#SpecialCounselDurham#Flashback On this day, December 28, 2016 IG Horowitz found then @FBI Deputy Director McCabe wrote to senior intel official arguing Steele dossier should be included in the "main body" of the Intelligence Community Assessment or ICA -- the most consequential
intelligence product about Russian 2016 election interference. McCabe wrote, "We oppose CIA's current plan to include it (Steele dossier) as an appendix; there are a number of reasons why I feel strongly that it needs to appear in some fashion in the main body of the reporting."
NOTE: IG Horowitz found "McCabe's view did not prevail" though he argued 3 points, "President Obama had requested 'everything'" + Steele reporting not vetted but "consistent with information from other sources" (circular reporting) + it had been "widely circulated throughout
government + media circles" + “was likely to leak.” WHY IT STILL MATTERS: Dec 2017 Steele dossier unverified + by Jan 2017 primary source discredited the claims + used again for FISA @carterwpage ICA is significant area interest to Durham probe + @SenRonJohnson@ChuckGrassley
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#COVID19Vaccine@USMarshalsHQ will provide security for vaccines "Deputy Marshals are working hand-in-hand with Operation Warp Speed personnel to provide security for COVID-19 vaccines from the facilities where they are manufactured to distribution sites" FULL Statement @CBSNews
“In addition to our core missions of apprehending fugitives, transporting and housing prisoners, protecting the judicial process, and running the Federal Witness Security Program, the U.S. Marshals Service is also responsible for the Strategic National Stockpile Security
Operations Program. Enhanced after 9/11 , the national stockpile fills an important need to have pharmaceuticals and other medical materials available for quick dissemination to the American people in times of national need, such as a man-made or natural disaster, or a pandemic.
#Intelbriefings VIA HILL POOL @alanhe GOP Senators @SenJohnThune + @JohnCornyn that it ‘probably makes sense’ for former VP Biden to receive intel briefings now as ‘challenges play out’ Thune: Well, I think that it probably makes sense to prepare for all contingencies” + “as
these election challenges play out in court, I don't have a problem with + I think it's important from a national security standpoint, continuity + you've seen other members suggesting that. I think that makes sense." Reporter Question to Sen Cornyn: Do you think that he should
get the level of briefing of PDB, the presidential daily briefing books? Cornyn: Whether he actually gets the product itself, I think the info needs to be communicated in some way. I’m on the intelligence committee, we don’t get the PDB but we get products, intelligence products
#Election2020 Latest update from senior @CISAgov official, FBI is investigating robocalls urging voters to stay home on election day. Official said "this (is) more of a voter intimidation, voter suppression tactic" + emphasized that it happens every election. Official would not
say whether the whatsapp messages received by voters in Dearborn, MI are part of this investigation, but said that they aren't seeing similar WhatsApp messages elsewhere. On the whatsapp messages, official gave credit to MI Secretary of State for calling it out, “Sunlight is the
best disinfectant for those types of operations." There continue to be technical issues, but official said "folks are resolving them as quickly as possible." Overall, official said "frankly, we haven't seen a whole bunch new. This just looks like any other election day + really
#ElectionDay NOW NEW update from senior @CISAgov official: issues facing limited number of electronic voting systems OH, GA, MO, NY were "typical challenges with technology" that are seen on Election Day considering there are hundreds of thousands of polling stations around the
country + they don't have anything that leads them to believe bad actors are involved. They are in touch with state + local officials. Regarding activity from the Iranians, official suggested that the alleged Proud Boys' email was the first time the Iranians “entered the field”
of American election interference this cycle. Regarding potential attacks throughout the day, official said they COULD see some adversaries try to undermine confidence through website defacements or denial of service attacks. "Our message to the American people is to stay calm +
#Election2020 A source with direct knowledge of the FBI interview tells @CBSNews that former Hunter Biden business associate Tony Bobulinski was interviewed by the FBI, with counsel present, at the bureau's Washington Field Office, on October 23 for approximately 4-5 hours. About
a half dozen agents took part, at various points, of the interview. The source said it included an "examination and review" of the 3 phones to confirm the authenticity. Bobulinski says he used the phones to communicate with Hunter Biden + HB's business team. The FBI interview was
described as voluntary + the source said the discussion included his business dealings with Hunter Biden + his team on the Chinese firm CEFC as well as Bobulinski's "exposure to other Biden family business deals" globally. At the time of the 2017 CEFC texts + emails, the former
NEW: Senate Investigators seek Hunter Biden records, according to October 21 letter, addressed to team of lawyers. Deadline October 23. “According to recent reports that published emails allegedly from your client’s laptop, the Committees have identified your client as an
individual involved in one or more of these business arrangements or financial transactions. As part of the ongoing efforts to validate + verify the information in those emails, the Committees request that your client provide all records related to any of your client’s business
dealings—including, but not limited, to bank records, wire transfers, account balances, gifts, business transactions, travel records—with Joe Biden, James Biden, Ye Jianming, Chi Ping Patrick Ho, Zang Jian Jun, Gongwen Dong, Mervyn Yan, Gabriel Popoviciu, or any other associates