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Jan 20, 2021 60 tweets 83 min read Read on X
Looks like Billy J. Williams is back at it. @USAO_OR requests dismissal of ANOTHER #Portland #Antifa riot case.

Paul Furst, from July 21st #PortlandRiots for failing to obey a lawful order on grounds of the federal courthouse ImageImageImage
Another one just came in. Guess they were waiting until after the inauguration to go wild.

@USAO_OR requests to dismiss Rebecca Mota Gonzalez's Federal charge for assaulting a federal officer (specifically punching in the face) from July 26th #PortlandRiots ImageImageImage
Another one - 3rd dismissal since the inauguration

Stephen E. O'Donnell for assaulting a federal officer (specifically throwing a hard object, likely a flashlight, hitting an officer in the face) during #PortlandRiots 7/26

Requested dismissed by @USAO_OR (Billy J. Williams) ImageImageImage
Another one - 4th since inauguration, 18th overall

Wyatt AshMilby, charge of failing to obey a lawful order from 7/21 #PortlandRiots dismissed, he (?) still has a disorderly on federal grounds charge

If it's anything like the others (Kristiansen) @USAO_OR will drop that one too ImageImageImage
Mark Kolyvanov - failing to obey a lawful order from July 24th #PortlandRiots dismissed by @USAO_OR on Jan 8, not after inauguration (we missed it then)

19th overall dismissed, there were 96 total by our count, meaning @USAO_OR has dismissed 19.7% of the rioter cases so far ImageImageImage
Jeffrie Cary, assaulting a federal officer. Dismissed by @USAO_OR as a result of a deferred resolution agreement. Which from what we've seen generally involves <30 hours community service.

No mugshot known ImageImage
Richard Eric Singelstad - Civil disorder (typically rioting type offenses). Not sure what it was for, complaint is sealed. Dismissed by @USAO_OR on September 16th

He was arrested again during October 2nd #PortlandRiots ImageImageImage
David Hazan - failing to obey lawful order on federal grounds from July 22nd #PortlandRiots

Dismissed by @USAO_OR on December 30th.

22nd overall ImageImageImage
Another dismissal from @USAO_OR of #Portland #Antifa rioters

Ezra K. Meyers, failing to obey a lawful order from July 24th #PortlandRiots

@USAO_OR's 23rd overall dismissal and 6th dismissal since inauguration. They've dismissed 23.9% of all 2020 Antifa rioting cases so far ImageImageImage
2 more dismissals, up to 25 overall. Essence Sylvester and Alexis Richter - failing to obey a lawful order & disorderly conduct on federal property. From 10/7 #Portland ICE riot

Both completed a Deferred prosecution agreement (From what we've seen <40 hours community service) ImageImageImageImage
Another Dismissal from @USAO_OR. 26th Overall from #Portland #Antifa riots

Jerusalem A. Callahan, willfully damage and destroy property from July 21st Federal Courthouse riots charge dismissed

Billy Williams, who leads @USAO_OR resigns on Feb 28, will still track on this thread ImageImageImageImage
Another dismissal from @USAO_OR, 27th Overall from #Portland #Antifa #rioters

Nicholas Kloiber (26), charged w/ entering federal property and failing to obey a lawful order during July 23rd Federal courthouse #riot.

Dismissed by @USAO_OR in "the interests of justice" ImageImageImage
Another dismissal from @USAO_OR. 28th Overall

Marnie Samantha Sager, previously Benjamin Samuel Sager, entering Federal property and failing to obey a lawful order, July 21st #Portland #riots

Not sure how you look at this entire thread and view our justice system as legitimate ImageImageImage
Yet another dismissal from @USAO_OR. Number 29 (Of 96 total). First one we've seen on a Sunday.

Christine Lisa Margaux (38), who was charged with entering federal property and failing to obey a lawful order during July 30th #Portland #Antifa #riots ImageImageImage
Another Dismissal from @USAO_OR bringing the count up to 30 Dismissals. What a completely fraudulent system

Joshua Webb, who was charged with assaulting a federal officer from 7/26 #Portland #Antifa #riots. Specifically punching and smashing one in the face with a shield ImageImageImage
Another Dismissal from @USAO_OR. 31 Total.

Nicholas J. Bantista, assaulting a federal officer from 9/18 #Portland ICE #riot. Specifically throwing a small rock at an officers head. He was armed with a pellet gun and nail gun charges.

Bantista tried to suicide by cop in 2019. ImageImageImage
Another dismissal from @USAO_OR. 32 total

Caleb Wills for assaulting a federal officer. Specifically punching an officer in a de-arrest attempt with a group. He has felony warrants in TN

He completed a deferred prosecution agreement (generally <40 hours community service) ImageImage
Dismissal #33 from @USAO_OR

Ella Deanne Miller, 26. Entering federal property and failing to comply with a lawful order during June 21st #Portland #riots

Probably the last one that get dismissed by Billy J. Williams as he resigns on the 28th ImageImageImage
Another dismissal from @USAO_OR, not by Billy Williams (He resigned on the 28th, see quoted tweet)

Travis Austin Hessel, a repeat riot offender who was charged with civil disorder for punching a female @PortlandPolice during 8/4 #Portland #Antifa #riots

35th Dismissal from @USAO_OR. As can be seen Scott Asphaug is now the acting US Attorney leading USAO OR.

Zachary Roy Duffly (44) who was charged with disorderly conduct on federal property from July 21st #Portland #Antifa #riots. ImageImageImage
Thought the dismissals from @USAO_OR might slow down after quoted report blew up - Nope. They're still at it. 3 more yesterday.

Maurice Monson, charged with felon w/ body armor, dismissed. Priors for kidnapping, sexual abuse, and robbery with a firearm.

Taimane Jame Teo aka Zouk. Dismissal #37.

Was charged with assaulting a federal officer during July 6th #Portland #Antifa #riots. This was the riot where a rioter was arrested while carrying pipe bomb components ImageImageImage
Travis Williams. @USAO_OR Dismissal #38

Charged with assaulting a federal officer during 7/27 #Portland #Antifa #riots. Specifically lunging at ones face/neck and trying to break ones arm

Dismissed as part of a deferred resolution agreement (generally community service hours) ImageImageImageImage
Christopher Fellini. @USAO_OR Dismissal #39

Charged with assaulted a federal officer from July 5th #Portland #Antifa #riots. Specifically pointing a laser at officers eyes and pulling an officer to the ground during arrest

He had a knife and pepper spray on him during the riot. ImageImageImageImage
What does @USAO_OR do following last night's #Portland #Antifa federal courthouse riot? Dismiss two cases of assaulting federal officer from 2020 federal courthouse riots.

Dismissal #39. Nathan Onderdonk-Snow- smashing federal officer w/ a shield on 7/27
Dismissal #40 from @USAO_OR.

Jordan M. Johnson (32) assaulting a federal officer during 7/29 #Portland #Antifa federal courthouse riots.

Specifically striking an officer in the neck and head while resisting arrest. ImageImageImage
Thread book keeping - Mixed up the counts for Onderdonk-Snow (40) & Johnson (41)

Additionally, am not counting Isaiah Maza, who was murdered, and his case was then dismissed. He was out on bail, despite allegedly tossing an explosive into courthouse…
Dismissal #42 from @USAO_OR. To our knowledge there were no dismissals last week. Back at it this week though

Jesslynn Kreutz (28). Failing to obey a lawful order from July 24th #Portland Federal Courthouse #antifa riot. ImageImageImage
Missed this one from early March

Patrick Stafford who was charged with 2 felony counts of assaulting a federal officer for attacking officers with a shield in a de-arrest attempt

He was given a Deferred resolution agreement by @USAO_OR, who then dismissed his charges ImageImageImage
Dismissal #44 from @USAO_OR

Brodie Storey felony assault on a federal officer for tackling a federal officer during a #antifa riot on July 27th (same incident as above tweet)

He was given a deferred resolution agreement and charges dismissed. ImageImage
Dismissal #45. Not sure what happened with this case. Was dismissed in August of 2020.

Ronald Bernard Hickey aka Tawasi was charged relating to threats, harassment, and intimidation of federal officers who had to defend the federal courthouse from nightly #antifa riots. ImageImageImage
Dismissal #46 (From early March, catching up on some now)

Jesse H. Bates was charged with civil disorder for launching a metal ball bearing at a firefighter w/ a slingshot during July 13th #Antifa #riot. He was arrested with a crowbar. Dismissed by @USAO_OR ImageImageImage
Another Dismissal from @USAO_OR. 47th overall dismissal of Portland Antifa rioters

Evan L. Kriechbaum, a self proclaimed "Korean Anarchist"

He was charged w/ felony assault of a federal officer from July 30th #Portland #antifa Federal Courthouse riot. ImageImageImageImage
Dismissal #48. One more and they've dismissed 50% of the federal cases against #Antifa rioters

Halston Eugene Hamilton. Violation of National Defense Airspace for flying drones over Federal Courthouse. Dismissed as part of a deferred resolution agreement ImageImageImage
.@USAO_OR has now dismissed 50% (49/98) of the federal charges against #Portland Antifa rioters

Dismissal Number 49. David Michael Bouchard, felony assault on a federal officer, specifically accused of attacking & putting an officer in a headlock during a July 24th #Antifa riot ImageImageImage
Dismissal number 50 from @USAO_OR

Caleb Ehlers (23) - Entering federal property and failing to obey a lawful order during July 21st 2020 #Portland #Antifa #riot ImageImageImage
2020 Portland #Antifa #riots Dismissal number 51 from @USAO_OR

Cameron Knutson (28) - Entering federal property and failing to obey a lawful order during the July 23rd 2020 #Portland federal courthouse riot ImageImageImage
Dismissal #52 from @USAO_OR.

Michael Lee Pilgrim. Was charged with violation of National Defense Airspace for flying drones over the Federal Courthouse during #riots.

Dismissed as part of a deferred resolution agreement ImageImageImage
Dismissal #53 from @USAO_OR

Giovanni Terrence Bondurant (19) - felony assault on a federal officer during the July 22 #Portland #Antifa federal courthouse riot. Attacked officers making an arrest after Molotovs were thrown

Dismissed as a part of a deferred resolution agreement ImageImageImageImage
Dismissal #54 from @USAO_OR

Cody Porter, a communist Mult. County teacher - assaulting a federal officer (pointing powerful lasers at officer's eyes) during the July 7th #Portland #Antifa riot. Was also armed w/ fireworks

Dismissed as a part of a deferred resolution agreement ImageImageImage
Dismissal #55 from @USAO_OR

Gavaughn Streeter-Hillerich - Arson + Attempted Arson from a June 2020 #Antifa riot

As predicted, feds dismissed charges following state charge sentencing. He got 5 years for it + unrelated coercion, assault, & weapon charges
Dismissal #56 from @USAO_OR

Richard Scott Lindstedt, piloting a drone in restricted airspace during a July 26th #Portland #antifa riot.

Dismissed as a part of a pretrial diversion program. ImageImageImage
Dismissal #57 from @USAO_OR

Lillith E. Grin, a transexual #Antifa prostitute/streamer. Assaulting a federal officer w/ a laser during #Antifa riots

Dismissed as a part of a deferred resolution agreement, entailed 30 hours of community service and taking prescribed medications. ImageImageImage
Dismissal #58 from @USAO_OR of #Portland #Antifa rioters

Cyan Bass, federally charged with arson (carrying a 5 year minimum). He plead to state charges (which somewhat overlapped with federal)

He got 4 years for the state charges (3 w/ good behavior)
Dismissal #59 from @USAO_OR of #Portland #Antifa rioters

Noelle Angelina Mandolfo, assaulting a federal officer during the July 27th federal courthouse riot.

Dismissed as a part of a pretrial diversion agreement, likely had to do some community service hours. ImageImageImage
Dismissal #60 from @USAO_OR of #Portland #Antifa rioters

Shant Singh Ahuja, Destruction of Federal Government Property during the July 4th federal courthouse #riot.

Dismissed "in the interests of justice" ImageImage
Dismissal #61 from @USAO_OR of #Portland rioters

Hugo Berteau-Pavy, Civil disorder for pointing lasers at officers and into @tedwheeler's home during a June 13th #Antifa riot

Dismissed "in the best interests of justice". 1 more and its 2/3 of 2020 PDX Federal cases dismissed ImageImageImage
Dismissal #62 from @USAO_OR. They've now dismissed 2/3 of 2020 #Portland #Antifa rioting cases

Charles Comfort, Civil Disorder for assaulting @PortlandPolice multiple times w/ a shield

Dismissed as part of a deferred resolution agreement involving 30 hours of community service ImageImageImage
Dismissal #63 from @USAO_OR of #Portland #Antifa rioters

Phillip John Wenzel, charged with Civil Disorder from an August 14th riot in North PDX in which he had been accused of assaulting police (video of his arrest is quoted)

30 hours community service.
Dismissal #64 from @USAO_OR of #Portland #Antifa rioters

Kristopher Donnelly, one biggest repeat riot offenders from last year. Felony Civil disorder charge from rioting and assaulting Portland police

Dismissed due to state charges being resolved, where he got probation ImageImageImage
Dismissal #65 from @USAO_OR of #Portland #Antifa rioters

Sabastian Dubar, charged with assaulting a federal officer during the July 30th federal courthouse #riot.

Dismissed due to yet another deferred resolution agreement ImageImageImage
Dismissal #66 from @USAO_OR of #Portland #Antifa rioters

Tyler John Gabriel, charged with 5 counts of assaulting a federal officer during the July 27th 2020 federal courthouse #riot.

According to the docket he had 3 pretrial release violations. ImageImageImage
Dismissal #67 from @USAO_OR of #Portland #Antifa rioters

Rowan Olsen, charged with creating a hazard on fed property, disorderly, and failure to obey a lawful order during July 2nd federal courthouse #riot.

Video shows him with a group of black bloc trying to blockade the door ImageImageImage
Dismissal #68 from @USAO_OR of #Portland #Antifa rioters

Joshua 'Eva' Warner, one of the biggest repeat riot offenders, charged with felony civil disorder for targeting police officers' eyes with a high powered laser

Dismissed in exchange for 30 hours of community service ImageImageImage
Dismissal #69 from @USAO_OR of #Portland #Antifa rioters

Alexa 'Daron' Graham, charged with pointing a laser at an aircraft during the August 7th 2020 Antifa riot that ended with 24 arrests.

Dismissed as a part of deferred resolution agreement. ImageImageImage
Dismissal #70 from @USAO_OR of #Portland #Antifa rioters.

Skyler Roy Rider, charged with felony assault on a federal officer and civil disorder (also a felony) from an October 7th 2020 #Portland ICE building riot.

Dismissed as a part of yet another deferred resolution agreement ImageImageImage
Dismissal #71 from @USAO_OR of #Portland #Antifa rioters.

Kevin Phomma, charged with felony civil disorder for attacking @PortlandPolice officers with bear spray during an August 26th 2020 ICE building #riot. ImageImageImage
Dismissal #72 from @USAO_OR of #Portland #Antifa rioters.

Meganne Englich-Mills aka Mikal Faust, charged with felony civil disorder for jumping on OSP officers in a de-arrest attempt during a 9/5/2020 #riot.

Dismissed in exchange for 30 hours of community service. ImageImageImage
Dismissal #73 from @USAO_OR of #Portland #Antifa rioters.

Pedro Aldo Ramos Jr, charged with felony civil disorder for grabbing a female @PortlandPolice officer and punching her in the face in a de-arrest attempt.

Dismissed in exchange for 30 hours of community service. ImageImageImage
Dismissal #74 from @USAO_OR of #Portland #Antifa rioters

Ty John Fox, charged with felony civil disorder for throwing a large firework at @PortlandPolice during a September 6th riot

Fox also had 4 arrests in August 2021, while on pre-trial release for assault, menacing, & more ImageImageImage

• • •

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More from @AntifaWatch2

May 31, 2023
GBI with APD have arrested the people running the Atlanta Solidarity Fund, a Georgia nonprofit, and charged them with money laundering and charity fraud

The group has been heavily involved in financing StopCopCity and other violent #Antifa.

We wrote about Atlanta Solidarity Fund previously, they've been involved in numerous cases such as #antifa nail bomber Richard Hunsinger and other 2020 rioters such as Andrew Carlisle

The group had 3.5 million plus in funds as of a 2020 filing…
During a bond hearing for the March rioters prosecutors implied that nonprofit funds were used to purchase lasers used by rioters in 2020 and used for other purposes.

It will be interesting to see what else comes out.

Read 5 tweets
Apr 12, 2023
"A juror revealed another juror conducted research at home during the overnight break and presented that research to the rest of the jury"

That "research" was on the burden of proof in self defense cases, which Perry's attorney states was completely wrong…
Additionally an alternate, who was not allowed to participate in deliberations was huffing, snorting, gasping, and making other noises to express displeasure with comments inconsistent with a guilty verdict. ImageImage
This information would confirm wording in Greg Abbott's statement about the jury nullifying self-defense and state law.

Given this, and other allegedly criminal abuses from Jose Garza the pardon board must act as soon as possible
Read 6 tweets
Mar 28, 2023
Breaking: Hridindu Roychowdhury arrested for the Jane's Revenge firebombing of the Wisconsin Family Action's office.

Roychowdhury was also involved in StopCopCity vandalism

This was the first Jane's Revenge attack that inspired many others.… ImageImageImage
He was ultimately caught due to DNA found by police matching the graffiti style that he put up in support of dead #Antifa gunman Manuel "Tortuguita" Terran.

They later followed him, got a bag he threw away and matched it to DNA found on the molotov ImageImageImage
That protest mentioned above where he graffitied "We will get revenge" was the Stop Cop City association. Later in the complaint it states this

He was arrested in Massachusetts, but the case is a federal case in Western District of Wisconsin. Charge is 18:844I.F (arson) Image
Read 7 tweets
Mar 27, 2023
An impressive find here from @ViralNewsNYC

The asian woman with the cyan glasses assaulting the person in this video appears to be former CNN employee Teresa Shen, who is out on bail for domestic terrorism charges in Georgia stemming from the Jan 21st #antifa Stop Cop City riot
Teresa Shen can be seen in this arrest video from a NYC pro-abortion demonstration in December 2022. She's wearing the same glasses and yells out her name for jail support. DOB also matches up.
Teresa Shen previously worked at Erin Burnett Outfront. She's very active in NYC Antifa demonstrations and also was arrested at an event in New Jersey
Read 5 tweets
Mar 26, 2023
Atlanta Press Collective bizarrely called this post a "conspiracy theory" for connecting the arrests with stop cop city

You can clearly see in several videos, that there was in fact vandalism directly stating "Stop Cop City" (see BGOnTheScene's thread) at the event
There's some additional things in the thread, like claiming we harass people on social media which is entirely made up. We rarely even directly engage with leftist on this platform or any other.
Read 4 tweets
Mar 23, 2023
There's a bond hearing in superior court today for a decent number Stop Cop City defendants accused of domestic terrorism.

The prosecutors notes (without directly naming them) that there's a single 501c3 that's funding and causing much of the violence/arson Image
In that he specifically used the word "reimbursement" relating to the 501c3

He also states that many of those arrested have the same make & model burner phone. Also says that fliers were handed out at the 'concert' overtly stating that it "was not a music festival" but a protest
Further adds that there's been a significant amount of cooperation from some defendants.

When asked if one person was in a leadership role, prosecutors directly state that the leadership and those financing acts don't actually go into the forest
Read 9 tweets

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