A Trump Town Hall reminder. Man, the HBCU story continues to grow. Here is the president tonight. 1/
Reminder 1: In his FY20 budget he zeroed out the program he is now saying he funded. Look at line G. There was $79M in FY19, 0 in FY20 President's budget. 2/
He never publicly advocated for the funding, including while speaking at the HBCU week conference the month the program ended. 3/ medium.com/@HipHopPrez/us…
The reason he can keep saying he funded HBCUs “because nobody was funding them for years and years” is because his supporters have no interest in HBCUs enough to ask basic questions. Really quick thread. 1/
The Higher Education Act of 1965 created a program so that HBCUs could receive Federal funds. So that's 55 years. 2/ repository.upenn.edu/cgi/viewconten…
The Higher Education Act amendment in 1986 created annual, Federal funding for HBCUs, indicating “the current state of Black colleges & universities [was] partly attributable to the discriminatory actions of the States and the Federal Government.” 3/ secure.aacte.org/apps/rl/res_ge…
A PLATINUM THREAD: When President Trump launched his Platinum Plan in Atlanta, he spent a few minutes discussing HBCUs. Watch the clip, and then read the fact check. 1/
Trump claimed Obama and Biden cut funding for HBCUs in their first year. Backstory: In 2007 the Title III F program was created by the College Cost Reduction Act signed by George W. Bush. 2/ nasfaa.org/news-item/2379…
Pence has gotten a pass. He opposed the 2006 “Reverse the Raid on Student Aid” substitute bill which included lower interest & year round Pell. 2/
He opposed the College Cost Reduction and Access Act of 2007 which provided $510 million from FY08 to FY09 for HBCUs and MSIs. This included the $85M/year for HBCUs started by W, became a 10 year program during Obama, and is now the FUTURE Act. 3/ nasfaa.org/news-item/2379…
A THREAD watching the #RNC2020: Twice yesterday HBCUs were mentioned. Vernon Jones suggested the president “delivered historic funding” guaranteed for 10 years, something he said had never been done before. Not true- we just completed 10 years. 1/
Senator Tim Scott also mentioned HBCUs. He said “Once again, to clean up Joe Biden’s mess, President Trump signed into law historically high funding for HBCUs, as well as a bill to give them permanent funding for the first time ever!” 2/
Although misleading, Scott really is a reason this administration can even mention HBCUs. He and Mark Walker in 2017, at the beginning of the Trump administration, hosted a Republican led HBCU fly-in. I spoke with the press sharing my support. 3/ newrepublic.com/article/141026…
For @JoeBiden most of his HBCU connections are from his state, as he shares how Delaware State University students helped with his Senate campaign. He spoke for commencement there in 2016 and did a video greeting this year. 1/
As Vice President he announced a grant for HBCUs and cybersecurity funding. The announcement was made at Norfolk State University. 2/ obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/the-press-offi…
Biden spoke at the 2015 White House HBCU meeting. This article is really good because it acknowledged the frustrations some had with President Obama, and Biden was a familiar friend people could talk to. 3/ indianapolisrecorder.com/news/article_4…