1/ For people afraid we'll forget about the atrocities of the Trump (ym'sh) regime, today is the Fast of the 10th of Tevet which commemorates the beginning of siege of Jerusalem in 588 BCE... 2608 years ago
2/ And, contrary to popular belief, this is history written by the non-victors. Unless you understand 'victory' as defined by pure survival. My people lost the battle, but wrote the books, constructed an entire society to learn
& teach in exile
3/ Part of these fasts are to remember the morality and ethics of the tragedy. The First Temple was destroyed as punishment for sins of the worst nature, esp. 'bloodshed', which Rabbi Leibtag taught us includes corrupt justice systems & oppressing the poor
4/ Two thousand six hundred years in the future, we remember tragedy born from our indifference, injustice, inhumanity. So, as Jews, we're commanded to recall tragedy whether we're history's "winners" or "losers" because the role of leadership never stops, even when we fail.
5/ That the 10th of Tevet also mourns the loss of two leaders of the Diaspora, who taught the community how to rebuild after the destruction (commemorated on the 10th of Tevet) is also appropriate for the deeper lesson, and for the irony of 12-25-2020's synchronicity
6/ Ezra & Nechemia led the people, restored the lost traditions, taught the new generations, knew how to navigate the powerful colonial government while maintaining tradition. Again, appropriate for the Happy Holiday Tree season
7/ The last event we commemorate is the translation of the Chumash into Greek (no, not dealing with the weird 9th of Tevet retcon, frumheretic.blogspot.com/2009/01/fast-o…) & that led directly to Xianity & the mistranslation of 'Almah' that led to today's holiday en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Almah
8/ Hanukkah's message of resistance to assimilation ("Hellenism") is reinforced by 10th of Tevet's mourning of the popularization (and consequent misunderstanding) of Tanakh which in turn led to the misappropriation of my Tradition and thus cultural colonialization & oppression
9/ I theorize that the prohibition of writing down the Oral Law came about from the rise of these aggressive, sectarian breakaways, as a strategy to avoid repeating the LXX tragic cultural conquest of the very meaning of my covenant & tradition
10/ The oral law eventually was written down only when the dominant surrounding culture was not a product of the Bible: Sassanian Persia was Zoroastrian, so the oral law was uninteresting & thus a written record wasn't a volatile threat.
11/ I started this topic by emphasizing every fast day is to commemorate a tragedy that came about from our sins, and notably sins against our fellow person. Murder, injustice is #1. Sin #2 is about debasing the family & inherent relationships (kids in cages? forced births?)
12/ Sin 3 is avoda zara which ultimately is treason against God. I see so many of my fellow tribespeople run after a golden calf, embracing conservative WEP & rejecting their own people in worship of the greatest evil in a half-century
Fasting without teshuva is nonsensical.
13/ Will this depraved regime be forgotten by history? Will the victims' voices be silenced? Well, here's one descendent of a victim of the Nebuchadnezzar regime, a 'loser' of a war against a superpower, telling you 2608 years later: Never Forget.
1/ My kids know my pet-peeves and, thank God, are compassionate people who won't bring things up just to see me angry (outside of the standard parent-child education process). I describe these triggers as 'big red shiny buttons' based on ancient literature:
2/ My wife & I are both trained teachers, a rabbi & a rebbetzin both with MAs from Yeshiva University and PhDs in humanities/history, who care deeply about how to raise educated & ethical Modern Orthodox kids.
Which means, there are a lot of big red buttons to press.
3/ This comes up over Shabbat meals when they repeat divrei Torah they learned in school; but they aren't trying to get me to blow up, rather they're often disturbed by what they hear.
I've pledged to myself that I won't dispute their teachers unless 1 of 2 rules are violated:
1/ As a practical-minded scholar who aspires to be expert in worldly wisdom, I've concluded that the easiest & most lucrative job for someone with my skill set is to provide an intellectual superstructure to validate selfishness, cruelty & greed.
2/ Fortunately, my ethical constitution & upbringing steered me away from profiting off the misery of others. But the job of the "conservative intellectuals" throughout human history has been to invent plausible ethical-sounding theories to be a terrible person.
3/ This job in the past were false prophets of the idolatrous kings, religious leaders who validated slavery, 19th Century social-Darwinists, and the entire "Right Wing Think Tank" ecosphere with their jewel: trickle-down economics
23.01/ Week 23, Jan 19-25 begins here. (Why does it start on Saturday? Because it's Sat. night, which in halakha is Sunday - Yom Rishon - the first day of the week. Thanks for coming to my Todros Talk)
23.02/ Halakhically a lie is ethical if it's for compassionate ends: "white lies" (eg "nice hat") I'd like to add a distinction for lies in the pursuit of justice: "red lies"
22.02a/ Well Obama wasn't a real American, Biden not a real president and Jill Biden not a real doctor. This is a common gripe by anti-intellectuals & #Literalists who believe physicians own "doctor" when they actually stole it from PhDs
22.02b/ But let's be clear about why she actually deserves to use the title - aside from my own standard argument that I earned the degree - Dr. Biden is currently employed as a professor in a university. It's her job title, ya trolls! It's as valid as calling her "First Lady"
1/ I saw recently the ostensibly "pro-life" position described as "pro forced-birth" & I much prefer that moniker. That's where I am ethically: I'm anti-forced-birth
Morality is about *details* & compassionate lived experience shows me that abortion must be legal.
2/ Ethical rules on a page don't mean anything until they're gamed out in real life. The most fraught questions are when the state (or community) uses force against an individual - to deprive of life, liberty, resources etc., either as punishment or intended consequence of rules
3/ I'm an ethicist with a focus on medical questions. Euphemisms are common, but deadly, in that arena.
e.g. "Rationing medical care" means evaluating an individual's worth & passively declaring a death sentence
(It's happening now as a result of the GOP's COVID diktat)
21.02/ Dad achievement unlocked: my thermostat is so low we need to wear sweaters in the house.
Took years to reach this level, I have so many people to thank, starting with my own father (shlit"a)...
21.03/ This is a great point below.
BTW, for me the only way boys have been 'easier' to raise than girls is that I have more first-hand experience (e.g. put your glasses in your kippah by the bedside to protect from breakage). That's it.