01.27.21 Lightworker Reflections on World Holocaust Remembrance Day. Hello, old and new friends, awesome peaceful warriors for the light! I was asked today to talk about some serious topics we all need to consider.
This is a hard topic to broach for me. I've spoken with you before about my memories of serving as a Jew in one of the concentration camps of the Third Reich during World War II. Many of you served with me, as we were starved, tortured, raped, used for experiments, etc..
We, as lightworkers, concentrated our efforts of service during that time of war in the concentration camps, as well as areas hit hardest by the war. It was a terrible time, a very difficult mission of service. Many of us suffered horribly and experienced unbelievable atrocities.
There were 6,000,000 innocent Jews killed by the Third Reich. A million of that number were innocent children, taken from their parents, many tortured and raped and experimented on, and then eventually killed in awful ways.
In that war, nearly 85 MILLION people were killed due to Hitler and his Nazi policies and beliefs. Almost 300,000 of those were soldiers from all over the world, trying to help Europe defend itself from being taken over by the Third Reich.
How does that concern us today? Because the very same steps that Hitler took to come to power, and the Third Reich used to teach ordinary, good people who were Germans to become killers of their own neighbors, is happening again in the United States and some other places.
Germany did not just wake up one day and find itself controlled by Hitler. Hitler came to power gradually, suffered defeat, came back stronger, and led Germans to support atrocities with their beliefs. It took years of efforts to get Germans to go along with the plan.
The most effective tactic used by Hitler to change people's minds and lead them to become supportive of him was to teach German society that every media source was lying to them, except him, and those outlets which supported him. This was called, "The Lying Press" tactic.
This made it so nobody could tell so many Germans what was really happening. Those who tried were persecuted. People literally believed there were very few sources they could trust, as they turned on those who were still trying to alert Germany to the evils going on there.
This made its so the lightworkers we sent to try to turn things around were scorned and called "liars" and rejected. Nobody believed them. They only believed Hitler and those who supported him.
Through this controlled press, Hitler was able to convince Germans who were good people that their Jewish friends, neighbors, and even family members were the source of all of the problems in Germany. Loved ones turned on loved ones, and delivered their own people to the Nazis.
I've talked to you I the past about the fact that the USA is one of the most feared societies in the entire galaxy. American citizens, believing they are doing their patriotic duty, have been developed into a great Annunaki army, feared by the galaxy.
The only reason those who live elsewhere in the galaxy were not more worried is that most of Humanity, until last year, bore "Templar Seals," that were parts missing from their DNA, that made it so they were unable to get off the planet.
DNA emits a unique signal that identifies who we are and what stage of consciousness we are at, as individuals. It acts like a garage door opener, for lack of a better example. It's tone allows star gates and portals to open for travel, or causes them to restrict access.
About 80% of Humanity now has their DNA Templar Seals "released and restored," as it was a necessary process to complete the DNA upgrades necessary for Ascension. The most dangerous souls still bear the seals.
Still, in order to assure the rest of the galaxy they would be safe from Humanity, part of the reason we had to bring in a big group from the Angelic Army was to make sure nobody leaves this planet on warships from other planets, believing they are "ascending."
The other reason the Angelic Army is now in continuous orbit is to protect Humanity, as the Frequency Fence that kept this planet in quiet isolation was removed in July of 2019.
One of the reasons Humanity is hundreds of thousands of years past due for their own Ascension is because Humanity has a tendency to be misled on a regular basis, taught to believe absurdities, then led to commit atrocities, as happened during the Holocaust.
Every single war on this planet has been due to someone's absurd ideas, which they usually claim are the ideas of their God who condones their actions, leading to atrocities committed against others who look or believe differently than the ones starting the war.
And this process goes on almost every century. There's not been a single moment in modern history where a war has not been raging on this planet, with people killing others, blaming it on their god, believing they are right and the others are wrong.
And here we are again. I've been talking to you for six months about the potential for civil war. We had to bring in additional souls from throughout the galaxy to try to stabilize the energy to prevent the civil war we foresaw. Still, people are calling for civil war in the USA.
Violence never solves anything. Unless something is for self-defense of person or family against violence, violence is not something lightworkers should be engaged with. Diplomacy and cooperation and respect can solve any problem on this planet.
One of the hardest things about my job is that I worry about so many of you. That is one of the most difficult thing about being physically incarnated--we have to work through a human brain, and human brains are trained to worry, which is, I admit, largely a wasted effort.
I see so many of your Twitter pages, filled with hateful rhetoric you heard from someone else, lacking in any real evidence, directed at stirring up the huge hateful atmosphere that is already lowering the energy of the collective consciousness.
We didn't come to help Humanity hate each other worse than so many already do. We came to teach them how to get to Unity Consciousness. How are you personally helping with that? What are you saying on your pages and your tweets and other interactions?
I've told you before how badly we beat ourselves up after the lifetimes where we "miss the boat," and add to the problems here, rather than help them. We really regret it when we don't give something positive to Humanity, and when we add to their hatred of each other.
And we can't justify anything because "they're wrong, and we're right," because that is never the case. Most of what we see here is illusion, created by our own energy, to support the beliefs we already have. We create the scenes we see to make ourselves feel better.
Reality is not a hard constant on a Third Density planet. Third Density is for individuals to learn to serve either themselves, or others. It is set up so each person's energy creates a reality that provides the opportunities their thoughts and beliefs want.
Everyone walking around on this planet is just experiencing their own version of their own free will. That is their Creator-given right. And our own free will realities bond energetically with those with similar energetic set-ups, so we find others who support our beliefs.
Each of us, after every incarnation, faces a council of our peers, who reviews our lifetime experience with us, both to determine what lessons need to be learned, and what opportunities will serve us in our next lifetime. Nobody gets away with anything, ever.
Everyone gets as many opportunities as they need to continue their learning process, until such time (and this is very rare) they demonstrate they are either unwilling or unable to continue learning.
But one of the saddest ways to have to learn a lesson about harming and judging other people, and justifying violence and hatred against others who look or believe differently, is to have to experience that ourselves, in order to understand what we put others through.
I'd like to challenge you, if you are posting things that disparage other people, to put your name in place of theirs on your tweets or posts, and see how you would like to be judged by your council, based on the evidence you actually have to support your statements.
Why do I ask you to do that? Because that is exactly how the lesson will be taught, if you don't learn it here in this lifetime. We all came not doing that when we first arrived here, but we have unlearned what we knew, and picked up some very bad human habits.
Luckily, when we meet with our councils (and everyone has one), we have the benefit of being able to re-run every scenario in a lifetime, and see it for how it actually was. Every single action you take, every thought, is permanently encoded in your DNA so you can see it again.
As I said, I worry for some of you. I don't want you to have to recycle to Third Density with that part of Humanity which couldn't decide who they wanted to serve. I don't want to see you as slave labor on a Fourth Density negative planet because you adopted dark ET ways.
So many of us have been killed multiple times as we incarnated here, based on the conspiracy theories and hatred of the day. If you could remember those lifetimes, I think actions would be really different now. And yet, so many are no supporting vigilantism and executions...
...based on other people saying things on YouTube or in the "alternative press," which is no more reliable than any other press. Entire platforms are now moving forward so they can talk freely about killing other people and eliminating the free will expressions of other souls.
None of that is what we came to do. None of that helps Humanity learn Unity Consciousness. It just brings us down to the sad level that so many humans are stuck at, unable to figure out that WE ALL SINK OR SWIM TOGETHER.
Fourth Density negative is 30-50 million human years where souls basically continue to duke it out for power, as they do here on Earth, using and manipulating each other whenever possible. It is the same rat race as it is on this planet, only worse, with more concentrated power.
So many of you are just exhausted, tired of the fighting and the lack of peace on this planet, but you are setting yourselves up for 30-50 million years more of what you are living here by taking sides in human brawls for power.
I wish it were possible, in a Third Density situation, to allow you all to see what you've already been through here, and to see all of the council experiences where you've regretted getting involved in human B.S.. We ALL have had lifetimes like that, and it is rough afterwards.
Please, let's all remember that each of us are equal, infinite beings of energy, and what we say and do very much creates the warlike atmosphere here on this planet, unless we actively use our energy to work against it. We have to make the choice for change.
We don't have a lot of time left in this mission of service to this planet. Even if we are here for another twenty years, the time is short to try to help Humanity turn it around. Our goal is to help more people learn to live in Service to Others.
Service to Others is energetically impossible if we live in a personal energetic field that is built on hatred and disparagement of others who don't share our belief, or who don't look like us. We can't send out positive energy when we are creating negative energy.
Every single one of us is so loved and so valued by our soul groups, gestalts, and oversoul. They want you to come home after you are done serving here, not have to recycle or go on to Fourth Density negative, unless that is where you want to serve.
And I don't want you to have to suffer through 30-50 million years of negative polarity misery. The positive polarity, Service to Others path is so much more enjoyable, peaceful, and completely filled with love for each other, despite differences among us.
Please consider every statement or Tweet you make, every judgment or condemnation you say about another, and ask yourself what it will be like when it is you who has to experience that same judgment and condemnation.
Much love to you my friends. I sincerely hope each of you will do what you personally want to do so that you will be proud and happy to stand before you council, and give your report of how you served Humanity in this lifetime.

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25 Jan
01.25.21 FINDING YOUR SPIRITUAL GIFTS--LOWERING THE BARRIERS. Hi, friends. I'm super busy with school today, so I don't have a message to give you. I wanted to share a funny story with you to give you some ideas about how you could discover your own gifts of seeing and hearing.
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I discovered, in trying to learn to communicate and work with Earthbound Souls, that I had to, for a long time, lower the barriers of non belief so that I could develop that ability. I am so into data and facts, I could not figure out how that could even be a thing for me.
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24 Jan
01.24.21 IDENTIFYING THE PARTS OF OUR PERSONALITY THAT KEEPS US FROM OUR BEST SERVICE TO OTHERS. Hi, friends. Today I want to go back to our discussion of two days ago, regarding the parts of our personality that keep us from our best Service to Others.
If you haven't yet had a chance to take the personality test I posted, here is the link.humanmetrics.com/personality
As I looked through the feed of your letting me know how you tested, I was surprised to find that I guessed right: Most of us are Introverts, not Extroverts. I guessed at that before I saw your results, based upon my many discussions with you over the past year.
Read 18 tweets
23 Jan
01.23.21 ANNUNAKI PATRIARCHY, AND ITS EFFECTS ON TODAY'S HUMAN WOMEN. Hello, everyone. I'm coming to you from a blizzard in the high desert of the US West, freezing my arse off. I discovered that the Michael part of me does not appreciate like the cold like the human part does.
I want to talk with you about "patriarchy," a subject I discussed before. Patriarchy, or the idea that women should be submissive to men, is not an idea that came from our Creator--it came from the Annunaki who arrived on this planet uncounted thousands of years ago.
Our Creator endows each soul with all of the attributes of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, just as the Creator has all of those attributes. Each soul gets to choose which attributes, some or all, they will manifest as a soul.
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21 Jan
01.21.21 YOUR PERSONALITY, AND HOW IT AFFECTS YOUR ABILITY TO SERVE OTHERS. Hi, beautiful team of lightworkers! I'm glad to be with you today. I'd like to talk with you about your respective personality, and how it helps, or hinders your Service to Others.
All of us, before we incarnate, come up with plan in our Life Agreement, and contracts with other souls, to learn what we need to know, and develop like we hope we will, so that we can serve others in each incarnation.
Sometimes we choose parenting and family situations that make it very easy for us to develop a personality which will lend itself to serving others. Other times, we are serving the parents and family members, and we can develop a personality formed by difficult times.
Read 9 tweets
20 Jan
01.19.21 REMEMBERING THE THINGS THAT REALLY MATTER IN RELATIONSHIPS. My dear friends, I just have a few minutes today to talk with you about a subject of great concern--the number of relationships that are falling apart due to political beliefs.
Each of us finds the relationships that matter in our lives due to our own Life Agreement, and the contracts we make with each other, to grow with and learn from each other, to teach each other valuable unlearned lessons.
When we come to this planet, we "Accept the Risk" that things could happen, and that we could make free will decisions, that will interfere with those relationships. When that happens, we are often very disappointed that it happened.
Read 13 tweets
15 Jan
01.15.21 WHAT REALLY MATTERS IN OUR LIVES IS WHOM WE SERVE, NOT CURRENT EVENTS. Hello, peaceful warriors for the Light. I'm back in school again, and so I don't have as much time as I'd like to spend with you here on Twitter.
Today, I'd like to talk with you about all of the worries and concerns we have that are so unimportant to our journey as a soul. So many of us are currently paralyzed in some regards by political happenings, or cut off from those we love due to differences in opinion.
The purpose of Third Density is to develop, as a soul, and to identify whom we will serve--whether we will serve others, or whether we will serve ourselves, by using and manipulating others to build our own empires.
Read 17 tweets

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