The #CASEAct creates an unaccountable "small claims" tribunal within the @CopyrightOffice, meaning it would be exempt from the regulations and procedures of the judicial branch. The tribunal would be allowed to assign damages of up to $30,000! 2/5
That $30,000 fee could be assigned to an unassuming internet user who wasn't aware they were violating #copyright, isn't aware that they can opt out and go through a traditional court, and certainly can't afford $30,000. 3/5
This is an appealing model for copyright trolls, who can file claims against small-time artists and internet users with the possibility of high profit. It will bankrupt individuals, while letting corporations and mass infringers off the hook entirely. 4/5
Back in 2019, we launched You can still use this contact tool to call and tweet at your members of Congress TODAY to tell them to take the CASE Act out of the must-pass government funding bill. 5/5
Today a #COVID19 relief package was introduced in Congress that includes provisions to help Americans access broadband -- or stay connected -- during the pandemic. 1/5
The bill provides $3.2 billion in broadband subsidies for low-income Americans and those financially impacted by #COVID19. It covers not only monthly service but up to $100 for use of a laptop, desktop, or tablet. 2/5
The bill also provides $1 billion for Tribal land connectivity, and helps low-income Americans and those who are already eligible for @FCC's #Lifeline program stay connected during the pandemic. 3/5