We report an analysis of #SARSCoV2 spike NTD antigenic sites targeted by monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) in #COVID19 patients in collaboration with @DavideCorti6 and Matteo Samuele Pizzuto @Vir_Biotech
We found that NTD-specific mAbs account for 6-20% of mAbs cloned from memory B cells in #COVID19 patients and that the most potent of them neutralize #SARSCoV2 as efficiently as ultrapotent RBD-specific mAbs and trigger Fc-mediated effector functions effectively.
We delineated an antigenic map of the #SARSCoV2 spike NTD using #cryoEM (including a 2.2Å structure) and binding assays revealing the presence of a site of vulnerability recognized by all potently neutralizing mAbs described thus far.
Analysis of #SARSCoV2 genome sequences available in @GISAID emphasizes the marked variability of the NTD in clinical isolates, especially in the site of vulnerability identified.
Many of these mutations, including the ones found in the B.1.1.7 and the N501Y.V2 lineages, affect mAb binding suggesting they might have arisen as a result of selective pressure.
However, we identified a combination of NTD-specific mAbs sensitive to distinct escape mutants although they recognize the same site of vulnerability, which is in line with what @AllieGreaney & @jbloom_lab recently described for RBD-specific mAbs.
In vitro selection for NTD mAb escape mutants (done in @vsv512 lab) identified many positions found in #SARSCoV2 clinical isolates, further supporting the hypothesis that mAb selective pressure contribute to viral evolution (e.g. in the B.1.1.7 and the N501Y.V2 lineages).
We also discovered a cool new mechanism of escape mutation involving modification of the signal peptide cleavage site (check out the preprint if you would like to learn more).
Finally, @neyts_johan team showed that one of our ultrapotent NTD-specific mAb provides prophylactic protection of Syrian hamsters challenged with #SARSCoV2 at doses as low as 1 mg/kg.
We discovered a neutralizing mouse monoclonal antibody (B6) targeting the coronavirus spike fusion machinery (S2 subunit) in collaboration with @McGuire_Lab
We identified by cryoEM that B6 recognizes the spike stem helix and cross-reacts with at least 8 distinct coronavirus spikes including those of the three highly pathogenic (#SARSCoV2, SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV) and the two endemic (OC43 and HKU1) human β-coronaviruses.
B6 broadly neutralizes spike-mediated entry into cells of distantly related coronaviruses including OC43 (lineage A) as well as MERS-CoV and HKU4 (lineage C) with comparable potencies.
The peer-reviewed version of our article describing the design and evaluation of a multivalent #SARSCoV2 receptor-binding domain #COVID19 vaccine is out!
Based on our previous studies of the immune response to coronavirus infections, we identified that the receptor-binding domain is immunodominant and accounts for most of the neutralizing activity in convalescent plasma/sera.
We therefore reached out to @KingLabIPD who had recently developed a self-assembling two component protein nanoparticle platform allowing to multivalently display respiratory syncytial virus F that elicit high-titers of neutralizing antibodies.