Indian, of speaking an Indian language, and unless pressed to do so, would not have admitted a few years ago that she was an Indian. Rheal Plourde, her husband, a Metis co-ordinator for the Department of Indian Affairs Arts and Crafts Promotion program (oops better get Tamara
Bell) to tell him if he really knows his own identity, I don't think he was properly vetted and told his whole genealogy! *Sarcasm Alert/ Mi'kmaq leather worker - Nora Plourde.
Zone 3 - Mr Plourde was given permission to talk about the new Metis charter. 1979 06. Micmac News - The Metis People Cultural and Development Society of NS.
metis form a new assocation 1979 05 - Metis People's Cultural and Development Society of Nova Scotia was officially incorporated - Plourde criticized the Native Council of Nova Scotia for what he called "deliberate obstruction" during his tenor as a Director. Not once was I able
to get representation for the Metis people because the Council in actuality belongs to the NonStatus woman" Plourde charges that the Council has become "dictatorial" controlled by a small group of NonStatus Indians primarily interested in regaining their lost status with the
Federal Government. However, the Metis are a distinct group of native people with their own aspirations for self identity and self-determination. 1980 Grants and Contributions - Metis People Cultural and Development Society of Nova Scotia St Peters - 28,680. (*Thanks Emile)
THE METIS PEOPLE 'CULTURAL & DEVELOPMENT' SOCIETY OF NOVA SCOTIA - incorporated 1979 - Hmm A Metis identity before 1999 Marshall ? @DarrylLeroux@JarvisGoogoo
MicmacNews1981-06b-Three battle for presidency-most of its members are Indian women who were automatically enfranchised through marriage to a nonIndian and people who are of a mixed Indian heritage who are not entitled to be registered. Representing 11 provincial zones of Metis
and NonStatus Indians./ Micmac News June 1979 - NO THREAT TO COUNCIL (Native Council Of Nova Scotia) - President Viola Robinson says 75 percent of its membership is Metis because all children of a nonStatus Indian woman are classified as Metis.
MicmacNews-1980-02-73-74-75 Native Council review-UNSI-educational future of the NonStatus Indians and their Metis children.
Me thinks Robyn and Jarvis, you might want to take some history lessons ? Robyn Lawson and Jarvis Googoo saying they have never heard of Metis in Mi'kma'ki.
NBAPC - Final Sbmission - Dec 2018 - Who we are - Since 1971 Native Councils have represented the interests of NonStatus Indians and Metis ACROSS Canada. - BUT today, the NBAPC does not want to acknowledge it's Metis constiuents and neither does the NCNS. If they receive funding
to nationally represent NonStat and Metis peoples across Canada, per the CAP Mandate, then another organization should be receiving that funding and helping the Metis people of those provinces who have decided to turn their backs on them. Political Accord Implementation funding.
Justin-Trudeau-Letter-First-Ministers-Meeting. - Notice mentioning Metis, gotta get that funding.
Dec1973- Mal-i-Mac News- What's Up- The Union of Nova Scotia Indians held their fourth semi annual general meeting Nov14-16-1973- topic was Pros and Cons of Non-Reg Metis and NonStatus Indian membership in the UNSI organization.
MicmacNews-1973-03.- Constitution and By-Laws Union of Nova Scotia Indians - Sec 3.12 A Metis.
Pierre Sabourin - saying sec 3.12 has zero to do with 'Eastern Metis'.
"The Métis National Council does not recognize the existence of Métis communities in Quebec." The Metis National Council is one of the 2 National organizations who have a mandate to the Metis peoples of Canada. MNC and CAP/NCC have 2 very different definitions of what it means
to be Metis. Just because MNC gets millions to shut out the voices of the other Metis people, does not make them more legitimate! CAP/NCC is who repatriated the Metis peoples into the Canadian Constitution. The purpose of the NCC/CAP meetings is to ensure that 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆