Thread: The #SuperBowl is coming up so it is important to know that this event coincides with increased demand for sexual exploitation of people believed to be "escorts", "prostitutes" and consenting "sex workers".
The pro porn & pro sex work ideology creates an acceptance culture around sexual exploitation. The flawed ideology promotes the idea that "sex work is real work" and that "sex workers are consenting individuals who enjoy what they do".
This is a false cover veneer sold to the public to cover up the horrific, dark reality of the sexual exploitation industry. The "pro sex work" (pro prostitution) movement that promotes and defends prostitution also list things like...
"Don’t wear too high of heels that you can’t run away fast in", "don’t wear a scarf", "look under the bed first". They know they’re putting women at risk and that the majority of prostitutes have been raped and victimized by violence.
Women in prostitution have a mortality rate that is 40x higher than the national average. There’s no test or way to qualify if someone is entering prostitution by choice when most are traumatized from sexual abuse. Girls don’t choose prostitution. Prostitution chooses them.
95% of prostitutes have a history of sexual abuse. This is the truth. Wake up & start standing for victims not the exploitation industry. When we condone or legitimize "sex work" (prostitution) we do the marketing for traffickers. We help sell the idea that women are a commodity.
Women are not for sale.
Children are not for sale.
People are not for sale.
I heard about this and couldn’t believe it was true but verified it was. @amazon lists dolls of kids under "full size sex doll" and other search terms. Some describe dolls as "anatomically correct" with "warm and moist" mouths. RT to demand Amazon ban pedophile products.
Here’s some more of the absolutely sickening results that Amazon gives. We demand that @Amazon pulls all items with children’s faces, descriptions or bodies from their store. Kids are not sex toys and we must stand up for them!
In 2019 Trump proclaimed January National Slavery & Human Trafficking Awareness Month. There are nearly 25 million human trafficking victims worldwide. Trump has done more to combat this modern slavery epidemic than any President in modern history. Here’s a thread of facts:
Trump signed The Frederick Douglass Trafficking Victims Prevention and Protection Reauthorization Act authorized $430 million to fight sex and labor trafficking.
An Interagency Task Force was formed to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons consisting of 19 departments and agencies, which work tirelessly to prosecute traffickers, protect survivors, and prevent future crime.
It’s revealing how many “pro-choice” people are hungry for death. This is the ultimate form of narcissism. To them, the idea of starving, burning, dismembering, sucking, cutting & crushing tiny humans is appetizing. These are their responses to a photo of a fetus.