The roots of the "Austrian" claim that fractional reserve banking (FRB) involves fraud or theft trace to the Austrian business cycle theory. According to some versions of that FRB inevitably leads to booms and busts.
In fact that believe is itself wrong, as I first tried to show in The Theory of Free Banking. See also here:…
But whether the theory was wrong or not isn't crucial. What mattered is that Murray Rothbard was among those who subscribed to it. And Murray, as many here will know, was also an uncompromising proponent of laissez-faire capitalism--an "anarcho capitalist."
It follows that Murray did not favor any government regulation. Courts (preferably private ones) would enforce laws protecting people's property rights, including punishing theft and fraud and insisting on the fulfillment of voluntarily agreed upon contractual obligations.
And so Rothbard confronted the challenge of reconciling his hard-core laissez-faire principles with his belief that fractional reserve banking makes business cycles inevitable. Would his ideal free society be doomed to suffer such cycles?
Or would it allow an exception to the principle that there should be no interference with perfect economic freedom, for the sake of preventing cycles? Should it, in other words, condemn voluntary acts of fractional reserve banking between consenting adults?
But there was a way around the dilemma: if FRB was itself contrary to the basic principles of a free society--if it rested on some violation of people's basic property rights, it could be ruled out on that basis alone.
No exception to the rule of perfect freedom w/in the limits consistent with respect for legitimately-acquired property rights would be necessary: one could have one's free-market cake and still argue for outlawing FRB.
There was no shortage of precedent for the belief that FRB was in fact founded upon fraud. Many textbooks still claim as much, often w/ ref. to early English banks (They are also wrong:…. But never mind.)
There were also precedents for claiming that FRB was a giant swindle. It's a belief with long populist roots. Rothbard was aware of it and of writings that upheld it. He was therefore very happy to embrace that tradition and embellish it.
Which he did by distorting the historical record in his own writings, whether willfully or simply because his strong priors caused him unwittingly to interpret the facts in a very skewed manner. Anyway, he got all sorts of things wrong.
Rothbard's many devotees have only compounded his errors; and without the excuse of not having been confronted by all sorts of rebuttals. I have some sympathy for Rothbard here; but none for these later peddlers of falsified history and legal theory. (End)
I have no idea who James Thomas Kesterton, Jr. is or was, but this is yet another bit of fractional-reserve banking mythology, for which there's not the slightest factual foundation. 1/n
From Collins and Walsh (…): "we can find little evidence of large and destabilizing asset bubbles in the Roman created by the fractional reserve banks...was not used generally for such speculative purposes." 2/n
As for financial crises, they occurred in 49-47BC and in 33AD. But had political triggers; sources say nothing about banks' involvement, though its probable that many suffered. The '33 crisis was deflationary rather than inflationary. 3/n
Thread: This brief @PilkingtonPhil note on Gunnar Myrdal's _Monetary Equilibrium_ is indeed very good. That work (which helped earn Myrdal the Nobel he shared w/ Hayek) Some follow-up remarks here.
As Phil notes, Myrdal was a member of the Stockholm School, whose contributions to monetary theory built upon the work of Knut Wicksell, the school's founder. In By 1931, when _Monetary Equilibrium_ appeared, a (polite) rift had separated the school in two.
The rift began with a debate between Wicksell and David Davidson concerning the sort of price stability implied by a policy of keeping interest rates at their "natural" levels. Wicksell of course claimed that this would result in stable _output_ prices.
"At the start of 2020, the dollar’s run had endured 100 years. That would have been reason to question how much longer it could continue." This crude instance of the gambler's fallacy is one of many reasons why I find Ruchir Sharma's FT piece unconvincing:…
Another is his suggestion that, although "When the pandemic hit, the US dollar was as mighty as ever," the pandemic has changed that. To paraphrase Mark Twain, rumors of the end of the dollar's "exorbitant privilege" are much exaggerated.
In fact the demand for dollars rose to exceptional levels early in the crisis; if it has declined somewhat since, it is only from that unusual peak:…
States have been monopolizing currency of all sorts since ancient times, and they have been claiming for just as long that their monopolies are necessary to preserve the integrity of their nations' currency stocks. So necessary that threats to them were typically capital crimes.
The claims were first made w.r.t. coinage. They were never valid. Coins are standardized metal discs, and there is no reason at all why they couldn't be privately and competitively supplied, just like many other standardized products.
What's more, we know it, not just from theory, but from evidence taken from those rare instances in which govt's have tolerated private coinage. Here's a brief summary of U.S. experience w/ private gold coins:…
Thread: Why is currency monopoly so important to these gov't representatives? And what sort of dissembling are they up in claiming that they want "to make sure the currency monopoly remains in the hands of states”?
Do they suppose that the only alternative to "states" possessing such monopolies is some sort of private currency monopoly? What about competition? Do they think it impossible? If so, on what grounds?
Not history: until the 20th century, state currency monopolies were the exception, not the rule. Many commercial banks issuer circulating notes, denominated and redeemable in what where then typically gold or silver standard money units.
Like @MoneyIllusion, I believe the Fed's calls for a larger fiscal response are calls for relief rather than stimulus. Generally Fed officials are reluctant to chime in on fiscal policy.… 1/n
But complaints about limited uptake some of the Fed's 13(3) facilities, and of its MSLF and MLF especially, have egged them on this time. Those complaining have often suggested that the Fed's lending terms have been too strict.
Some wonder why the Fed can't take bigger risks, or make its loans forgivable, like the SBA. But the Fed's 13(3) lending rules aren't so flexible, even with Treasury backstops. So Fed officials have called for more fiscal action to relieve the Fed of such pressure.