TOCILIZUMAB added to the standard of care did not improve clinical outcomes in hospitalized pts with severe Covid19
Let me walk you through the results
2/ Baseline characteristics: ~57yo, around 1/2 of the patients on low flow O2, ~15% on IMV; 20-40% on NIV/HF (random imbalance between groups)
70% of the patients were using steroids at baseline
These pts had high CRP (higher in the control), high LDH, high ferritin:
3/ Even though, at baseline, the control group seemed to have more severe cases than TOC group (> n. of pts on NIV/HF), the proportion of deaths was higher among TOC group from 8 days of FUP on.
PS: ⬆️ death but no ⬆️ IMV 🤔
Death causes: ARF or multiorgan system failure
4/ The darker the purple the worse the outcome at 15 days. Clearly the TOC group did worse than the control group.
5/ This is in contrast to the + effect of TOC seen on REMAP-CAP. Our study is smaller (n=129) but still these contrasting results should be further explored (looking FW to RECOVERY trial data)
Could there b a Covid subgroup that benefits from TOC while another is harmed? (rare)
6/ FYI we really looked into details of the data, @damiani_petri can tell, right, Lucas (our super statistician)?🤣 And it does not seem that our result is the result of a bias. Secondary endpoints and sensitivity analyses (not shown) support our results...🤔
1/Hoje lembrei de vocês aqui, cientistas de dados:
Tentando entender o endurecimento das medidas restritivas em Paris 🤔 quando "estamos tão bem há semanas", descobri que a decisão foi tomada com base na vigilância genômica da variante B117 e
2/ na tendência de ⬆️ no n. de casos novos.
Antecipa-se que, por conta da B117, via modelagem matemática, é possível que a França precise de um 3o confinamento em breve 😐
Sonhando com o dia em que nossos cientistas serão igualmente ouvidos no Brasil. #Quediferenca
Select preclinical investigations have shown upregulation of ACE2 by RAAS inhibitors (such as ACEIs and ARBs), raising concerns about their safety in patients with COVID-19
1/ Colleagues from Manaus reaching out in complete distress:
Covid19 patients that were *improving* are experiencing extreme anguish/panic while dying due to lack of Oxygen!
A system does not colapse out of the blue!
Avoidable catastrophe:
2/ NO BEHAVIORAL MEASURE to stop Covid19 was implemented in Manaus (nor anywhere else) in the last 4 weeks.
The population is left to its own luck (or lack of)
The President keeps disencouraging face masks, social distancing, and, BELIEVE ME, vaccination!
3/ If this was not enough, his proposal to address the Covid19 crisis in Brazil is early treatment with hydroxycholoquine, ivermectin, nitazoxanide 😱
2/ At the scheduled date/time:
1.Type #ATSchat in the search bar at the top right of your window.
2.Ensure you click on the “latest” tab: This allows the chronologically most recent tweets to show up allowing you to easily follow the chat!
2/ Here the population included in the trial, note that about half of pts were on IMV, ~1/4 shocked. Steroids were being administered to only 15-20% (at that time, early on in the pandemic, steroids were not known to benefit severe covid-19 pts)
3/ At day 15, the use of azythromycin 500mg/d for 19 days did not change health status, look at death (6) and IMV (5) or discharged pts (1)