@LukeBaird19@philosophytweet In a universal sense, I see love as a force comprised of #Truth💧 (as in purely what is), #Possibility💨, #Connection🌍 and #Change🔥. We evolved to create emotional and spiritual connections to these, but in terms of spacetime they are neutral.
@LukeBaird19@philosophytweet The universe exemplifies those four elements. Whatever subjective interpretation we may have, #Truth is simply objective reality. #Possibility enables time to flow. #Connection are the laws holding the universe together, and #Change is the most fundamental nature of existence.
@_dte Dan's origin story involved building a robot from a subscription magazine that sent out pieces one at a time, and after everyone had their completed robot the magazine shared pictures of how some people had customized their robot design, which he found really cool. #Clarity2019
@_dte Visualizations are an interesting way to illustrate the compound effects of an instruction: top row, lines are drawn with a linear instruction outward, creating a spiky feel; bottom row they're given a random direction, creating a smoky feel. #Clarity2019
Good morning, we're back for day two of #Clarity2019! I'm live tweeting the sessions again, starting with @MinaMarkham on Full-Featured Art Direction for the Web!
Rules that govern how you create products for your specific brand. But note: rules and creativity are not mutually exclusive! Rules _can_ be broken is your use case evoke that.
@cascadesf@robbiedigi@ranliudesign We start the night with a fireside chat with Elena Lin, who volunteered at @CascadeSF, was a mechanical engineer, hacked her career and is now a Product Designer on Growth at @linkedin.
She started w/ engineering, but from going to design events in SF she found a passion for the process of envisioning and creating new products. (SAME) #GrowthDesignSeries#YxGrowthDesign
To me, the problem with Disney firing James Gunn from GOTG3 is that in doing so, they simultaneously legitimize (somewhat) Cernovich’s baseless conspiracy theory AND undermine the whole point of accountability in the first place.
Giving *any* kind of credibility to a man who has genuinely tried to sell “super serum” (don’t ask what’s in it), routinely conducts unethically, and profits off of peddling toxic conspiracy theories, is a huge mistake on Disney’s part.
And that’s not even the worst part.
Gunn is a fairly rare case of someone who made a bunch of bad “jokes”, got called out for them, and OWNED UP to them, apologized sincerely, and changed himself to be better.
We already *had* accountability for Gunn. He has become a better person*.
The greatest gift in season 2 of @WestworldHBO so far, for me, is Maeve's response to Dolores' rebellion: "And let me guess: yours is the only way to fight?" I think back to it almost every day.
This world is so full of conflict, it's easy to forget that we built it on love, on kindness, on the stories we told one another for hundreds of thousands of years.
We (rightly, don't get me wrong) point out how evil acts are slowly being used to normalize evil so that the envelope can be pushed, the Overton window shoved, and more and more freedoms taken from us all. Do we spend enough time on the opposite, though?