Your team is currently hard at work designing what we believe will be an extraordinary 6 week learning experience for our beloved #roamcult -->
2/n There will be 2 groups working side by side - Beau will lead a discussion of Ahrens' "How to Take Smart Notes" and I'll lead, for returning members, "The Culture Code" by Dan Coyle.
My group will have a limited number of spots. Beau's group will not be size-limited.
3/n if you are unable to join the Coyle group (enrollment has to be capped, sorry) don't worry; you can still follow along; my plan is to live tweet + carry our discussion out to Twitter
Furthermore, the plan is to bring you more "episodes".
This is just the beginning!
4/n as a "teaser", I want to share what I've been working on - the 1st principles I plan to keep in mind as we develop the project further.
8/n A quick behind-the-scenes moment as @beauhaan and I talk, on the Slack, about how the two groups that we are leading, can (and will) complement each other.
I'll write more about this later, I am sure,
(it's too long to unpack right now...but you'll hear more about this!)
9/n Alexandrian Design, in a nutshell:
1. Iterate 2. When things work, strengthen them 3. When they don't, reflect on how to strengthen them 4. Always invite more life and vibrancy into the room
This is at the heart of all my thinking about our next 6 weeks of @RoamBookClub
12/n what's most exciting to me is that we (RBC team) are literally building a LIQUID NETWORK (shoutout to RBC 1, where we read one of @Conaw's favorite books "Where Good Ideas Come From")
We are unfolding a live process of bringing diverse perspectives and expertise into the room
14/n the synergy of thoughts and talents, as we tackle the challenge of "how do we build the best book club experience possible" for #RoamBookClub3, is nothing short of inspiring
17/n been working on the outline of #RoamBookClub3 most of the day today; troubleshooting little things with @beauhaan ;
Thinking a lot, in these final stages of preparation, about
"Perfection happens not when nothing more can be added, it's when nothing more can be taken away"
18/n there's a beautiful moment in preparing for any kind of group session whether it's a meeting or a lesson plan
You plan and plan and write and write, it gets bigger and more complicated,
Until suddenly it starts to get simpler and simpler
I love that moment!
19/n one of the fun things about working with @beauhaan is hearing him say "I AM GLAD YOU ASKED"
this official Beau quote, which is also a tribute to his thougthfulness and dedication as a teacher, is now a part of the Roam Book Club 3 instructions page (for the Coyle Cohort):
20/n And we're off! The adventure has started ...
Despite some technical "bumps" which we are faithfully + dutifully committed to resolving, we've laid out our road map and we're ready to start working together!
This first week, we will have writing prompts in the graph -->
21/n ... each day, as we establish our relationships with some of the main themes of the book. We're going to reconvene next week and my group will be discussing chapters 1-4 of Dan Coyle's book.
I'm excited by people's energy and eager to see what we can create together!
22/n Haha I just realized we have TWO "leading edges" of graph activity because of the international date line! (@beauhaan you're going to see this, too ...)
We're GLOBAL, friends!
Committing to writing TWO daily updates each day, for both sides of the international date line.
23/n by the way a huge THANK YOU to all for bearing with us through some technical + set up difficulties
It is the nature of ambitious projects to encounter unforeseen obstacles
We're committed to making things work for everybody, and improving along the way.
Check out that magic number "10", it means 10 people have already written in - and it is like 5.40AM here in California - but did I mention we have participants from around the globe?
25/n but wait there's more! What a joy it is to read these thoughtful, carefully considered responses!
DAMN I feel like Aladdin walking --> treasure cave
To get this kind of collective willingness to consider, to engage, to write - EXACTLY what I was hoping for
Thanks guys!
26/ an (admittedly slightly niche) use-case for "∆" :
Keep a message that "surfs" along, 1 day ahead of me, as a message for the folks on the other side of the international date line: (need to set the "increment", 2nd variable, to "+0" instead of "+2", for a constant interval)
this wonderful quote comes from book club participant @markmcelroy
I love these words so much, I am seriously considering getting a tattoo (elegant, cursive script)
Whether or not that happens, might be unofficial motto #2 of my RBC cohort...
Folks are engaging with the shared graph of #RoamBookClub3 in beautiful, authentic, and meaningful ways, + their writing "seeds" each day's discussion prompt! My subconscious mind is listening for themes, and finding resonance with participants.
31/n It works because people are taking RISKS -
They are daring to be authentic in a semi-public setting.
I think this is multiplayer @RoamResearch, at its potential BEST.
It's not a thing apart form community, it's a catalyst for community if used "right".
Stay tuned!!!
32/n THIS (see below) - a living, breathing "graph"-
34/n I just wrote a [[Zettel]] - ENTIRELY INSPIRED by the activity of our GROUP.
"Being a part of a group is a *healing* process, b/c, in the process of aligning with the group's "Dreams, Needs + Ambitions" we are liberated from the potential prison of internal pre-occupation"
35/ It's weird to say the "group" wrote this - but it's also entirely true.
I feel as if the clarity of this only emerged 4 me from reading what a number of ppl wrote into the graph.
It's an astonishing feeling to allow the group to push you to clarify, to amend, personalize.
36/ This AM, diving into writing up tips + tricks for using the word + char count features in @RoamResearch + I REALLY appreciate how writing this up solidifies my own understanding of how they work.
To attempt to teach something is, first and foremost, to commit to learn it.
37/ OK I have to show this to you guys because I think it's really exciting.
@iamvincenttam wrote a great obs'vn into our multiplayer roam, about how he learned from karaoke that being willing to "icebreak" - by being the 1st person to sing - helped *others* with their anxiety
38/ + then he connected it what makes WRITING feel more easeful, which is: it's easier to write when you KNOW that you'!re helping someone wi your writing.
I, in turn, realized - this feels like a "Zettel" to me - so I made it one! ... building on what HE wrote. multiplayer FTW!
39/ And the NEXT step was to create a QUESTION - an umbrella question if you will, or "Zettel Question" - in other words WHY was Vincent's observation important? What was the underlying vital question that made it feel significant?
This is the part that I am excited about!
40/ My feeling about that is, it "felt" important because it provided one clear answer to the bigger question of "What are the conditions under which creative flow in writing, anyway?" - might be only ONE PART - but it sure feels important.
So now we are on a bigger "quest"!
41/ So in essence, we "pivoted" from a statement, to a question - thereby expanding our scope
We've generated a new "focal point for thought", which, really, is what #Zettelquestions are intended to be.
... and furthermore, you might even sense some resonances with the "perform under stress" tests Coyle describes later in our book (in the part about Navy SEALS training.)
45/ Julie Freyburg (@ahh_morning) said something, in response to one of our group-writing prompts, that really resonated with me:
"Perfectionism is a particular kind of distortion, of the field of possibility"
Thanks, Julie!
46/n hey guys pls correct if I'm wrong
but I believe that's an early simple #astrolabe in the Flammarion engraving, top left
A simpler model, but its 2 axes suggest it's a model of the universe
50/n really appreciate the detailed, thoughtful feedback I got from both @brandontoner and @ahh_morning this week in zoom calls talking about "meeting structure" ideas
Great wisdom in our community
Thanks, Julie and Brandon, for your insights!
51/n p.s. good luck at the curling tournament, Brandon!
52/n Might try this (see 53) in book club - thx for the idea Brandon!
What if it was in a place that was block referenced so that all user ID's could be seen together?
What if it was an attribute and then you could have an {{attr}} table, maybe? Everyone's status in real time?
53/n idea from @brandontoner (relevant discussion, see 52/n above)
It turns out you can pipe one entire Roam graph *inside* another using {{iframe: }} - embedded one works @ full speed once loaded (slight loading delay, startup only)
Here's an iframe of our book club page WITHIN my personal graph. (CSS for border, size.).
55/n To clarify - the previous tweet just shows one graph, in the purple rectangle, displayed from within ANOTHER graph.
There's a slight delay when I land on the page as it loads, but once loaded, it appears to be fully functional.
Interestingly, this allows you to -->
56/ --> use the sidebar, especially if you move it to the midpoint, to have functionally two graphs open, at the same time on your screen.
(Though of course, their links remain separated - it's more like a "portal" than anything else)
SESSION 2 in 8 hours + I'm already excited!
Introducing a really big "Zettelquestion" today!
I feel like an early hunter who located a woolly mammoth, + is bringing it to a dance party wi my tribe
Also, excited to see what we can do wi/ @beauhaan 's zettel architecture
58/n Ryan, we could not agree more!
100% yes.
This is the underlying "deep project" of @RoamBookClub
This could generalize in so many amazing ways. When I was in med school, there was a prevailing culture of individual students locking themselves into cubicles to study.
The group, together, can be so very much more powerful than that.
69/n I feel as if the things that I am seeing in our @RoamBookClub, could be the basis of a sea-change in group education.
It's not just book clubs... I want to see entire remote-learning schools organized this way, one day...
Hear me out, what if looking *really carefully* at the past can accomplish more than fantasizing about the future;
I think this year, I am going to focus on new-years RE-solutions, which will entirely be RE-implementing all the solutions I've already used, to make life awesomer.
2/ "I am at the confluence of past and future; melding these streams creatively is what makes life itself feel alive"
... is (I think) a paraphrase of Henri Bergson, of whose work I have not yet read enough...
3/ can't believe that I somehow failed to tag @calhistorian into a tweet thread rethinking the relationship between past and future ...
2/ was MOST amazing was not the palette + the rich hues of the sunlight cascading upwards from beneath the horizon,
The most amazing part was taking a moment to see how softly the clouds were scudding across it all.
The seeming delicacy of this, belying the enormous -->
3/...power of wind, water, heat, majesty of sunlight from ninety three million miles away lifting water and then causing it to slide gently across the sky in one of many convection currents that slide in + out forming a gently drifting cloud
For those not yet part of the [[Zettel]] discussion, one thing I want to emphasize:
The low-floor, high-ceiling, agile, locally-emergent concepts that @beauhaan prototyped, mean you can start doing this on top of any existing note-stack, no matter how it was prev'ly organized.
2/ and furthermore, this leads me to ...
the PERFECT metaphor!!!
(cc @RoamBrain! ... here is another crucial appearance of [[Christopher Alexander]] in my "pantheon of Roaman influencers") -
so ...
What is a Zettel?
The Zettel is the "small green stone in the Alhambra"
If you treat your brain as a programmable computer, you will vastly unappreciate all the things it can do (many of which are the things that make life, life)
But if you ignore its algorithmic capacities, you will miss out on some splendid superpowers.
2/n ... the above observation, which is, itself, a kind of [[Zettel]], arose out of discussions with other @RoamResearch Book Club members,
in which we were reflecting on the lessons of Soenke' Ahren's remarkable book "How to Take Smart Notes", in a series of weekly meetups.
3/n What is a "Zettel"?
It's an idea. An "aha!" moment. An aphorism. A gnomon. It's the basic, atomic unit of thought. It's what knowledge is woven out of. A conclusion, belief, idea, hypothesis. Sometimes, it's even a Tweet.
1/ Today is my first day of trying to really hone-down a "prediction-based workflow" and so far I'm really loving it.
The basic premise: at 8PM last night I gave myself fifteen minutes to run an imaginary preview of today, highlighting tasks and challenges I thought I'd face.
2/ Key - I also wrote all this down, to keep myself accountable
One way to conceptualize this is with the "managing self-creative self" split.
I was giving my "manager" fifteen minutes to "coach the team" last night. White board, chalk arrows the whole deal.
3/ This AM, I woke, slonked some vitamins and coffee, and the "prediction" was fresh in my mind.
Good to go!
The first and probably most interesting observation was that I then became acutely aware of exactly when I was at risk of diverging from the predicted plan.