HOW IT ENDS: The heated partisan politics of Capitol Hill will jump to scorching today, when TRUMP’s staunchest GOP allies will launch a formal, public and futile effort to keep him in power by overturning the results of the Nov election. w/Lillis…
The extraordinary gambit has convulsed the Capitol in the final days of Trump's reign and cleaved the GOP into warring factions - divisions that will bear long-lasting implications for both the future direction of the GOP and the success of ambitious 2024 hopefuls.
Such challenges have been tried before, but not on this scale: At least 13 Senate Republicans and more than 100 House Republicans are expected to vote to reject certification of Joe Biden’s EC victory
With Trump agitating his base and threatening to recruit primary challengers to run against disloyal lawmakers, many Republicans, particularly in the House, feel that it would be political suicide to defy him.
To move the party into the future, @RepSeanMaloney is vowing to listen to younger progressives when it comes to social media/digital outreach; to shift away from “stuffy old traditional crappy polling”; and to reject the idea that big $$$ is synonymous with election success.
HARRIS gets first question or coronavirus. She says TRUMP/PENCE knew about dangers of COVID on Jan. 28.
"They knew what was happening and they didn't tell you." #VPDebate
.@VP Pence says the Biden coronavirus plan resembles the Trump plan and "looks a little bit like plagiarism" which is something Biden knows about #VPDebate
If Donald Trump tells us to take the vaccine, "I'm not taking it," Harris says #VPDebate
Trump's actions come on SAME DAY that Fed Chair Powell warned of downward econ spiral of layoffs, recession without further coronavirus aid…
On conf call with House Dems, PELOSI suggests she is making progress w/MNUCHIN on COVID talks but few details
HOYER reminds members that they will get 24 hour heads up to return to DC if a deal comes together this week.
Hoyer says if there is a deal late this week, House would come back next week to vote on COVID relief package
If a deal comes together by the end of the week, it could take a few more days to draft, pushing us into next week, @LeaderHoyer tells rank and file Ds