For the most archival material on the #94CrimeBill and college-in-prison, check out the terrific, old documentary film “The Last Graduation.”…
For the most comprehensive history of college-in-prison, check out our @maxkenner ’s recent chapter - “The Long History of College-in-Prison” in the volume "Education for Liberation."
To learn some of just how long that history is, check out BPI’s Jed Tucker’s incredible article in the Journal of African American History on Malcolm X’s time in prison: Malcolm X, the Prison Years: The Relentless Pursuit of Formal Education (sub required).
The news today from Washington signals the biggest victory in the field of #CollegeInPrison in decades. It’s a long time coming. This undoes the #94crimebill’s ban on #Pell Grants for incarcerated students. #PellRestoration#PELLYES
A thread.
Since then, a small but growing number of privately funded programs helped keep the field alive. @BPIBard has been proud to be one of them, but we want to shout out our friends & fellow travelers at @MtTamCollege@HudsonLink & women in Bedford Hills who got so much of this going.