WHERE IS EVERYBODY? #GA is voting RIGHT NOW ON who their next SENATORS are going to be, and it’s going to be decided by constituent turn out!
this election is so important for the Democrats. It will decide if they take the lead in the Senate 1/..
2/.. over Mitch McConnel! We need to be tweeting about it night and day, filling up Twitter so everyone knows the name of
Jon Ossoff and Rafael Warnock over Loefller & Perdue!
Right now this country needs every single #Resister in this country to RETWEET TO YOUR FOLLOWERS Over and over to contact their representatives, especially Republican Senate, to get Mitch McConnell off his butt
and get a #STIMULUS bill 1/
2/...passed for all Americans NOW. They don’t get to leave Congress for the holidays until they have one passed, or THEY do not get paid! The money is there! People all over are going to be on the streets. MILLIONS already can’t afford the necessities to live! ...
3/... and in the middle of this, 109 Senate Republicans are teaming with Trump to overthrow the election.
Those Senate Republicans work for you and me. Get on the phone and call them, get your friends to call, and tell them...