condescend that is not constructive or empathetic.
@RoseOfHeaven7 @joncoopertweets i agree, defunding should be the priority. remove the police's ability to wage war w/military tech, make a reinvestment in communities by allocating money away from ballooning police budgets into worthwhile programmes. more than that, we should be talking about the improvement
@RoseOfHeaven7 @joncoopertweets of quality of life in terms of housing & education & health-care systems-where you know yourself Black Americans are disproportionately affected by Covid & black women are more likely to die in childbirth. we should be actively fighting redlining & voter suppression. but i also
@RoseOfHeaven7 @joncoopertweets think what's happening in Portland has gone beyond BLM. it's a true authoritarian test drive for suppression of dissent in a very serious election cycle by a megalomaniac & those who enable him. in this case & imo, it's every citizen's duty to do whatever they can.
for the last 3 or so years i've seen so many women telling GC women that their concerns were overblown or downright invalidated as bigoted because "if it doesn't affect me, it shouldn't affect you."
the topics of female-only spaces such as changing rooms, hospital wards, sanitary & sleeping accommodation, refuges & rape crisis centres, hostels, prisons & sports have all been targeted as hateful if you believe in females as a sex class in need of some kind of segregation.
the ability of women to come together to speak abt these issues has been attacked, figuratively & literally. "problematic" women have been surrounded & intimidated & at the libraries & meeting places where have tried to discuss their own sex-based rights.
a myopic, ineffectual, ecological disaster of a strategy thought up by a State sanctioned body w/a horrendous environmental record. canalising rivers costs more money long term, both on site & downriver than proper, thoughtful management of a catchment area.
& this isn't a 1 time deal, see my tweet from August 2018. that was after months of the same, middle of the river construction. this will be a normal event in Bandon now, since rivers with no banks & dredged bottoms require constant upkeep.
this is because creating a canal increases both the flow speed & water volume during storms, increasing flooding risk & damage downriver. the removal of banks & river beds also increases sediment rise which will need to be frequently cleared out, costing millions every year.