Your grades in college are not going to define your life.
The first company you work for is not going to define your life.
Your first pay package is not going to define your life.
2. Who and why you decide to spend your life with - is one of the biggest decisions you will make in your life.
Uncomfortable Truth 1:
Life has no purpose.
We came from nothing. And once we are gone there will be nothing.
No one will remember us beyond a few years or decades.
And yet we will spend every second of our life wondering what people think of us!
Uncomfortable Truth 2:
Where you were born, who you were born to and when you were born, has the highest correlation to where you will end up in life.
Your opportunities, your privileges, your worldview, all stemmed from this lucky event that you had no role to play with.
Lie 1:
If you don't settle in your 20s, you are gone!
This is the decade.
You don't get another chance.
Study fast, get a job, get married, kids, that car, that house.
Time's running.
Look at everyone else doing it!
Lie 2:
People who are poor are lazy.
People who are rich are hardworking.
It is your fault if you haven't made it in life.
Look at everyone else who made it.
There is nothing granted or gifted in life.