.@mhojsik opens the discussion and points out that “non-charismatic” species like #reptiles and #amphibians play an important role in ecosystems and are often overlooked when we talk about trade regulations. #StolenWildlife#EUBiodiversity
Dr. Sandra Altherr from @prowildlife investigated the trade of reptiles and amphibians to the EU. The report #StolenWildlife revealed the amount of nationally protected species that were traded to the EU. #EUBiodiversity
Furthermore Dr. Sandra Altherr explains the great threat of illegal trade in reptiles and amphibians: Nationally protected species are legally sold in the EU due to gaps in laws. #StolenWildlife#EUBiodiversity.
Dr. Sandra Altherr concludes that the EU needs to pass a law, comparable to the US Lacey Act, that regulates trade in nationally protected species from foreign countries. #StolenWildlife#EUBiodiversity@prowildlife@EU_ENV
.@JohnEScanlon highlights the connection between the actual pandemic and unregulated wildlife trade.“ Colleagues, our systems are not able surviving the next pandemic. We need to secure humans and wildlife’s health from future zoonoses” #StolenWildlife#EUBiodiversity
. @joswabe from @HSIEurope opens the panel discussion "Does the EU need more regulations to end the illegal trade of exotic species?" and introduces us to the great panel. #StolenWildlife#EUBiodiversity
Dr. Mark Auliya reports: “When I was in the field, researching the illegal trade, I saw that people are specialised to collect highly endangered species. This webinar should have taken place twenty years ago already.” #StolenWildlife#EUBiodiversity
Maria Elena Sanchez representing @SpeciesSurvival points out, that many species are not only endemic to countries, but to very small areas. She says that especially Europeans are very organised in stealing endangered species. #StolenWildlife#EUBiodiversity
Dr. Sandra Altherr: "Many range states we contacted were not aware that their wildlife was stolen. Together we could list some species under CITES App III. But listing species is a long process and some need immediate action to save the species." #StolenWildlife#EUBiodiversity
A very strong statement from @JohnEScanlon "If you steal wildlife and smuggle it out of the origin country, you should face criminal prosecution in the destination country. You have to respect national laws." #StolenWildlife#EUBiodiversity