28.02/ One of my largest lists "News2016," started early in the #TrumpCrisis, has this tagline: "Started for the 2016 election, persists until Trump (ym'sh) is gone"
I don't want to delete the valuable list but I'll change the name/tag to honor my promise twitter.com/i/lists/757955…
28.03/ My 14yo son's idea for fixing the "worst rule in sports" aka the #NFL#FumbleTouchbackRule: it's a touchback but retained by the offense. So the ball is placed on the opponent 20, but the down is retained.
28.03b/ My first cousin, a Bengals fan (by marriage) found significance in the fact that the Browns suffered this particular broken-rule (like The Drive, The Fumble, now The Touchback), prompting me to craft this meme:
28.04/ I highly recommend reading @gwensnyderPHL who does admirable work on the ground & twitter. She's more to my Left (she's an anarcho-syndicalist & I'm clearly not) so I've learned a lot from that perspective & expertise.
28.05a/ During the #TrumpCrisis the anti-DJT GOP either resigned from Congress (cf. Paul Ryan, Flake) or knuckled under in fear of their voters (cf. the Big Lie about the election). Pure cowards!
Yet all I read is "Democrats are timid for not fighting like the terroristic GOP"
28.05b/ Every Dem in Congress is under constant death-threats, the entire country is in poverty and flames yet they keep moving forward; impeaching twice, investigating. For 4 yrs, Schumer kept the caucus airtight.
But no, THEY are the cowards?
Please, show some wisdom.
28.06/ I'm getting a chilling premonition that the Q*non freakos in the GOP are just the next stage of devolution on the scale of "stupid/crazy ideologue" that went from:
28.07/ Yes, experts can/will be (often) wrong, but the amount of thought that goes into a wrong conclusion is considerable. In our internet fueled world of flattened authority, I feel people have lazily accepted an inevitability of being incorrect & just jump straight to guessing
28.08/ Everything I'm reading about the bizarre #GameStop#stonks situation reinforces my view that they should make a PG version of "Trading Places" and show it in high school to teach the youth about finance en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trading_P…
28.09/ This Far Side cartoon isn't pshat - Nachshon was Moshe's hairstylist - but it provides a needed perspective, no? #Beshalach
28.12/ I spoke about this in the past: the vein of terror that runs through our society that propped up Trump (ym'sh) is united by the egoistic ideology of abuse
28.13/ The same press that gave us Trump (ym'sh) in 2016 is still in power. Nearly every structure that gave us the nightmare still stands. The 2020 election was the beachhead on the enemy shore. But we've got a long, hard fight still ahead.
28.13b/ Parker is always on point and her thread here continues with my comments above but adding the proper alternative: politics isn't about entertainment, so see your job as helping the reader understand important matters.
28.14/ In the GOP's defense, we wouldn't be in this mess if they weren't short-sighted, venal dupes. They all think they're The Godfather when at best they're Moe, Larry and/or Curly
28.16/ I think we need to push back on the weird idea that the NYTimes is "liberal." It's overtly and mechanistically moderate and moneyed. It's a "hometown" paper of Wall-Street and the Upper East Side. They definitely won't bite the hand that feeds 'em
28.17/ First, this picture makes me happy. Second, it's been barely a week, and look how much has already gotten done - as well what damage HASN'T been done, which is an overlooked aspect of leadership
Many broken organizations are victims of *active* rot
I've crafted a new rule for our cursed age which is, for adults, "nobody in power is naïve" and it applies here. Basically, I need to assume every result is intended, even when not, because results are all that matter.
28.20/ For the past 5 yrs the USA moved at the speed of Twitter due to Trump's (ym'sh) dependency on this app for all of his actions. That created a false timeline for the press (and us) for how government is supposed to move. Biden is moving fast, just not 'monkey on crack' fast
28.21/ In my last pulpit, I would occasionally deliver my sermon while holding onto my infant son. It was fun/cool, but mostly I did it to demonstrate a point about working parents.
(Naturally, it was grist for the chauvinists' mill against me. So be it)
28.22/ I'm pretty much on team "mock the anti-Semites" because (a) mockery is a very potent weapon, (b) they deserve derision and this contributes to painting them as outside bounds of society, & (c) it shows power without giving credence to the conspiracy
28.23/ Personal thread about this week's parsha in my mind. How one year ago, this was a special event and it's become my clear memory of life before the pandemic.
28.24/ This is overlooked by the standard gripers and weirdo anti-Democratic party people.
The problem is structural, and while there are definite times where a well placed hammer-blow will do wonders, the GOP is riven with rot and this will take time.
28.26/ Many ways of dividing people into groups (the standards: pessimist/optimist, stoic/complainer, Twix/Reese's) but one I focus more on now is: responsible vs irresponsible.
As a child, the buck didn't stop with me. Now it does, often.
And responsibility is exhausting.
28.27/ The GOP and associated criminal ilk have operated for decades, but especially the last 5 years, with impunity. They've lost the instinct for survival, let alone quality & finesse.
{Reminds me of a line from a favorite movie (hint below)}
28.28/ I'm glad it's becoming more widespread to expose just how untalented #MoscowMitch is at being a senator. He's like Madoff: he's running a scam which looks legit on the surface, but the goal is destroying and stealing, not building & sustaining.
28.29/ I missed this from 6 yrs ago & came across it in my parsha prep this week. What's the connection? The manna and implications on Shabbat melakha performed through cybernetics (thought that causes machines to operate) torahmusings.com/2015/05/combat…
28.30/ Yup. Structure-function analysis bears this out, so is the stated ideology in many ways. #AbuseCulture is a sign of barbarism and we must tear it down if we will survive as a people.
28.34/ Strongly agree with this statement and perspective. It's a great use of systemic thinking to comprehend how individual choices are strong-armed and then hidden as personal flaws
28.36/ #ShabbatShalom everyone. May next year's Shabbat Shira be one where we can all be together in community, fellowship and song. And evidently bird feeding? (But no seders parsha.blogspot.com/2008/01/why-i-…)
234.02/ #ChochmatNashim for #Vayechi 5784 (LAST YEAR) @ChochmatNashim.
Downloadable PDF with working links to Divrei Torah from Orthodox women scholars on the parsha and other topics of the week. 19 pages. drive.google.com/file/d/1_VQcGY…
232.02/ Shiva minyans during #Chanukah are surreal. That is all.
232.03/ #MotzeiShabbatMovieNight was actually on Nitel-nacht (after we learned Torah, like good little Litvaks). And what else? Yippe-kai-yay, Maccabee.
230.02/ The Assad regime collapsing over Shabbas #Vayetze seems especially appropriate. I had long compared Lavan to Assad, the urbane facade hiding real cruelty and depravity. I celebrate the toppling of a murderous regime and the liberation of Saydnaya prison.
230.03/ Mets Twitter is having a party right now. This is fun. #LGM
229.03/ #ChochmatNashim for #Vayetze #Vayetzei #Vayeitzei 5784 2023 (LAST YEAR). @ChochmatNashim.
Downloadable PDF with working links to Divrei Torah from Orthodox women scholars on the parsha and other topics of the week. 20 pages. drive.google.com/file/d/1JqU6Lt…
228.02/ Fundamentally, a plurality want a minority to do all the work but get no reward while they do very little work & get all the reward. The only system that will get close to that - liberal Democracy - gives too much to people the plurality hates, so they vote for fantasies.
228.03/ #ChochmatNashim for #Toldot #Toledot 5784 2023 (LAST YEAR). @ChochmatNashim.
Downloadable PDF with working links to Divrei Torah by Orthodox women scholars on the parsha and other topics of the week. 20 Pages. drive.google.com/file/d/1dpJe7R…