@lucyfrazermp replies !
08 Oct asked for oFPR in “Pillar 2” labs
13 Nov spoke to @lucyfrazermp with slides
16 Nov @lucyfrazermp email (other thread)
17 Nov asked for the oFPR and FDR of the Pillar 2 testing
20 Nov her reply ...
27 Nov my response … (thread)
Lockdown Sceptics report how HMG Ministers keep re-discovering a document on the operational False Positive Rate (oFPR) of the PCR testing for covid-19 (thread) lockdownsceptics.org/page/3/
Scroll down to "SAGE: PCR False Positive and Negative Rates Unknown in June" for details. Everything goes back to this briefing paper from 3 June (thread) gov.uk/government/pub…
Lockdown Sceptics say this paper was "released" by Minister for Social Care Helen Whately "in response to a question on November 18th" but this isn't so. (thread)
US Senate Hearing on "Early Outpatient Treatment for Covid-19". What @NHS and @MattHancock tell us doesn't exist. But the US Senate has a Hearing on it, convened by @SenRonJohnson. Extraordinary behaviour in places.
@lucyfrazermp is rattled and writes a round-robin email to her constituents. Keep it up, good people of SE Cambs ! (thread)
But @lucyfrazermp is misleading her constituents with things that can't be true. Asking about "false positives" is apparently a "common point".
There is "a robust system in place to adjust for potential false positives" Really ? How do they do that ? (thread)
To "adjust for false positives" you need the operational False Positive Rate (oFPR) for the testing programme. But the Govt doesn't know what this is. "The UK oFPR is unknown", says Lord Bethell, only a month ago (thread) questions-statements.parliament.uk/written-questi…
Quinine worked against Spanish Flu in 1918. Found with help of pro Librarian (with many thanks: you know who you are). Burrows & Burrows (1918) Medical Record v94 n25 21 Dec 1918 pp1081-2. (thread)
"intravenous injection will prevent or astoundingly diminish the number of later progressive pneumonias and the corresponding high mortality"
"when it is evidenced that spontaneous recovery is becoming doubtful the intravenous injection of quinine is given at once" (thread)
In Dec 1918 the cases were "too few to permit of scientific certainty". By Feb 1920 "a large number of cases have been injected". Burrows & Burrows (1920) Medical Record v97 n6 p 235 (thread)