Leadership transition, a challenge at the best of times, is much harder when the incoming leader is inheriting discontent, division, underperformance and the results of poor leadership by a predecessor. I have more to say on this. #LeadershipDevelopment#LeadershipTransition
Biden will find again the thing that makes turnarounds difficult is that the situation is always worse than is publicly known. Denial, cover-ups, withholding of information, and finger-pointing rather than accountability.
In #leadershiptransition, finding the data & putting facts on the table for all to confront, ends closed cronyism and invites more people to the discussion of what can be done. This provides the foundation for a more unified approach. #leadershipdevelopment
1st priority in a #leadershipTransition#Turnaround is to ‘stem the bleeding’ IE deal with crises & pain points. Whether the problems involve financial or pandemic distress, act in a way consistent with
-how the new leader plans to govern,
-signals some later moves.
Living in a situation which requires turnaround (either an organisation or a country) is demoralising. The new leader’s early actions should -where possible- benefit peoples’ daily lives. #leadershiptransition#LeadershipMatters
Important to regenerate peoples’ energy by giving them -realistic- hope for a better future. #LeadershipMatters
Giving people a shared, meaningful, non-trivial task where we somewhat depend on each other, rebuilds unity where there previously was division. Eg protect others & yourself by wearing a mask while escalate national vaccination program. #LeadershipMatters#LeadershipTransition
Leadership sets the tone. People care about being cared about. Show empathy and mean it. Ban the term ‘touchy/feely which is intended to belittle empathy. #LeadershipMatters#LeadershipTransition
#LeadershipMatters Leaders set the tone every single time they speak. Leaders should connect with the people they are trying to mobilise. Shared values, authentically expressed, help.
A key task of leaders is to mobilise peoples’ discretionary efforts above and beyond duty or mere contractual obligation in pursuit of shared goals. People will not give discretionary effort if they do not feel respected and heard. #LeadershipMatters
Yesterday I tweeted the below. This morning the new administration has told us that they have discovered there was no vaccine rollout plan. What they did discover is incompetence and cover up.
The incoming leadership in this turnaround have discovered that their predecessors had no plan for the biggest crisis in the in tray.
There will be more of this. I’m sorry to say. We should prepare ourselves. #Leadershipmatters#Leadership.