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Apr 19th 2023


#Ethereum #Danksharding #EIP4844
在2020年下半年,以太坊扩容思路从根本上发生了变化,开始围绕 #rollup 来扩容,这个思路奠定了以太坊未来的发展方向。

在rollup扩容思路下,以太坊本身需要加大对rollup的优化适配力度。在这些需求下,#Danksharding 和EIP-4844应运而出👇
EIP-4844提案可以认为是以太坊优先级最高的扩容方案,其主要作用是引进一个Blob交易类型来更好的支持 #rollup ,为之后的 #danksharding 打下基础。

Read 6 tweets
Jan 30th 2023
World Economic Forum founder's right testicle, Yuval Noah Harari #WEF Freewill? Well, "that is over" according to this jizz rag.
It's Mr. ball bag himself, Kuck Schlob-a-knob. Image
Won't play?
Read 44 tweets
Dec 6th 2022
The PBS newshour's coverage of the Website case tonight was shameful. #PBS
They began with a warm interview with the plaintiff followed by Marcia Coyle's clueless discussion of the argument....
buying into the idea that the training program the Masterpiece bakeshop's owner had to take was a relearning program, a play on Communist era shots Colorado's laws.

And there was no mention of Alito's "jokes."

Sad @NewsHour
Read 4 tweets
Oct 23rd 2022
PBS ('Positive Behaviour Support') is a harmful ABA-based behavioural intervention used on vulnerable children.

Planned Ignoring is used as a tactic to 'manipulate the environment' of the victim, to change their behaviour.

Some of us know what that's like. 😥

On #PBSAwarenessDay, we need to be more aware of HOW and WHY PBS harms people, so that after we stop PBS, we don't implement any other methods which do the same thing in other ways.

Wherever we find parents and professionals pushing for ABA-based approaches like #PBS, we also see low support for the types of communication methods that nonspeaking autistic people say they find helpful.


Read 12 tweets
Sep 15th 2022
The #EthereumMerge was a success! But who has time to celebrate? There's still YEARS of work to be done!

In this part 2, we cover the years ahead, looking well into Ethereum’s (ever-changing) roadmap.

FYI, Part 1 is below for a refresher.
There is no official roadmap for #Ethereum, as it is predicated more on rough community consensus.

However, a high-level, noncontroversial plan stretching into 2023-24 is generally regarded as the agreed-upon path for the project.
A more technical roadmap with the progress of each step filled in was updated by @VitalikButerin in December 2021.

Specific developments are tied to future upgrades and are always subject to change.

Consider Merge 💯!
Read 24 tweets
Sep 3rd 2022
1/ What is Maximal Extractable Value (#MEV)? How does it become an integral part of the #blockchain network? How does MEV work? All of your questions will be answered in our latest #visualguide.

#Ethereum #cryptocurrency #TheMerge $ETH #DeFi Image
2/ In the blockchain transaction ordering process, the block producers are responsible to aggregate, selecting, and reordering transactions in the #blockchain network based on the given economic incentives thus creating opportunities for #MEV Image
3/ #MEV refers to the maximum value that can be extracted from a block more than the standard block reward and gas fees by including, excluding, and changing the order of transactions in a block Image
Read 21 tweets
Apr 6th 2022
1/ 🧵
#danksharding, #PBS, #crList, #blob transactions...

Seems #Ethereum has an affinity for making up words these days! And it all starts with (the normal sounding) #calldata

Let's figure out why, define some of these ridiculous terms, and see how #ETH can get even better
2/ #Rollups (RU) post their compressed L2 batched transactions as calldata onto mainnet Ethereum. But what does that mean and what is calldata?
Calldata (CD) is a specific form of read-only memory data used by smart contracts to call external functions. Image
Once a RU has batched enough txs, it posts this state transition change in a compressed form to the L1 via CD.
RUs currently utilize L1 CD for data storage, which is limited to ~10KB per block. This is so anyone has the ability to reconstruct the chain & verify the latest state Image
Read 28 tweets
Sep 25th 2020
Sripathi Panditaradhyula Balasubrahmanyam (1946- 2020)

Your music and service to dharma made you immortal!

Atma Shanti! 🙏🙏🙏😔
పలుకు రాగ మధురం
నీ బ్రతుకు నాట్య శిఖరం
సప్తగిరులుగా వెలిసే
సుస్వరాల గోపురం!

ఆత్మ శాంతి బాలసబ్రహ్మణ్యం గారు 🙏🙏🙏
హే భారతీ మనసా స్మరామి
శ్రీ భారతీ శిరసా నమామి...

🙏😔 #SPBalasubrahmanyam
Read 52 tweets
May 4th 2020
So an influencial, controlling UK PBSer is scavenging on @RightfulLives FB page:…

Beebee @pbs4_ is renown for his disrespect towards disability advocates who speak out against behaviourist approaches. He is Bad cop to PBSer good cop @lukewatt

Beebee blogged his own version of Spoon theory to dismiss concerns about ABA based methods. @BILD_tweets put the blog on their website

Disabled people informed him using spoons was bad taste, he didn't care and it's still there.../2

Now we also see Beebee following all anti-neurodiversity ABAers by misrepresenting disabled people and allies re: #ABA #PBS and attempting to silence disability advocates who communicate using words 😡…

@theRCN @prof_standards @RightfulLives @CQCProf
Read 3 tweets
Jun 8th 2019
Replace "oligarchy" and "authoritarianism" with T-R-U-M-P and people might actually listen.
Cue all the folks who hate Bernie claiming that socialism is bad when at least half their daily lives are *stops to get mail and also remembers I'm on Internet* filled with small s socialism.
#Bernie is his own worst enemy with his incessant buzzwords.
The FACT is, we need Dem Socialism desperately as a modality, but the #GOP has so tainted the word "socialism" that people forget what it really means.

Our MOST socialist prez was #LBJ, who gave us the #VRA, #CRA, #Medicare, #Medicaid, #SNAP, #NEA, ##PBS, #NPR.'s doable.
Read 7 tweets
Jul 18th 2018
These reporters and networks have colluded with the DNC or Hillary campaign during the 2016 election cycle:
It wasnt Putin. It was seditious #FAKENEWS @realDonaldTrump
a list of compromised journalists who face jail for racketeering CLICK LINK…
the "journalists" that face jail time.
@ABC – Cecilia Vega
#ABC - David Muir
ABC – Diane Sawyer
ABC – George Stephanoplou
ABC – Jon Karl
ABC – Liz Kreutz
@AP – Julie Pace
#AP – Ken Thomas
AP – Lisa Lerer
AURN – April Ryan
Bloomberg – Jennifer Epstein
Bloomberg – John Heillman
@Bloomberg/MSNBC – Jonathan Alter
#Bloomberg – Mark Halperin
@Buzzfeed – Ben Smith
#Buzzfeed – Ruby Cramer
@CBS – Gayle King
CBS – John Dickerson
CBS – Norah O'Donnell
CBS – Steve Chagaris
CBS – Vicki Gordon
CNBC – John Harwood
@CNN – Brianna Keilar
#CNN – Dan Merica
Read 10 tweets
Mar 17th 2018
Tour guide very clear that the #uchicago announcement does not mean the observatory is closing. There are options still. Encourages ppl to bring more folks to visit the observatory for science education.
Worlds largest telescope in 1895.
Read 38 tweets

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