If you really want to make money monetising your knowledge, there are 5 key areas you absolutely need to deal with.
Let's look at them. (Short Thread)
1. Overcoming limiting beliefs and thought processes preventing you from truly succeeding.
You know a lot of things.
You've read many books.
You've taken several courses, attended trainings and webinars.
You've paid a lot of money learning and improving yourself.
But somehow, you are still struggling with the idea of asking people money for your knowledge.
You are afraid no one will see you as an expert.
You are afraid people may see you as a fraud.
You feel you are not qualified to sell your knowledge yet.
Maybe if you take another course or read just one more book, you'll be ready.
These are limiting beliefs.
And there are more.
Until you break and overcome these beliefs, you won't truly achieve success selling your knowledge.
2. Understanding your market to a T.
Whom are you meant to serve?
Not everyone will pull out their cards to pay you for what you know.
Some will even hate you for selling.
But there is a select group of people dying to give you their money just so you can help them.
You need to know these people.
You need to know where they are and how to fish them out.
You need to understand their pain and get them to trust you enough to help them escape it.
3. Understanding your Product and positioning it well.
It is not necessarily what you sell but how you sell it.
Whether it is a course, a book, a masterclass, a webinar, coaching, mastermind or community, you need to understand your product and the value it has.
When you truly understand your product's value, you'll be crazy about sharing it with the world.
But while you do this, you need to position it in such a way that people see it as premium and will be eager to pay the price for it.
4. Mastering effective marketing.
Creating a great product is one thing, making it a bestseller is another thing.
The only way to guarantee your product becomes a bestseller that makes you money is by promoting it effectively.
Your strategy & messaging has to draw attention.
5. Creating a structure within your knowledge business so you can make enough money with less effort and avoid burnout.
It is easy to become a slave to your clients.
You end up serving up your time and feeling frustrated.
Whilst you create product and sell, you need structure.
These 5 areas are the core areas of building an effective knowledge business.
During the course of the 'Monetize Your Knowledge challenge,' I'll be showing you how to sort these 5 things so you can make money while making impact.