pangolin assigned B.1.1.7 to 26,011 sequences on GISAID. There are now 47 countries with public B.1.1.7 sequences. Trinidad and Tobago (2021-01-21) and the United Arab Emirates (23 seqs, earliest sample 2020-11-16) are newly represented by B.1.1.7 sequences on GISAID.
pangolin assigned lineage B.1.351 to 655 sequences on GISAID from 19 countries, with the United Arab Emirates now represented (5 sequences, earliest sample date 2020-12-26). @houzhou
No increase in P.1 sequences on GISAID today. In total 30 sequences, from Brazil (24), Japan (4), South Korea (1) and Faroe Islands (1). @nmrfaria
As of today, 2021-01-23, 62 countries have reported cases of B.1.1.7 (47 of which have B.1.1.7 sequences on GISAID). New reports of local transmission in Japan:… Thank you @mebaruhirame!
A total of 25 countries have reported cases of lineage B.1.351 (19 of them represented by sequences on GISAID).
Lineage P.1 has been reported in 6 countries: Brazil (24), Japan (4), Faroe_Islands (1), South_Korea (1), Italy and Germany. We also show volume of passengers from Manaus in October alongside counts of sequences on GISAID.
As always, please alert us to any reports of lineages B.1.1.7, B.1.351 or P.1 that we may not have covered either via Twitter or GitHub PR here:…
As of today, there are 26,080 B.1.1.7 sequences on GISAID from 47 countries. 24,295 of those sequences are from the UK.
pangolin assigned lineage B.1.351 to 657 sequences on GISAID from 20 countries, with Portugal now represented (1 sequence, earliest sample date 2021-01-06). @houzhou@borges__vitor
pangolin assigned B.1.1.7 to 24,856 sequences on GISAID. There are now 45 countries with public B.1.1.7 sequences. Latvia (4) is newly represented by B.1.1.7 sequences on GISAID.
pangolin assigned lineage B.1.351 to 566 sequences on GISAID from 18 countries, with Kenya now represented (2). @houzhou@george_l
pangolin assigned B.1.1.7 to 24,737 sequences on GISAID. There are now 44 countries with public B.1.1.7 sequences. Austria (42), Czech_Republic (10) and Poland (1) are now represented by B.1.1.7 sequences on GISAID.
pangolin assigned lineage B.1.351 to 562 sequences on GISAID from 17 countries, with Spain newly represented (1). @houzhou
pangolin assigned B.1.1.7 to 22,136 sequences on GISAID, 20,832 of which are from the UK. There are 41 countries in total with sequences assigned B.1.1.7 by pangolin. Newly represented is Argentina (1), sample taken on 2020-12-21.
pangolin assigned lineage B.1.351 to 555 sequences on GISAID from 16 countries. Newly represented on GISAID are Belgium (6), New Zealand (1) and Denmark (1) @houzhou
pangolin assigned B.1.1.7 to 18,070 sequences on GISAID, 16,982 of which are from the UK. There are 40 countries in total with sequences assigned B.1.1.7 by pangolin. Newly represented is Iran (1), report date from 2021-01-05.
pangolin assigned lineage B.1.351 to 538 sequences on GISAID from 13 countries. @Tuliodna@houzhou