Every week during #ODW2, we share a prompt so that fellows can get their #WritingReps in. These weekly exercises help strengthen ODW's writing muscles!
This week--in the tradition of Hemingway--we invited our Fellows to write some six-word stories.
Boy, did they deliver! 👇
What began as some beautiful reflections on life, love, and...
Early course creators gave online education a bad name.
10% completion rates were the norm.
This is changing — fast. The pandemic forced traditional institutions to adopt "Zoom University", accelerating online education faster than ever before.
A new wave of coaches, leaders and domain experts is emerging that care about transformation.
They’re teaching skills that universities lack, drawing on hand-on experience and building thriving businesses that change their students' lives in the process.
For the first half of 2020 we had one program — the On Deck Founder Fellowship ("ODF"), run by four “functions”... Candidates, Operations, Experience, and Education.
Coming into 2021, we are entering what may be the *craziest* period in On Deck history.
No fewer than eight programs kick off over the next six weeks, with many more to follow.
It's reasonable to ask: what's the play here? why so many?
It’s time to pull back the curtain 👇👇
We start our journey with the original Founder Fellowship ("ODF").
We asked Fellows: "why did you join? what are your goals?"
They said:
— meet co-founders, early hires
— obtain new knowledge
— make deep, lasting connections
— help others
— build MVP
— raise funding
— more...
There's a remarkable "flywheel" spinning within ODF:
1. People pay $$ to join. 2. we use that revenue to hire amazing people 3. who create/curate an incredible experience 4. which helps members realize a lot of value
After agonising over the decision for days, we made the difficult (and at the time controversial) call to cancel the ODF3 kick-off retreat, and delay programming a month until the threat had "passed" 😔
The earliest education institutions looked nothing like today’s corporate forms of higher education.
Coffeehouses and salons filled with curious individuals, learning together, gave way to bloated administration and a disconnect from the realities of the job market.
Many have tried to unbundle the university.
Massive open online courses (“MOOCs”) unbundled the education component, accelerators and fellowships unbundled the network, and folks like Github and Behance unbundled credentials for specific expertise areas.