Did you know Monopoly was invented by a woman named Elizabeth Magie in 1903? She created board games to express her political beliefs.
Originally called ‘The Landlord’s Game,’ it was designed as a protest against the big monopolists of her time like Carnegie & Rockefeller. 1/
The Landlord’s Game was intended to show that an economy rewarding wealth creation is better than one where monopolists work w few constraints.
It demonstrates how families build wealth & amass fortunes. There were diff versions before Parker Brothers released theirs in 1935. 2/
Monopoly aside, you should know more about Elizabeth Magie.
Her father, James Magie, was a abolitionist & newspaper publisher who traveled w Abraham Lincoln around Illinois. He introduced Elizabeth to Henry George’s best-selling 1879 book, “Progress & Poverty.” 3/
Magie supported herself & didn’t marry until 44. She worked as a stenographer & secretary & wrote poetry & short stories. She performed comedy & created the famous game.
But it was Charles Darrow who sold Monopoly to Parker Brothers, becoming a millionaire. So what happened? 4/
When Magie applied for a patent for her game, women represented <1% of all patent applicants.
And even though she owned her own home (unusual for a women) & was also an inventor, she found herself still struggling to make ends meet alone on a stenographer’s meager salary. 5/
That’s where things get interesting. Mocking marriage, Magie took out an ad offering herself for sale to the highest bidder to make a statement about the dismal prospects for women.
“We are not machines,” she told reporters. “Girls have minds, desires, hopes & ambition.” 6/
Anyway, back to Monopoly...
Magie’s ‘Landlord’s Game’ game caught on at college campuses & among Quakers, who added modifications.
Charles Darrow, an unemployed salesman, played the Quaker version & eventually sold it to Parker Brothers 30+ yrs after Magie’s patent. 7/
After the deal w Darrow, Parker Brothers purchased Magie’s patent for $500 so they would have sole control of Monopoly.
Parker Brothers credited Monopoly w saving their company & Darrow went on to become a very wealthy & celebrated rags to riches legend. 8/
At least 1B ppl in 111 countries speaking 43 languages have played Monopoly.
Elizabeth Magie died in 1948 w no recognition for inventing the game, while Darrow’s legend lives on.
Several aspects of Elizabeth Magie’s life capture my imagination or infuriate me.
Her story also makes me think of Rosalind Franklin & wonder how many innovations & discoveries of women we attribute to the men who took credit for their novel ideas. 10/
Many friends & neighbors think I’m overly cautious w #COVID19. But my experience w hospitalization has profoundly shaped how I view this threat.
In 2009 I almost died bc of an anesthesiologist’s error during a straightforward cyst removal in the hospital. 1/
I aspirated during surgery & woke up literally coughing up lung tissue.
I couldn’t breathe.
I was by myself in the recovery area, still hooked up to beeping monitors & scared. And at first no one noticed my 02 levels crashing. 2/
I had expected to be home that evening, but landed in the hospital for a week w aspiration pneumonia.
They pumped me w loads of antibiotics & for the first time I had allergic reactions to several. They checked my lungs a lot. Continually scanned me for clots. 3/