Some reasons women stay in abusive relationships include:
1. Distorted Thoughts. Being controlled and hurt is traumatizing, and this leads to confusion, doubts, and even self-blame.
@spiecy_diecy@DrOlufunmilayo Perpetrators harass and accuse victims, which wears them down and causes despair and guilt.3 For example, women shared: “I believed I deserved it,” and, “I was ashamed, embarrassed, and blamed myself because I thought I triggered him.”
@spiecy_diecy@DrOlufunmilayo 2. Damaged Self-Worth. Many women felt beaten down and of no value, saying: “He made me believe I was worthless and alone,” and, “I felt I had done something wrong and I deserved it.”
@spiecy_diecy@DrOlufunmilayo 3. Fear. The threat of bodily and emotional harm is powerful, and abusers use this to control and keep women trapped. One lady once said: “I was afraid of him…I knew he’d make leaving an ugly drawn-out nightmare.” Attempting to leave an abuser is dangerous.
@spiecy_diecy@DrOlufunmilayo 4. Wanting to be a Savior. Many described a desire to help, or love their partners with the hopes that they could change them: “I believed I could love the abuse out of him.”
Another said "I thought i could fix him and teach him love.”