Hey patient activists - do you know of dangerous errors in someone's medical record, the kind that can cause harm or diagnostic errors? Want to help improve that?
The @HL7#FHIR Patient Empowermt group has an APPROVED PROJECT to define data standards to submit correction requests through apps.
Sound like a worthy project? Our first "Connectathon" is in Jan, & Thurs 12/15 @ 1pm ET is an orientation for software devels. ALL INVITED. /2
Patients & non-coders, all are welcome; HL7 meetings are all fully open. Beware - this is a technical meeting - but it will be great if a few dozen patient voices show up with moral support for this important project!
.@AnthemBCBS I'm pretty sure you hope somebody will be able to undo the erroneous "noncompliance" letter you faxed my doctor because yr computers apparently have REALLY bogus logic in them.
46 minutes into this call so far; this 3rd lady doesn't know why they xferred me to her.
Note: none of the four response options he can send you includes "Sorry, Anthem, you're wrong - remove the false 'noncompliance' assertion from his record."
You will be looking into this & correcting my record, I'm sure. I don't mess around w malprogrammed medical records.
Please note, too, @AnthemBCBS, that none of the agents I spoke to on your Rx member services line had any clue how to even FIND OUT where such a letter would have come from.
Ladies & gentlemen: I'm SO THRILLED to participate in this announcemt! My new business partner: Toronto-based "Gimme My DaM Data" radiology image retriever PocketHealth! Direct result of my #SIIM18 keynote & #OpenNotes work.
@MarkGraban@evanluxzenburg So, this is where a savvy patient community can make all the difference. Problem is, not all diseases have savvy communities. My own incomplete cobbled list on my site: epatientdave.com/communities