The MD guide to the 30 greatest cakes of our youth. In order.
Number 30
Jamaica Ginger Cake.
Jaw dislocating levels of chewiness. Followed by 2 hours of teeth brushing.
Number 29
The chocolate eclair. People were confused and fearful of fresh cream in the 70s and rushed home from the shop to freeze things instantly in case stuff 'went off'. Hence, we never had one that wasn't soggy or partially frozen.
Number 28
School Jam Roly Poly. With identical tasting pink, yellow or ‘chocolate’ skin-heavy custard. Found the old tins near the bins: ‘Imported from Albania’. We thought Albania was in Italy so we were very impressed.
The MD guide to the 40 greatest (and worst) drinks of our youth list. In order.
Number 40
Black Tower wine.
By the age of 14, we'd heard 20 different Scottish pronunciations of Liebfraumilch. Had a sip one Christmas and genuinely thought adults were insane for drinking it.
Number 39
Delivered by an 'uncle' in a brown medicine bottle or a milk bottle with a red rubber stop. Top notes of battery acid, a subtle hint of Duraglit with a lingering Brasso after taste. Tried it one Christmas. Still speaking in tongues on boxing day.