Next 20 days is #PeakFuckery for Trump, his foreign paymasters and douche squad. PardonPalooza is about to get ugly and he has Cucky Neckbeards to entertain on the 6th. As usual Trump will fuck it up but it should be entertaining. Parody videos please.…
Ideally triggered events in the ME/Africa should coincide with his big Twittler rally in DC. Iran Revenge will be the enemy and Trumpler will be the shortest War President in history. Let’s hope his stooges fuck this up
Uh oh..another one of those magical false flag pre Iran war threat mines: "two private security firms said sailors feared they had found a limpet mine on the MT Pola, a Liberian-flagged tanker in the waters off the Iraqi port of Basra."…
The POLA is an oil tanker IMO: 9493767 and has an Iranian mine identical to the other false flag attacks on May 12, 2019 and June 13 2019. All ships had been in the UAE or Saudia Arabia before mines were "discovered".…
Dryad Global says that it remains unclear whether the device found was viable and thus failed to explode or was placed as a “dry run.” The MT Pola can be seen to have been in the position where the device was found since December 27…
Pathway to Victory Alert! The ONANist News Network has just upgraded to chalk board infographics. Investigative report Pearson Sharp (could be be the secret heir to the Sharpie family fortune?) explains it all to the IncelBase. #20DaysToSanity.
Be still my beating heart. I just sent in my application to join the Elite Flaming Hoops Squad. Motorized Division. Egypt has clearly won the war for hoops and minds
I washed out of the Ambiguously Gay Steroid Division but I know that the secret Egyptian plan was to out Gym the tactical gumbies of Al Qaeda and ISIS. #YouWorkOutBrother?…
I almost joined ISIS when I saw the Backflip Monkey Bar Dismount. I was going to travel to the Sinair to bring my secret plans to create the Backflip Monkey Bar Dismount...THROUGH THE FLAMING HOOPS Ariana Grande remixes. Check. Checkmate!…
As an expert in extreme #violence and #fuckery I encourage Americans to flow like water on Jan 6. Get your #StopTheSteal signs and pay Proud Boys fiddy bucks to nail their dicks to telephone poles to show their support for Trump. We wish them all the best.
#StopTheSteal is the final curtain of the TravelingTrumpShow. Encourage them to fight amongst each other to show who will die gloriously for Trump when he becomes #FloridaMan. You can chant #LockThemUp but only after a fair trial. Perhaps give everyone trophies for showing up?
For people who don't know what "be the water" means.
America's involvement in Iraq will be remembered for three things: the fake WMD fraud in 2001, the Nisour Square/Blackwater Massacre in 2007 and the leaked Reuters journo death in a video leaked by Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange in 2010.…
It is embarrassing that the least successful part of our Iraq adventure has bled into the Trump era with Bolton, Assange, Flynn, Prince and others using Trump's ignorance and greed to rewrite history.…
Despite the lazy trope of "Iraq was better off under Saddam" Iraqis, specifically shias and Kurds, are far better off but America collectively doesn't care about Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia etc anymore. They benefited, but we have our own problems.…