David Yongi-Cho was dying of tuberculosis at a very young age when a young lady started coming to his house with a New testament Bible
According to him, the young lady came to his house persistently until he took the Bible from her, read it and accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord
and saviour
Smith Wigglesworth was a sinner who had no time for the message of grace until a lady (He later married her) took it upon herself to witness the gospel to him
After his conversion, Smith Wigglesworth raised his wife from the dead by the power of the Holy Spirit
10 vs13 for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” 14 How then can they call on the One in whom they have not believed? And how can they believe in the One of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone to preach? 15 And how can they
preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news"
I was very well on course to be a fraudster or an armed robber in my twenties
I had a penchant for dreaming up get rich schemes that would empty the pocket of the gullible and
leave them clutching at straws
My first scheme worked like a charm when i was 12
I came up with the idea of writing a letter to all the parents of my roommates in the boarding school informing them that the school would be organizing an excursion and each student must resume with
extra 500 naira for this purpose
I signed the letters in the Principal's hand
My roommates took the letter home and they all returned with 500 naira each at the beginning of the next term
I got 50% of all the proceeds
I wasn't taught by anyone
Such stuff would just come to me and
they worked
Even when i was in primary School, I wrote a letter in my elder sister's hand and sent it to my class teacher claiming i was a sickle cell patient
It struck fear in the heart of all the teachers and none of them dared to flog me for any offense
I did this when I was 8
years old (In Primary 3)
My friends in Secondary school had me pegged as "Ade Bendel 2.0
Long after I became a believer, many of them were convinced I was just pulling a long con or trying to scam my way through life
I imagine today how my life would have turned out if the gospel
was not preached to me by Sister Titi Laniyan at Olivet Baptist High School when I was in SS2.
I listened to Titi because I wanted her to be my girlfriend.
She invited me to the Baptist Student Fellowship meeting on a Friday afternoon at the chapel and they sang that song "Ijoba
Orun lere Onigbagbo o"
That was my first brush with the gospel
I was 15
I didn't embrace the gospel immediately I was preached to but the seed had been planted
Growing up in a Christian home where Christianity was a religion didn't let me appreciate the power of the gospel but
that encounter with Sister Titi Laniyan did.
I was very receptive to her
I remember @LekeAlder writing on Twitter about His conversion story that came about through a "sister" when he was an undergraduate
I read that story several times
Many of us are more receptive to our peers
than authority figures
It took me another 12 years to become a born again
The seed planted at 15 continued to grow as I stumbled my way through life until it exploded in my heart on September 17, 2007
I wonder today how my life would have turned out if the gospel was not preached
to me
Perhaps I'd be in prison, dead, living out my life as a notorious criminal and leaving behind me a trail of sorrow, tears and blood
One thing was very certain, the path i was on when I met the Lord at 27 was anti-social, ungodly and injurious to society
The gospel saved me
The gospel saved my potential victims from my evil ways
The gospel changed the course of my life
If I have been a blessing to anyone since 2007, in any capacity, the person should thank Sister Titi Laniyan
Recently, i was introduced to my Secondary School Alumni association and
Titi Laniyan was crying on the phone when she saw how my life has turned out
We both live in Lagos, we have not had time to see but the fragrance of the gospel in me had reached her in many ways
She is a blessed mother of three now and i am eternally indebted to her for preaching
the gospel to me
I can count at least 500 people on Twitter who came to know the gospel of the Lord Jesus and it's transforming power through me
(I boast not)
I wrote that to say that those 500 blessings were on a path of destruction and would have been a curse but for the gospel
When I see believers who don't preach the gospel complaining about the society being corrupt and sin running riot
When i see nudity and pornographic content and lurid contents being retweeted or liked by believers who do not believe in preaching the gospel
I shake my head! There
is no other philosophy or way of life that has the record of the gospel when it comes to transforming destinies.
When you preach the gospel, you are doing yourself a favour!
A potential criminal who embraces Jesus is one less menace you will have to contend with in our society
The gospel cannot be preached by angels, it was not given to them
In Acts 10, the angel appeared to Cornelius and told him to send for Peter so that Peter can preach the good news to him!
It is our duty to preach the gospel
We cannot dodge it
If we intend to transform this world
the gospel is the only way
It is true that organized religion has its issues but when you encounter the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit, the transformation is undeniable
Please preach the gospel
It remains the power of God unto salvation
How do you think Obed Edom felt when King David insisted on moving the Ark of the covenant out of his house to a central place where it would benefit the whole of Israel?
How do you think the people around Obed Edom felt?
What do you think Obed Edom's wife and children said to
their father
If you were Obed Edom, how would you feel?
You were born without much in terms of money and property
Your family house was located in Jabesh Gilead (The outskirts of Israel sharing boundaries with the land of the Philistines
The Ark came to you by sheer happenstance
It was captured in battle by the Philistines and taken to their land
The Philistines placed the Ark in the House of dagon, their god
The Ark visited the land of the Philistines with great wrath and vengeance
The Ark also broke dagon to pieces
The philistines went to consult the
I know a Christian who prayed fervently for up to 9 hours a day for about five years. On many occasions, she turned hunger to a fast for lack of food to eat with her children
This woman didn't have a job or learn a trade. She was a full housewife before her husband died.
All she did was sit at home and pray
She was dirt poor and even her children despised her
She invited me to her home one day and asked me why God has not changed her story despite all her hours of praying and fasting
I said "Why didn't you get a job? Start a trade? become an
somewhere? Is praying a job? Is praying a source of income and blessing? No.
The next day, she went to a friend who has a pharmacy and asked if she could be coming to work for four hours every day for a stipend
The friend agreed
Two weeks later, somebody came to the
Have you ever heard the saying "Everybody lies"?
It is a saying that liars use to justify their unwillingness to tell the truth or to act the truth but it is not true
The liar expects others to be honourable and gullible, for a lie to fool anyone, it's victim must believe it
The moment one becomes wise to a lie, its hold on the person withers
It doesn't wither slowly
It vanishes the way darkness flees at the sight of light
The liar then expects his or her victim to overlook the lie or make unmasking the lie too expensive for his or her victim to walk
away from it.
He was a non-literate hunter who stumbled into Christianity because he found himself in a jam
He had a land dispute with some people
He was being cheated
He decided to put up a fight
To fend off the land grabbers
One of them hit him with a charm
The charm made him
Someone preached the gospel to another person of another religion
She didn't carry a megaphone at 5AM in the morning to disturb the neighbourhood
The person she preached to was in the same car with her
The person was not a child
The person could have told the person preaching to
him to "shut up" at anytime
The preacher and the one being preached to are both mature adults
The person that was preached to didn't report being harassed or embarrassed
It was the one who preached that excitedly talked about the experience
But this is Twitter
All the dumb poles
have an opinion
The opinion is not going to be based on any form of objectivity
What we want are retweet and likes
So we check the pulse of the community
We look at the popular handles
We have to go with popular opinion so that our opinion and that of "celebrities" are in sync
He traveled to her school to spend the week with her
It was a yearly ritual they had since they became lovers
They always spent the valentine week together wherever
they found themselves
The previous year, ASUU was on strike and they spent the week in
each other's company
It was her idea
The Valentine week ritual
She told him right after they started dating that February 14 was a hoax in her opinion
Most people with multiple lovers find a way to satisfy all their partners
She said she had older brothers and many male friends
She had also been room mates with ladies with multiple partners
She said she cannot trust anybody who wouldn't spend the whole week from February 10-february 17 with her
He felt she was being overdramatic but since he had nothing to hide, he fell inline
She was the most dedicated
Rather than cheat on your spouse, the honourable thing to do is quit the marriage
I know many people would rather want to eat their cake and have it, in principle, people who do that are scums and cheats
Either you are the husband or the wife, you have a duty to yourself to stay
faithful to your spouse regardless of the circumstances or the situation you find yourself in
If the situation is such that you cannot cope with the relationship, the best thing to do is walk out and stay out.
A lady came to my office claiming her husband was a two minute man and
the lack of sexual satisfaction had almost driven her into the street in search of a lover
She hadn't done anything yet...
She was just considering it because of the frustration the quick ejaculation issue the husband has was causing her
She made sure she dragged her husband to