7/But after 10-15 years, productivity growth *somewhat* came back! Computers and IT drove the resurgence, which started in the late 80s and lasted through 2004.
20/Of course, remember that every technological revolution needs proper institutions to make it work for all of society.
21/But the revolution in energy technology promises to free us from the prospect of a stagnant, zero-sum world, where people believe that the only way to get rich is at their neighbors' expense.
Ultimately, THAT is what productivity growth is about.
22/Environmental preservation, sustainability, the potential for a more equal economy, a positive-sum world, and cheaper stuff for everyone: THAT IS THE FUTURE WE WANTED.
And it looks like we might finally get that future after all.
Overly literal translations of Tokyo loop line train station names:
East Capital
Autumn Leaf Prairie
O Useless Neighborhood
Nightingale Valley
Sunset Village
West Sunset Village
Field's Edge
Chess Piece Mixture
Nest Duck
Big Mound
Pond Bag
White Eye
More overly literal translations of Tokyo loop line train station names:
High Field Horse-Riding Ground
New Hotel
Trees for Generations
Original Hotel
50 Meter Field
Large Promontory
Quality River
Have Fun Town
Beach Tree Town
Field Town
And the train line itself is overly literally translated as Hand-of-the-Mountain (which sounds way cooler than "foothills")...
2/In the 80s, 90s, and 00s, the big fear was that computerization would lead to inequality, because some people would have the skills to use computers, and others wouldn't.
But if any of that did happen, it was over by the 1990s.
3/Nowadays the big fear is that AI/automation/robots will replace human workers. Even if robots don't actually take your job, maybe they'll reduce your wages?
1/OK, here's a thread of my latest blog post, in which I debunk an op-ed by Stephen Moore and Casey Mulligan claiming that Pandemic UI killed millions of jobs.
2/It's kind of goofy to have to debunk each of these bad arguments as they come up, because guys like Mulligan and Moore will just never, ever stop coming with them.
It's their job AND their life's calling to write bad arguments claiming that activist government kills jobs.
3/OK, anyway, on to Pandemic UI. That was the $600/week benefit that unemployed Americans got from April through July of 2020.