As @SorenBentzen keeps saying, absolute radioresistance does not exist. You just have to up the dose💪
That is very different from drug response, which is a yes/no situation - where more drug does not give you typically a better response (with caveats 😉)
Tumors can have variable radioresistance. Lab & human data indicate that relationship between dose + tumor eradication is sigmoid🚨
Really high doses are prohibited by tolerance of normal tissue surrounding the tumor‼️
= Rationale for pursuing targeted radiosensitizers💡
Still poorly studied: What is the nature of the #cancer stem cells (= clonogenic cells) that #radiotherapy needs to eliminate to prevent tumor regrowth❓
Only 1 surviving stem cell can repopulate the tumor!
Next week, part 2 of this chapter. Diving into some of our favorite tumor genes (KEAP1 KRAS TP53) and discussing importance of tumor size vs genotype 😉