Since it's difficult for me to listen to what people are saying while typing out a tweet/screengrabbing/etc, I'll be tweeting a lot less than usual.
I'll try to share anything I think is important/newsworthy.
If you want to watch the meeting in full, you can watch it on @CMACTV the following day.
Meeting is called to order by @PhilArballo some people have some new backgrounds.
5/8 members are present. We barely have a quorum. 👀
There's a vacant District 4 seat if anyone is interested.
Minutes approved, Melanie 1st, I 2nded, moving on to the District 4 Transit Policy.
NVM, public comments.
Celeste Martinez has applied for the District 4 position.
John Shelton (@sjrparkwaytrust ): A project proposal will be on the March agenda of the River Conservancy for a trail connecting to the Milburn overlook.
Since the slate was already decided, no members object.
Task forces:
All task forces are no longer meeting. Since we don't have an acting task force, we apparently need one.
They suddenly have a class IV standards task force meeting tomorrow between 2-4. Some of it in regards to the Palm Bike path.
Unfortunately I can't make it since I'm working. 😭
Laura Gromis, Tony Molina, and more non-members are coming forward as being available, but no BPAC members.
@PhilArballo volunteers although he will have to be juggling watching his kids. BPAC representation is needed for it to be a BPAC task force.
Member reports, @PhilArballo wants us to remind us to talk to our councilmembers about keeping an ATP coordinator in mind for the upcoming city budget.
PD collision report
63 traffic deaths in 2020
28 pedestrians deaths
7 cyclists
2 so far in 2021
Officer Belli says that 2020 has been one of the worst years in his 24 years in Fresno.
Belli just submitted a grant funding request for traffic and pedestrian safety operation to the Office of Traffic Saftey.
On to the BPAC work plan.
Not much change according to Jill Gromley
R-street is done.
Reminder from Jill to fill out the form 700/RDA form by April.
Request from Tony Molina, to not be listed as a member anymore on the agenda.
I didn't notice until now!
We've gotten into talking about the ATP Coordinator, the mayor has expressed his support to adding the position to the next budget.
Since, we've reached the end of the agenda, Susan Smith is asking Scott Sehm with public works about a bike pump station that was previously proposed to be built in Woodward park.
According to Scott,The project was being worked on in 2018, someone left who was working on it and the project "vaporized."
One was included at the park and ride built along Willow ave, it was going to be the exact same kind.
According to Scott Sehm, PW are interested in adding one to the Midtown trail, but that is yet to be seen.
I'm skipping over a lot here, but I had a question about why the recently completed segment of the Herndon trail (eastbound at Herndon and Blythe) where a stop sign was added.
Scott Sehm says that this is unusual, they don't usually do this.
Jill Gromley, this may have been due to concerns about bikes hitting pedestrians on the SB sidewalk. 🧐
It's weird to me that nobody can specifically tell me the exact reason it was put there.
Meeting adjourned.
If you missed it, I'll post the @CMACTV link once it's up online.
The Last BPAC meeting of the year is tonight at 5:30 pm
Items on the agenda include January Officer Nominations, Logo Review, Strategic Plan, Regional Transportation Plan Update, and the usual Grant and PD reports.
Attended a meeting of the @BetterBlckstone design challenge today and while it was definitely a very positive experience showcasing TONS of dense mixed-use development along Blackstone...I was a little upset there weren't any bus-only lanes in the concept art. 🚍
One of the only pictures I took. To be clear, this is a design concept,nothing the city is considering for the real grade separation as far as I know.
This is similar to what I want in Fresno someday, acknowledging it took the Netherlands 40-50 years to get here.
My question Fresnans is, does that necessarily mean it should take that long for us to get there?🤔
(not shown: great mass transit)
Sorry for the late start, had a water spill on my night stand.
@PhilArballo2020 joined the meeting to ask if anything was being voted on. Melanie Ruvalcala doesn't know, but will be voting on funding (Saftey Funds).
Two seats are currently being marked vacant Members Tony Molina had his term expire last month. Tony is here, but according to the members, his total does not count towards quorem.
I'm listening in to the Palm Bike Path meeting right now. A few residents are in favor of it, a few are against, citing concerns about traffic overflow onto Van Ness Blvd, other streets.
Tony Molina from the Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee is discussing the benefits of putting a class IV protected Bikeway on Palm between Dakota and Shaw.
@kieltls is speaking now about biking. He and his wife would be more comfortable biking with the class IV bike lanes, hopes to get a whole network together.
Lighting isn't great through the county segment, the white flexible barriers would make cyclists more visible at night.
Fresno's next (Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee Meeting) BPAC is tonight at 5:30 pm. Here's a quick rundown of the agenda before the meeting begins.
On tomorrow's City of Fresno Planning Commission agenda, there is an item for a proposed Focused Infill (FI) Overlay District in Fresno's mixed-use corridors.
This is to "facilitate more intensive development."..."along transportation corridors in order to ... "
(1/4) transit use, housing production, and economic revitalization."😊
Wherever the FI Overlay District goes, there will be an increase in dwelling unit/acre.
Based on Napa's document, the city of Fresno's proposed district would take a mixed-use district ( along Blackstone? Shaw?) from "medium density" to "high density."