First, I wrote a blogpost giving a few highlights about the Specialization, what someone will learn, and a bit about the instructors who built the series: @mirnas22@Shannon_E_Ellis@rdpeng and me! 👩🏫👨🏫
The first course, Introduction to the #Tidyverse, begins with what are "tidy" data, how this helps data organization, how non-tidy can be transformed to tidy data, the data science project life cycle, and an overview of the #tidyverse ecosystem!
We demonstrate importing common data formats into R including delimited files, JSON, XML, spreadsheets, relational databases, and data from web, such as web scraping and web APIs!
We cover how to convert btw wide & long formats, wrangling diff data types, regular expressions, basic exploratory data analysis! --> makes your projects more efficient, reproducible, understandable!
Using #ggplot2 and other great packages, we show how to construct and make different types of plots to make incredible graphics that are highly effective to communicate your results to others.
Last (but not least): Modeling Data in the #Tidyverse
To make decisions, build effective models, or detect interesting patterns, we explore diff type of Qs you can ask of data, and present various modeling, #machinelearning approaches w/ #tidyverse
One really unique aspect of this project is that we incorporated real-world data analysis examples from the Open Case Studies project ( to demonstrate these #tidyverse tools!
All of the artwork and course icons were designed by the amazing Jessica Crowell (cinematographer, videographer, editor, writer and more!) from the @JHUDataScience@jhubiostat!
Also, @IraGooding from the Open Education Lab and Center for Teaching & Learning @JohnsHopkinsSPH was instrumental in helping us see this to completion!
Thank you Ira! 🙏
We also owe a great deal of gratitude and thanks to @jtleek and **the entire team** at Cloud-Based Data Science (CBDS) who were incredibly generous with their content, which we partly adapted here!
@Bioconductor@naturemethods OSCA is a rich, reproducible, accessible (from beginners to experts!) resource with many #scRNAseq workflows & datasets. The resource is an online #bookdown book that compiles every night to track development by the open-source and open-development @Bioconductor#rstats community