@tdsb Following delegations - now hearing from @kgfalcon Interim Director - updated based on @TOPublicHealth advice... agenda below
@tdsb@kgfalcon@TOPublicHealth SO Andrew Gowdy - #COVID19 in geographic context - June-August through most recent (Nov-Dec) - deeper the blue greater the risk - overlaid with elementary schools and secondary schools
@tdsb@kgfalcon@TOPublicHealth Slides show the high-risk neighbourhoods - in the 3rd map added in the 12 schools @TOPublicHealth dismissed - number in the central part of the city; this also shows the schools participating in the asymmetric pilot as purple dots
@tdsb@kgfalcon@TOPublicHealth The 4th maps adds in schools that had COVID-19 cases during November and December - dot size represents cases - shows no part of the City immune - 406 of 583 schools - 70% of @tdsb schools
@tdsb@kgfalcon@TOPublicHealth This slide summarizes the COVID-19 cases per @tdsb in-person enrolment - suggests high-risk schools experienced more cases than the other schools - question lingers - what would the rate have been if we didn't add in mitigation measures in the 93 schools?
@tdsb@kgfalcon@TOPublicHealth By the second day back, understood where in-person learning was required to support students - potential of simultaneous learning in some classes supported by an occasional teacher
@tdsb@kgfalcon@TOPublicHealth Number of students and schools continue to grow - dynamic - with the extensions learning needs expected to grow
@tdsb@kgfalcon@TOPublicHealth The importance of #mentalhealth supports for staff, students and parents - referrals continue electronically - culturally relevant supports for students - important for socialization and constant changing and copc - calendar will be posted shortly for students/family
@tdsb@kgfalcon@TOPublicHealth The importance of #mentalhealth supports for staff, students and parents - referrals continue electronically - culturally relevant supports for students - important for socialization and constant changing and copc - calendar will be posted shortly for students/family
@tdsb@kgfalcon@TOPublicHealth@tdsbvs@TDSB_MHWB I was able to ask questions which I couldn't live tweet so will add at the end - now Q & As - high-risk communities continue to require supports - and the decision to require masks - important decisions - we will continue to support and put resources where needs are
@tdsb@kgfalcon@TOPublicHealth@tdsbvs@TDSB_MHWB Statement of support for teachers, education workers, and staff at all levels - What does the gathering of 5 outside mean for our playgrounds? Seeking clarification and will get back ASAP; Q with relation to students with special needs at school - critically important
@tdsb@kgfalcon@TOPublicHealth@tdsbvs@TDSB_MHWB Q re families struggling with on-line hours - do families need to ask for exemptions? A - if child is struggling family should contact teacher - reminder has been put out to SO that exemption process still in place - stresses families reaching out to teacher
@tdsb@kgfalcon@TOPublicHealth@tdsbvs@TDSB_MHWB Q re switch dates - @TOPublicHealth concerns re cohorts switching - are numbers comparable to Oct switch date? Concern re numbers in bricks & mortar - Q re devices - where are we at with that? List shared with Ps on Dec 15 - on a daily basis still receiving requests - today 135
@tdsb@kgfalcon@TOPublicHealth@tdsbvs@TDSB_MHWB Schools fulfilling requests from local stock for bricks and mortar students - but we do have central pool that we can support if school runs out - requests can still be made
@tdsb@kgfalcon@TOPublicHealth@tdsbvs@TDSB_MHWB Q on staff survey - research department is currently reviewing for themes and trends - update will be brought in the next few weeks - student/parent check-in going out this week and ThoughtExchange after that is completed
@tdsb@kgfalcon@TOPublicHealth@tdsbvs@TDSB_MHWB Q on maps - will the 93 schools be expanded? Do more schools need support to lower class sizes? @TOPublicHealth hasn't provided more direction - but they are reinforcing the use of PPE and physical distancing and cohorts kept together as much as possible
@tdsb@kgfalcon@TOPublicHealth@tdsbvs@TDSB_MHWB Q re 1-way switch - class sizes may be reduced - what about collective agreements and size of virtual school? If we have to hire additional teachers for 6500 would need to hire approx 300 teachers - significant cost - may not be able to do a 1-way switch without cohort changes
@tdsb@kgfalcon@TOPublicHealth@tdsbvs@TDSB_MHWB Q re there are congregated and other sites are open for students with special needs - what about other students with special needs? As the closure continues we will continue to support one on one requests
@tdsb@kgfalcon@TOPublicHealth@tdsbvs@TDSB_MHWB Q if multiple students in a household, can all get devices? And how is it communicated? Requests made through local school Principal - google form is entered - information is verified - within 48 hrs students get device if in virtual school - communicated directly with families
@tdsb@kgfalcon@TOPublicHealth@tdsbvs@TDSB_MHWB Q what support is there for parents supporting children at home? Staff are convening a group to articulate supports that can be sent home - hope it can help - understand parents are not teachers and yet young kids often need them to help with on-line learning
@tdsb@kgfalcon@TOPublicHealth@tdsbvs@TDSB_MHWB Director @kgfalcon stresses for parents to seek support from their teacher or administrator if they are struggling - reiterating to families re expectations - we are in a pandemic - messaging - it is OK if today was not a full school day... priority is health & wellness
@tdsb@kgfalcon@TOPublicHealth@tdsbvs@TDSB_MHWB Q re supports - A - across the system - approx 600 referrals per Learning Centre - social workers approx 1:35 families per Learning Centre - now reallocating 5 social workers to triage requests for @tdsbvs - there are no wait lists
@tdsb@kgfalcon@TOPublicHealth@tdsbvs@TDSB_MHWB Q What materials does a Virtual teacher need for the $100 budget? A - several teachers needed support for instruction purposes and digital resources
@tdsb@kgfalcon@TOPublicHealth@tdsbvs@TDSB_MHWB Q Why did the secondary schedule change? And the training re PD vs what EDU said vs the reality A Training was part of the September PD - however there is not a teacher who hasn't had to do extraordinary work to get ready for the teaching and learning in a remote situation
@tdsb@kgfalcon@TOPublicHealth@tdsbvs@TDSB_MHWB Follow-up re ongoing PD support for elementary virtual teachers? Are we developing anything about teaching in the virtual environment? A Centrally assigned Principals working to build capacity - inclusive design - pedagogical strategies on line, etc.
@tdsb@kgfalcon@TOPublicHealth@tdsbvs@TDSB_MHWB Q Re intrusions into Virtual Space A We are tracking and if there is an incident we bring a response team together and we communicate - doing what we can to prevent - Q re attendance at Virtual Schools and remote model A staff will bring that back
@tdsb@kgfalcon@TOPublicHealth@tdsbvs@TDSB_MHWB Q Is everything now Virtual School? No - students who were in bricks and mortar school are learning remotely but are not in virtual school - they stay with their teacher ; Q re devices - what about family who can't afford internet? A we have no iPads left - but we send hubs
@tdsb@kgfalcon@TOPublicHealth@tdsbvs@TDSB_MHWB Q What's next? Thinking about extended closure... reopening post-closure and reopening in Sep - we had planning tables Can we get an update on planning forward?Asking staff to report back
@tdsb@kgfalcon@TOPublicHealth@tdsbvs@TDSB_MHWB Q re @TOPublicHealth feedback - can communication be forwarded? A Evolving question - and we will continue to meet to go over what we will do next - no recommendations at this point - still processing
@tdsb@kgfalcon@TOPublicHealth@tdsbvs@TDSB_MHWB Q What do we know about EQAO and updated numbers around secondary resources re guidance and spec ed supports? Can staff bring back updates. Re Team Meetings - ISTs and SSTs are continuing - bricks and mortar principal are connected to the meetings
@tdsb@kgfalcon@TOPublicHealth@tdsbvs@TDSB_MHWB Now back to my Qs - information re accessing emergency childcare for staff who are working in buildings supporting students with special needs received today and will be shared through Principals and Federations and Unions and Associations to all affected staff
@tdsb@kgfalcon@TOPublicHealth@tdsbvs@TDSB_MHWB Q re learning loss - A acknowledgement this will be different for different students and that staff will build this into plans for September 2021
@tdsb@kgfalcon@TOPublicHealth@tdsbvs@TDSB_MHWB Q re support for all representative voices around the table to plan for back to school - hopefully after the emergency passes and also for September
Michelle speaks to the behind the scenes work @tdsb to ensure systems are disrupted to engage parents and caregivers within classrooms in meaningful ways - learning through virtual schools regarding possibilities #PIACReadySetEngage
Special Committee of the Whole on COVID-19 related issues beginning at 4:30 - Join us here tdsb.on.ca/stream/boardme…
For today's update @TDSBDirector shares agenda - will be sharing new information and updating other information
An update on devices - glad to see that there is a plan to replenish/pay back the schools who lent equipment - @manonjgardner - plan and timelines will come Friday
ADs are now answering questions through the moderator - suggest additional questions through Principals and Superintendents - Trustees can also facilitate Qs&As from patents and communities #TDSBParentConf
Important @TDSBDirector speaks to keeping focus during these Pandemic times... working on dismantling structures and policies that have created barriers for students - creating pathways, changing disciplinary practices, professional learning on anti-oppression and anti-racism...
And continues to speak to initiatives to close the achievement gap - how data is essential and helps us to differentiate resources #TDSPParentConf
@tdsb@TDSBDirector On devices, @Singhpeter speaks to remote learning - up until June requests from 60,488 units shipped - devices were collected from 370 schools
Please join us for @tdsb Committee of the Whole beginning at 4:30 - click here tdsb.on.ca/stream/boardme… Agenda includes Reports From Trustees Appointed to @opsba and @TOPublicHealth, Profiles of Administration Sites and an Update on School Reorganization - will live tweet
Trustee @Steph4schools reports on @opsba election results and provides summary report from last Board of Directors meeting including a motion requesting EDU immediately disburse federal funding to public school boards and restore school board reserves spent to open schools safely
And a second motion to advocate to the Minister for an immediate mechanism to address the deficiencies and inequities in funding across school boards to fund safe school opening - @opsba boards united in advocacy
Please join us at 4:30 for our FBEC Meeting - log on here - tdsb.on.ca/stream/boardme… - agenda includes contract awards, updates on two school builds, and an update on emergency purchasing during the Pandemic - will tweet and share information as I can
Staff are updating on the provincial and federal funding received to date - and how @tdsb has spent