Micmac News 1981-05b- Native Council Elections on - Mrs Viola Robinson- said the recent decision by the Dept of Justice rejecting the Metis and NonStatus Indian Aboriginal claim .
unsi president supports claims-MicmacNews 1980 06./ Maritime Aboriginal Rights and Land Claims Commission . The report suggested that the 10,000 Metis and NonStatus Indians in the Maritime region should be included with status Indians in land claims negot. #Metis
Micmac News June 1979 - NO THREAT TO COUNCIL - President Viola Robinson says 75 percent of its membership is Metis because all children of a non-status Indian woman are classified as Metis.
"the gov has divided the native into 3 different classes" "The Non-Status Scene - Native Women's Association of Canada-Canada has divided the Native Indian Nation into three classes- Status Indians, Non-Status Indians, and Metis (offspring of NonStatus) - MicmacNews-1977-12
MicmacNews-1981-05b - NCNS - Prayers - Leadership - Accomplishments - Dwight Dorey - Viola Robinson- Harry Daniels - The Metis and Non-Status Indians of Canada want to be strengthening thread in the fibre that makes up the mosiac of Canada, Mr Harry Daniels said.
Native people and employment in the public service of Canada-a report by Impact Research 1976- Grant_report Arcadia- The Metis were originally the children of mixed unions between Indians and whites.
A scattering of seeds - the creation of Canada-by Tracey, Lindalee 1999 - some of d'Entremonts children's children had married into the Mi'kmaq nation and their children were Metis.
Acadia- the geography of early Nova Scotia to 1760 - Andrew Hill Clark - 1968 - most metis children of the first generation were brought up in their mothers homes as Indians.
L'Acadie Française- 1497-1713, Volume 1-Robert Rumilly - 1981 - Sainte-Anne, teach the Indians and some Métis children.
MicmacNews-1980-02-73-74-75 Native Council review-UNSI-educational future of the NonStatus Indians and their metis children.
First Nations Child And Family Services-Whither Self-Governance- By Kelly A MacDonald-UBC- Thesis submitted-For The Degree Of Master Of Laws Oct 2000- Non-Status children by default become Metis.
Editorial-A welfare conference for what-MicmacNews-1974-01-Dan Paul-UNSI is to promote the wellbeing progress and support of all Indians in NS./ Bylaws UNSI sec 3.10 Indian means/ sec3.12 a Metis.
Dan Paul acknowledging Metis / however he denies them now, apparently as he says there are too many heirs, so deny deny deny ... that still doesn't change history Leroux.
MicmacNews-1978-02 - Indian Union under fire urban and rural Indians launch attack.- Dan Paul - something is drastically wrong when a status Indian has to turn the Metis and Non-Status Associations for help.
The First Way of War- American War Making on the Frontier, 1607-1814- Cambridge University Press 2005 - Mi'kmaq author Daniel Paul took note of the activities of Gorham and his rangers-particularly their practice of scalping Indians and Acadians.
Histoire des seigneurs de la Rivière du Sud et de leurs alliés canadiens et acadiens-by Couillard-Després, A-1912 - Therese de Saint-Castin daughter of the baron left many descendants - although all of these children of Saint-Castin were metis.
Aboriginal self-government - legal and constitutional issues 1995 Ottawa, Canada- Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples/ pg142 mixed ancestry/
Aboriginal self-government - legal and constitutional issues 1995 Ottawa, Canada- Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples- pg156/159/ Le Heve, NS pg296/ pg 255 Many metis and half-breeds did not side with Riel in both insurrections. Many Metis were coerced to fight.
An empty shell of a treaty promise- R v Marshall and the Rights of the Non-Status Indians - Pamela Palmater Dept of Justice - went on to uphold the legitimacy of Metis political orgs in paragraph 30-
An empty shell of a treaty promise- R v Marshall and the Rights of the Non-Status Indians - Pamela Palmater Dept of Justice - The off-reserve community- comprises both status and non-status Indians and Metis who do not live on reserves.
Department of Justice Report - A Historical Profile of the Southern Nova Scotia Area’s Mixed European-Indian Ancestry Community. - Intermarriage with the French colonists and the Indians of Acadia.
Inuvik community structure, summer 1965.- by Mailhot, Jose´- 1968 - Ottawa-Northern Science Research Group, Dept. of Indian Affairs and Northern Development- Half-breed Indians would rather be called Metis.
Devoid of Principle-The Federal Court determination that section 91(24) of the Constitution Act, 1867 is a race-based provision- JEAN TEILLET AND CARLY TEILLET - Louis Riel described his preference for the term Métis as follows.
Library Archives of Canada - use of the term half-breed - 'However to meet the preference of the MNC, the term "Metis" is used to refer to this cultural group.' -- well we wouldn't want to not meet their preference, now would we!!
"Métis Nation and First Nations in Atlantic Canada strongly oppose federal research funding agency’s support of bogus Métis rights claimants in joint letter | Métis National Council": www2.metisnation.ca/news/metis-nat…
Oh aren't they hilarious ... "MicmacNews-1973-03.- Constitution and By-Laws Union of Nova Scotia Indians - sec 3.12 Metis." "bylaws Union of Nova Scotia Indians - Micmac News 1973 -03 - Membership in UNSI."
Aboriginal self-government - legal and constitutional issues 1995 Ottawa, Canada- Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples #Metis
Aboriginal self-government - legal and constitutional issues 1995 Ottawa, Canada- Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples- pg141. - papers argues that it is logical and sensible to consider persons of mixed ancestry of all kinds to be within sec. 91(24) jurisdiction and that the
Metis are included within the fiduciary relationship owed by the crown to the Aboriginal peoples. (pg142) The recognition of Metis as one of the "aboriginal peoples of Canada" in section 35 of the Constitution Act 1982, reinforces this federal practice. "It is concluded that
core.ac.uk/download/pdf/2… -- @Pam_Palmater -- well Pam , as you yourself know before you got status, that is only because our Metis ancestors are not officially recognized so we have to go back to a recognized first nation. I could go back to my mom, nan, great nan- etc etc for a
Metis ancestor. Surely my 7th great grandfather brother to Francis Mius who was chief of LaHeve and signed the 1761 treaty on their behalf, would be recognized as an ancestor? If so, and you are not including those ancestors back to the treaties how are the Mi'kmaw
showing continuity to them? Newly created? Let me see, the Metis in the west only began to start organizing again in the 60's. In the 70's we have the Union of Nova Scotia Indians with Metis in their constitutions and bylaws, when they started organizing as well.
I fully support the Mi'kmaq in their treaty rights, but this guy is wrong. He is trying to paint anyone who is French as being racist. I pointed out to him that many of the signatory signers of the 1760/61 treaty were partly French and they just deleted my post.
Francis Muis -novascotia.ca- Francis Muis for myself the Tribe of La Heve Indians of what I am chief - signatory of LaHeve Indians on the 1761 treaty. He was part French. You can not fix this problem dealing in 1/2 truths and outright lies.
I am Eastern Metis and I fully support the Mi'kmaw in their moderate livelihood treaty. These people using this situation to "hurl" Eastern Metis under the bus at this period in time are despicable!!