Implications: "teachers...(will get) vaccine after first responders and individuals age 70 +. (they should) get the vaccine starting in early March... (at) two doses three weeks apart, (this) won’t have much impact on the rest of the 2020-21 school year." However, ... 2/n
1. All States are now making older folks top priorities. Most at risk of severe consequence, and consensus now is that new, more transmissible variants mean we have to vaccinate these at-risk populations fast
One critical component of these plans is #FFAST; fast, frequent, asymptomatic testing.… For this, Colorado, Rhode Island, and other states' moves to use the Abbott BinaxNOW $5/15 minute antigen test for school surveillance is a good move. Why? 6/n
Because public schools need an easy-to-manage, fast turn-around, highly scaled, cheap solution. And, research shows clearly that these test-types are terrific for the relevant Ct ranges… So.... 7/n
Good to prioritize age-bands now in race against variants. Teachers /other essential workers will have to wait a bit. Schools can still safely re-open this school year. And, most critically, we need to make it a national priority to insure they have everything to do so. 8/8
Good to hear Dr. Slaoui (OWS) argue that we'll have 70% of population vaccinated and reach herd immunity in May. But we need to see the data. The Pfizer/Moderna volumes alone will not get us there that fast. Astra Zeneca not even through Phase III. #CNNSOTU@jaketapper
@jaketapper Helpful from Dr. Jha. 2 Q's still 1. why not put the 60 mill who have had COVID at end of immunization line? Would help accelerate. And 2. do we just skip those in early priority groups who refuse to take vaccine and move on? Would also accelerate.…
OK, becoming a thread. Assume @ashishkjha analysis correct. Still the case that schoolkids and many of their families will not be vaccinated until much later in '21. So.... here's something current and next Admin can agree to do right now, 3/x
We're going to need FFAST, Fast Frequent Asymptomatic Testing, through 2021. Particularly to safely reopen our public schools.… Why? 1/x
1. Pfizer has indicated it will allocated 25 mill of its 50 mill global vaccine production this year to U.S. That's 12.5 mill people, about 3% of U.S. population. 2/x
Head of Operation Warp Speed indicated yesterday that he hopes Pfizer will provide 20 - 25 mill per month in 2021. That would mean around 10% of U.s. population immunized by end Q1 2021 3/x
Unemployment is and will be through the roof across the nation. Everyone, but students in particular, want and need mission-driven employment opportunities immediately. Ponder this for my second home-state, Maine;… 2/n
Massachusetts and some other states (NY, w/ Bloomberg) are scaling contact tracing quickly -- 1,000 about to be trained in MA. Yea! But -- few states have expertise and $$ to do this. So a national program is vital.… 3/n