Why I think China will have a decisive advantage over the West in AI.
AI is based on the analysis of big data and analysis is philosophy, the understanding of how elements and situations interact with each other. China designed algorithms are shown to be extraordinarily
2/ functional.
Jack Ma's AI is very powerful. His online company lends to the poorest 500 million people in China at the usury rate of 15-20% and nobody defaults. He beats largely the Wall Street sharks thanks to his big data analysis. (Sarcasm intended here 😥). TikTok is
3/ famed for its algorithm targeting consumers with unswerving precision. Twitter is a lot dumber than TikTok. It still thinks I'm a young boy of modest means and its ads always try to get me to buy bermuda shorts at 3 US$ a piece. It thrusts video games at me everyday.
4/ Chinese algorithms will incorporate a lot more criteria and will have figured out I am a woman by now.
I think the vague cloudy aspect of the Chinese philosophy is at play here. There are no clearly circumscribed boundaries of anything. The fluidity,
5/ the moving nature of things is of essence. Everything is both right and wrong, both the beginning and end, everything is a process, everything is temporary, everything is eternal, every detail is significant, every detail is meaningless out of context, everything bad could be
6/ morphed into good & vice versa, every crisis is at the same time an opportunity. When one reaches a height, it's probably time to come down. A full moon is the prelude to the crescent and a crescent is growing into a full moon... If you incorporate all
7/ these into China's "non-scientific" algorithms, you get the kind of results that are just about right. 😃😄
China is appalled at the US maniacs attacking China like rabid dogs in the name of democracy. There's absolutely no nuance. There's so much interest of
8/ the two sides intimately entwined that if big data had a say in the US politics, it would advise that attacking China to this degree is killing the US. How come so few Americans have seen this? Certainly there should be a love hate relationship between the US and China?
9/ Such all out hatred is very unusual and verges upon stupidity and insanity.
The Western manichean pattern of thinking is at odds with the reality of the world. AI is a country's pragmatic philosophy applied to high-tech. The complexity, the all encompassing wisdom required,
10/ one finds it in Chinese philosophy popularized in everyday wisdom embodied by the Chinese language.
By the way, with big data and a simple algorithm, it's very easy to figure out whether #Uighurgenocide exists or not.
The present anti-China hysteria is profoundly racist. The Economist deems it's OK for everyone else to eat meat except the Chinese
I'm amazed at the number of anti-China journalists who are of Chinese origin, many of whom are beautiful Chinese women who have received elite
2/Western education. These are the most virulent toxic voices against China who blithely publish one big lie after another on China in western MSM. It's almost as if they are competing with each other to see who can best turn the world against China. I guess this is the type of
3/ Chinese people who haven't suffered from racism directed against Asians and as a result they are convinced that this Western anti-China hysteria is solely motivated by ideological human rights concern instead of down right sinophobia racism. Unfortunately
I've thought of a way for China to make the West shut up about the Uighur or other cultural genocide. China should apply for intangible human cultural heritage for the Uighur dance which it goes to great lengths to conserve and promote; and also apply for
2/ tangible heritage for China's superbly renovated ancient mosques.
Just the press coverage of such a move on China's part would destroy to some extent the myth of China's alleged cultural genocide. The PR value will be huge. What's Unesco going do? If it refuses
3/ to grant the coveted cultural heritage status, then Unesco is at fault for cultural genocide, not China.
If in the improbable scenario that Unesco grants the status, then it's very good for China both for the prestige per se and for the rehabilitation of the reputation.
An understanding of China's diplomatic assertiveness or "Wolf Warrior" diplomacy. 😃
China has a virtue. It minds its own business and doesn't meddle in other countries' internal affairs. This allows it to have lightning focus on the problems it wants to solve.
2/ China doesn't invent propaganda lies about other countries to fool its own people or to use as an excuse for aggression. In China's official media, all countries and regions are depicted in a positive light. All countries and people are beautiful and friendly. Africa is
3/ presented as a pleasant place of great opportunities. So China's official media is made out to be the Orwellian Propaganda with smiling faces. Or you can say it's a conscious effort on the part of a well meaning government to promote a harmonious society.
US hegemony is mainly made of the following pillars: 1/ High-tech 2/ US military 3/ US dollar supremacy 4/ Worldwide media Propaganda 5/ US sanctions
US military, equipped with the most advanced high-tech weapon is the most
2/ powerful in the world. US military can destroy any country it wants aided by its propaganda. Given US is able to use war and sanctions to reduce the currency of any country to toilet paper, relatively US$ has become the strongest currency. US can coup any country it wants,
3/ but nobody can coup the US.
All these pillars serve and reinforce each other. China's rising is a game changer. China's advance in high-tech is likely to give its military a disruptive advantage over the US. A regular weapon combined with 5G and AI is altogether of
An understanding of the Taiwan Mainland China relationship
If US intervenes militarily to accelerate the Taiwan unification process, US is not to be blamed but to be thanked. International diplomatic wordplay oblige, blame is put forward instead of thanks. 😄
2/ US is welcome if it wants to strategically force Taiwan into the arms of Motherland.
Forcefully unifying Taiwan is a piece of cake. China doesn't even have to deploy military forces. Moment when China expresses such intention, Taiwan will surrender for the reason that its
3/ economy will collapse when cut off from the Mainland. In a sense, Taiwan is already de facto unified to China. Taiwan's interdependence and dependence on Mainland China is comparable to California to the rest of America. Its exports to the Mainland represent a sizable chunk
China! China has a problem. All Western democracies have failed to contain Covid19. Why should China have succeeded?
Macron and Trump were convinced that it's impossible for China to have succeeded. More people must have died. China must have been hiding something.
2/ Trump shouldn't have compared himself to President Xi. China makes him look bad. His PR damage control should have oriented Americans' attention to Europe. He should have compared himself to France, Spain Italy.... Scalewise, the Covid19 statistics are comparable.
3/ Besides the US cases are either local or imported from Europe. China is irrelevant to US Covid19.
To plead for Trump, the disastrous Covid19 response in the US is not just a Trump thing. If another president were in his place, the debacle would have been the same.